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Wild West board finished!

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Thanks guys

There really isn't an awful lot to go on in terms of scale when it comes to Malifaux. We know it is set at 32 mm which I understand is the height from floor to eyelevel however the characters that make up the different crews and factions are so diverse in height, scale and build that it is difficult to get a true impression of what the scale should be. I tend to work on 6mm=1foot so going on the height of a standard door being 6'6" then I would make it approximately 4 cm high.

The buildings for my Malifaux Wild West board have been mainly constructed using lolly sticks and coffee stirrers and so the length of which have dictated the height, width and depth of the buildings.

I would say go on the basis of if it looks right then chances are it's going to be right. That's the beauty of fantasy wargaming, you don't have to be deadly accurate when constructing scenery.

I am thinking of putting together a few short video tutorials on how to construct some of these wooden buildings. If anybody is interested I will gladly send you a link to view them.

Best wishes.


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Thanks guys

There really isn't an awful lot to go on in terms of scale when it comes to Malifaux. We know it is set at 32 mm which I understand is the height from floor to eyelevel however the characters that make up the different crews and factions are so diverse in height, scale and build that it is difficult to get a true impression of what the scale should be. I tend to work on 6mm=1foot so going on the height of a standard door being 6'6" then I would make it approximately 4 cm high.

The buildings for my Malifaux Wild West board have been mainly constructed using lolly sticks and coffee stirrers and so the length of which have dictated the height, width and depth of the buildings.

I would say go on the basis of if it looks right then chances are it's going to be right. That's the beauty of fantasy wargaming, you don't have to be deadly accurate when constructing scenery.

I am thinking of putting together a few short video tutorials on how to construct some of these wooden buildings. If anybody is interested I will gladly send you a link to view them.

Best wishes.


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