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July FAQ/errata



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OK, thinking more about the 10" not reducible Expunge... last thing McMourning needs is to be more lethal, so I'd suggest making it work on all claw attacks (so nothing beast doesn't get screwed out of it) and call it a day. Though it would make me sad to not be able to shoot with Seamus from 4"... was a great way to take out a Viktoria quick and proper.

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Good catch indeed. Never even considered ranged into the equation but an expunge that can't be prevented in a 10" range is pure murder right there. Seamus can also get some good use with focus and shooting without having to be close, though his low cadence of fire keeps it more honest. Outside of that... our ranged options are crap, so less worried there. Merc wise, Hans is the big fat red flag. Don't know if there is another ranged focus merc to look out for.


Expunge is 8" and a (0), it's only going off once a turn and requires a fair bit of setup, I don't really see that much of a problem with it. I do play Mcmourning so my opinion may be a bit skewed, but I've only managed to summon Flesh constructs a handful of times, as when I kill several models a game with him it's when I'm playing as guild or don't have the summoning upgrade, or I do but he's off objective running or he's dead too quickly. 

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Merc wise, Hans is the big fat red flag. Don't know if there is another ranged focus merc to look out for.


I think I would be personally fine with my opponent taking Hans, paying his mercenary fee, and then putting Decaying Aura on him for another 2ss.  Not only does that make him very expensive, you can also just discard two cards when he targets your Master to cancel the action.  That makes the odds of him focusing and firing a super-shot into your head less of an issue.  And hey, at least he's not shooting off your upgrades, right?  :P


Honestly, I'd be more worried about Decaying Aura Convict Gunslingers, but even then, with the Decaying Aura cost that makes them pretty expensive after their Mercenary tax (you could just take a Rogue Necromancy for about the same cost) so I'm not especially worried about that becoming the new black. 




As for McMourning's Expunge...it's only once per turn, and all the change really did for him was double the range of his "no soulstone expunge" from 4" to 8" while preventing it from shutting down any other non-target models around him.  It's a little bit of a boost for him, but I don't think it's too much to make it a problem. 


Seamus's gun gets a pretty good boost, but you can still spend a soulstone on your model's defense (giving you a :+fate  to your Df flip and Seamus a :-fate  to his damage flip) if he shoots you.  That helps to mitigate the bonus of any Focused Condition that he might have and usually drops the damage down to a more reasonable level.  

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Expunge is 8" and a (0), it's only going off once a turn and requires a fair bit of setup, I don't really see that much of a problem with it. I do play Mcmourning so my opinion may be a bit skewed, but I've only managed to summon Flesh constructs a handful of times, as when I kill several models a game with him it's when I'm playing as guild or don't have the summoning upgrade, or I do but he's off objective running or he's dead too quickly. 

Well, I've had games with the good doctor where I have gotten 4 Flesh Constructs and it's still 9 damage BAM, no prevention, Toshiro is easy to oneshot for example with this setup and preping the poison bomb hasn't really been dificult at all in my experience.

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Well, I've had games with the good doctor where I have gotten 4 Flesh Constructs and it's still 9 damage BAM, no prevention, Toshiro is easy to oneshot for example with this setup and preping the poison bomb hasn't really been dificult at all in my experience.


I've been on the receiving end of the Posion bomb when combined with No SS or Healing and I thought it was utterly horrific. Extending the range of the no SS use on Expunge in my opinion makes it a hell of a lot worse. At least you still get the chance to heal if it's used at over 5" away but it's still not much consolidation watching your master get expunged for 9 then having McMourning charge in to finish the job with all 3 actions. Especially after being Lured a few times or Paralyzed by a Nurse. Not a fun experience at all. 

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I've been on the receiving end of the Posion bomb when combined with No SS or Healing and I thought it was utterly horrific. Extending the range of the no SS use on Expunge in my opinion makes it a hell of a lot worse. At least you still get the chance to heal if it's used at over 5" away but it's still not much consolidation watching your master get expunged for 9 then having McMourning charge in to finish the job with all 3 actions. Especially after being Lured a few times or Paralyzed by a Nurse. Not a fun experience at all. 


I'm not discounting your opinion, but just to put things in perspective a bit, what combat-focused Master won't mess someone up with a full activation dedicated to erasing a model from the board?  Perdita, Justice, Ophelia, Lilith, the Viktorias, Mah Tucket...drawing the full ire of any of those Masters is pretty much a death sentence for anyone, even for an enemy Master.  


At least McMourning has to do some work to set up the Expunge, you know? In our meta, "Kill the guy with Transfusion ASAP" has becomes a fairly standard tactic when fighting against McMourning, as it really limits the amount of damage he can deal with Expunge. 

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I'm not discounting your opinion, but just to put things in perspective a bit, what combat-focused Master won't mess someone up with a full activation dedicated to erasing a model from the board?  Perdita, Justice, Ophelia, Lilith, the Viktorias, Mah Tucket...drawing the full ire of any of those Masters is pretty much a death sentence for anyone, even for an enemy Master.  


