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TTB Ladies Scale


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So I snagged a pack of TTB Kickstarter Multipose figures, and can't help but notice that the ladies are a bit... big.  Bigger than the guys, and a full head taller than existing female Malifaux minis that I've compared to.


Has there been any sort of official statement about this?  Plans to rescale for the general release (which would explain why only the males were at GenCon)?

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Hm, just out of curiosity. If their scale is okay because they are meant for TtB and not Malifaux, thus they don't need to be in scale with Malifaux models, how can they be out of scale with the male TtB characters? Doesn't that still make them out of scale? 

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Both. The men are in scale with Malifaux minis while the ladies are huge compared to either line.

I'm more or less okay with it, but was originally planning on cannibalizing them largely for extra minions, which doesn't feel right any more: they're pretty huge, so will probably only be more imposing minis.

What's odd is that it's mostly the legs (they're not bulky), so it looks like Wyrd tried to accentuate their legs but didn't compensate for the added height by scaling them down a little.

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Zfiend, yeah, it isn't a very strong rationale. Frankly, it feels a little dishonest, and I'd be happier with it if Wyrd had said "sorry guys, we messed up but it costs more than we can afford to fix it" than trying to say it's really okay.

Not complaining as a whole as Wyrd has some great business practices, but this just sticks out as an exception.

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The females work in some rather bizarre ways. Their torsoes and hands are actually smaller than the males' and heads are about the same size. But the ladies have legs that just won't quit.

 It helps if you snip off the bit of ankle/calf and glue their boots directly to the pants. That takes 2-3 mm off them. It also makes them look better, as the pants look like weird highwaters otherwise. 


What I don't like is being told "well they're for a different game, so it doesn't matter what size they are".  Wyrd (and pretty much every mini company) has had scale issues come up - the original plastic ronin, the kneeling samurai, the gigantic flesh golem victim. I'm painting some Union Miners and those guys are crazy big as well.


Just admit the goof, and fix it when you can (like the did with the ronin). But don't try and spin it that I'm wrong to have a concern.

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Not a huge fan of a solution that is predicated upon delicately cutting the notoriously small ankle portions and then gluing said dainty connections back together. I am all for the "hobby" aspect of the game but this is beyond ridiculous. Even more so considering they were supposed to have a secondary purpose of providing conversion parts for the Malifaux line.


Wyrd has a Quality Control issue that needs to be addressed (nothing wrong with that it happens when utilizing a third party manufacture, but admitting it is the key to fixing it not denial). Their models used to garner a lot of praise, now they are becoming a running joke. With each crew release the question is which one is out of scale. I would love to see Wyrd slow down and focus on rebuilding their previous amazing reputation. Fix what is wrong and complete tasks that have been languishing rather than introducing more new things.

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Not a huge fan of a solution that is predicated upon delicately cutting the notoriously small ankle portions and then gluing said dainty connections back together. I am all for the "hobby" aspect of the game but this is beyond ridiculous. Even more so considering they were supposed to have a secondary purpose of providing conversion parts for the Malifaux line.


Wyrd has a Quality Control issue that needs to be addressed (nothing wrong with that it happens when utilizing a third party manufacture, but admitting it is the key to fixing it not denial). Their models used to garner a lot of praise, now they are becoming a running joke. With each crew release the question is which one is out of scale. I would love to see Wyrd slow down and focus on rebuilding their previous amazing reputation. Fix what is wrong and complete tasks that have been languishing rather than introducing more new things.


I could not agree with you more. 

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