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VonShill BubblegumKorps


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Or rather the 1st model of it for now as the rest is in the mail (no more boxed sets left at the LGS, had to order blisters).


The pic is pretty grainy I'm afraid, but shows the colour scheme. Let's just say I didn't want another boring military grey and silver.

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Sigh.....I'm trying to assess if you want a critique or not. Oh well here we go, I hate it. Along with the color choices I can't stand your highlights are too strong and don't appear natural. On the gray areas the Lightest gray is highlighting right, or is it a Dark gray, Middle gray, Light gray como pattern? Is he/she standing on wet gravel? I think the knife handle should be gold and the blade the color it is. Well guess it's not for everyone.


I respect your decision to not go the "boring military grey and silver" route, but feel you went to far "off the rails". There are many other color combinations that are more military like and less wild.



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Nighthater- I have no problem with getting critique, no feelings hurt. The model is indeed meant to stand on wet gravel/semi-muddy surface, so I'm happy that actually worked out.

As for the grey on the armor/weapons it's intermediate with white highlight and black wash. Highlights in general are very thick cause it was to be a test model, but I liked the scheme enough to keep it. The next one will have more of the original colour showing under the highlight.


As for choice of colours, can't help you there ;)



I'm finishing the 2nd one, and my librarian, specialist and trapper (whose rifle turned into a bagel in the transport..thanks god for soft metal) have been delivered. I just need the strongarm and actual Von Schill.

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I think the color choice is brilliant. Not only is it aesthetically interesting, it also helps in game terms; you can certainly pick out that model on a gaming table! It's rather considerate to both yourself and your opponent! And, let's face it... It's a fantasy game. If we really felt we HAD to paint things realistically and historically accurate, we'd have jobs creating dioramas for the National Historical Society (which my grandfather did, actually... heh).


Even the photos are done well. Sure, a little small, maybe a tiny bit grainy, but definitely good enough for posting to the web. Some subtleties are invariably lost in the translation from the eye to the camera, but I think the model still stands on its own.  I think the colors bring the model a sense of attitude, even... "Sure, you can see me coming. Good. That means I can see the abject horror in your eyes while I gut you." ;)


Well done! I can't wait to see the rest!

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  • 2 months later...

Well done, they look very smart!

I especially love the highlights on Von Schill - they work splendidly well. The ones on the dress and the parasol - super slick! Maybe a bit more depth to the shadows but I think that the pic washes them out a bit so it might be just that.

One thing that you could consider still, would be to add some tufts of dead grass onto the bases - would liven them up very nicely. Something like the Army Painter Wasteland tufts or Highland tufts:


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