At least McMourning has to do some work to set up the Expunge, you know? In our meta, "Kill the guy with Transfusion ASAP" has becomes a fairly standard tactic when fighting against McMourning, as it really limits the amount of damage he can deal with Expunge. 


Solid, solid points.

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I'm not discounting your opinion, but just to put things in perspective a bit, what combat-focused Master won't mess someone up with a full activation dedicated to erasing a model from the board?  Perdita, Justice, Ophelia, Lilith, the Viktorias, Mah Tucket...drawing the full ire of any of those Masters is pretty much a death sentence for anyone, even for an enemy Master.  


At least McMourning has to do some work to set up the Expunge, you know? In our meta, "Kill the guy with Transfusion ASAP" has becomes a fairly standard tactic when fighting against McMourning, as it really limits the amount of damage he can deal with Expunge. 


True, I hear what you are saying Mindshred. The issue I have is when you get jumped by Lady J or the Viks you can SS for defense or prevention, what makes McMournings Decaying Poison bomb worse is you can't heal or prevent any of the damage when also having a melee fiend like McMourning tearing you out a new backside and healing himself at the same damn time it becomes incredibly frustrating. To me it just seems a little over the top.


Killing the guy with Transfusion is always easier said than done as well as a savy opponent simple wont let you or will at least make it really challenging to do that. For example. Take a couple of Belles and double Lure, Companion, Double Lure to single out a target such as the enemy Master (Preferably after they have activated) then use Seb to Transfusion then Accomplice McMourning to Expunge then Charge or Charge then Expunge. Either way there is little to bugger all you can do to save yourself let alone heal up or prevent Dmg or give yourself  :+fate Df flips. It's not a pleasant experience for anybody. Either way It's just my opinion, I don't like how this new Decaying Aura will interact with McMourning or Seamus, to me at least it seems like potentially this is worse for some masters and more balanced for the others. Either way, I've said my peace, only time will tell how it turns out. 

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I think those are certainly solid points, and I can certainly see where you're coming from with your concern.


However, it's worth noting that if the opponent is devoting a couple Belles to lure a single model out into the open, then using Sebastian to move Poison from one of your Poisoned models (presumably a Flesh Construct) to the target, then using McMourning to Expunge them, it's not McMourning killing your model, it's McMourning and about a third to half of his crew killing your model.  There's probably a Nurse spending some AP in there to get the Flesh Construct up to Poison +4 in the first place, so you have to take that into consideration as well.   And even after all of that you still have a few chances to prevent it, either by winning the Transfusion duel or the Expunge duel itself. 


I know that it's a big burst of damage at the end of all that that is pretty impressive, but there are other crews in the game that will do a whole lot more murdering with the same amount of AP and free actions spent towards that end. 

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Still not seeing it to be honest. If lady J is 8" away she charges you and even with the ability to use ss you are still most likely dead because her min damage is so high, and with multiple strikes she has a better chance to pull severe off on the enemy on one of those strikes.

I think its a good thing to keep an eye on, and the concerns brought up are valid, although I think that in most cases using ss for df instead of dmg reduction is often as good a use for them as for prevention.

As a final note, something no one seems to have considered is that all we know is that the no dmg prevention clause is being split off on its own. Who is to say it won't also be a 4" aura that causes those within the aura to not be able to use ss when targeted by attacks by the model holding the upgrade?

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As a final note, something no one seems to have considered is that all we know is that the no dmg prevention clause is being split off on its own. Who is to say it won't also be a 4" aura that causes those within the aura to not be able to use ss when targeted by attacks by the model holding the upgrade?


The updated card says so.

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As a final note, something no one seems to have considered is that all we know is that the no dmg prevention clause is being split off on its own. Who is to say it won't also be a 4" aura that causes those within the aura to not be able to use ss when targeted by attacks by the model holding the upgrade?


As it is currently written on the card, it is two different abilities, so the aura range does not have any influece on it.

(The card is available in the download section).


EDIT: Ninja´ed from Hungary ;)

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Attack Actions and Abilities are two separate things, yes.

Catalyst / Induction are Abilities. Expunge is an Attack Action. Both cannot have their damage prevented with the new Decaying Aura.

Edit: Induction is the 2 additional damage per Poison, right? Is all the damage unpreventable or can 1 of it be prevented, since it comes from Poison and not Induction?

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Edit: Induction is the 2 additional damage per Poison, right? Is all the damage unpreventable or can 1 of it be prevented, since it comes from Poison and not Induction?

Thats... a pretty good question. I'd consider making it just actions to keep ability confusion like this out of it? I mean, technically, only the +2 extra are from Induction, but then, is the damage from Catalyst non preventable either?

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Induction: Enemy models within :aura 6 that suffer damage from the Poison Condition suffer an additional 2 damage from the Poison Condition.


So, after re-reading, that's not too bad......you can still SS Prevent to stop the first point of poison because poison itself isn't an Action or Ability....and since you didn't suffer damage from poison, you don't take the extra 2.


Seems like a potentially decent SS drain, and the Expunge may be an issue.....but I do agree that it requires set-up and Lady J with that amount of set-up would be just as bad....


.....the perception is possibly worse because it's one massive shot of damage rather than being able to duel over each hit.


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