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starting with seamus

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Ive got the seamus box set. I played my first game yesterday, really enjoyed it even tho lost seamus in the first turn, made the mistake of putting him out there, unprotected. Im only really playing seamus cause Im waiting for molly to come out. Im using madame sybelle as my henchman but I do like mortimer too but unsure who would be best?

Im also thinking of getting some other minions in addition to my belles. My preferences would be, the hanged, necropunk and canine remains. Anybody got any suggestions on what would work well with molly when I get her and also what will benefit seamus while I use him in the meantime? And also my damage felt a little low with the starter box bu my boyfriend thinks this is possibly because I lost seamus early on

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  You've got two options with Molly, you can run her as a Spirit summoner or as a Horror summoner. Have a look through the arsenal decks and see which of those might appeal to you. The Hanged are quite frankly awesome models that can really control areas of the board, and have some truly nasty attacks. They're Spirits so Molly could use them as part of her Spirit path, although to summon them you'd need to keep a 13 Crows in your hand to get him out. Necropunks and Canine remains are good scheme runners in any Ressurectionist crew, good speed and some lovely extras to make them useful on the board (Leap for Necros and DF Cuddles for the remains). Spirit path could also take Jaakune Ubume, who is a real beast in the centre of the board.


  I play McMourning but I have Belles and Hanged in my crew, one of the things that I really enjoy about the Ressers is that there are very few models that aren't fluffy for any of the Masters.

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This could sound really condescending (it's not meant to be lol!) but how did you lose Seamus on Turn 1? Don't forget you can burn SS to prevent damage if your getting wittled away, and with Impossible to Wound your opponent can't cheat damage, and Hard to Kill as a last line of defence and that's not even considering Mad Haberdashery or Sinister Reputation upgrades for damage prevention and more healing.


Anyway, some models that work well with Seamus are:


The Hanged - Works well with anybody really its just solid as a model, plus a few nice Wp Horror duels and stuff that Seamus likes in his crews


Yin - Again, just a solid all round model with some nice Wp related stuff


Dead Doxies - Seamus can summon them and they have a very nice debuff on their more advanced Lure


Crooked Men - Excellent survivability vs Shooty crews due to their many buffs against ranged attacks, as well as some solid abilities (a really underrated model I find)


Flesh Construct - Its cheap, solid and with 13 Wounds and basically regen 1 as it heals of its poison, it is an excellent damage sponge, and as its a 40mm base can be great for Seamus to Back Alley behind to get out of LoS.


Nurses - They are apparently solid models in this edition, although I am yet to try them.



Canine Remains and Necropunks are ok models, but they don't really do anything specifically for Seamus . If your planning on using Molly down the line then Crooligans and Rogue Necromancy could world well with Seamus. Crooligans have some great abilities for 4ss and a Rogue Necromancy is just a solid big nasty model.


Hope that helps.



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Thanks for the info guys. Its been a big help. Im reluctant to buy wave 2 metal models, id rather wait till they are plastics.

Ive read up on yin and im thinking of proxying her.

Definitely going to go for the hanged and Im tempted to have at least 1 nurse.

And im thinking im going to play molly as horror as it looks more fun.

Thanks again

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Ive got the seamus box set. I played my first game yesterday, really enjoyed it even tho lost seamus in the first turn, made the mistake of putting him out there, unprotected. Im only really playing seamus cause Im waiting for molly to come out. Im using madame sybelle as my henchman but I do like mortimer too but unsure who would be best?

Im also thinking of getting some other minions in addition to my belles. My preferences would be, the hanged, necropunk and canine remains. Anybody got any suggestions on what would work well with molly when I get her and also what will benefit seamus while I use him in the meantime? And also my damage felt a little low with the starter box bu my boyfriend thinks this is possibly because I lost seamus early on

You must be Izikial's girlfriend. I'm the guy that gave him the big post about Molly/ Seamus and convinced him to convince you to pick up Seamus. I don't have the time to do it now (I have a work-related dinner to get ready for) but I'll type you up a nice little Seamus-primer when I get a chance. 


For now, use your Belles to Lure forward/ isolate one enemy model and then have Seamus Focus and shoot it with his pistol or have Sybelle charge it or Lure into a group of Belles clustered together so they can all get Pounce attacks off. It will die. Rinse and repeat. 


For now, here: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+Seamus


That's a link to a Malifaux strategy wiki. It'll have some decent info for you on Seamus, and you can use it to look up your other models as well. 

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I'm becoming a huge fan of Crooligans, they are such great objective runners. They are really hard to run down due to their teleport. I would definitely be tempted by them and they work with all versions of Molly as well.


Hanged are also really sweet. They can be a real pain and with their ability to float through walls they work very nicely with Seamus' style.. Lure the enemy towards you, float your Hanged to get LOS WP duel them down to half wounds before Seamus focus shoots them.

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I'm becoming a huge fan of Crooligans, they are such great objective runners. They are really hard to run down due to their teleport. I would definitely be tempted by them and they work with all versions of Molly as well.

Hanged are also really sweet. They can be a real pain and with their ability to float through walls they work very nicely with Seamus' style.. Lure the enemy towards you, float your Hanged to get LOS WP duel them down to half wounds before Seamus focus shoots them.

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she lost again, we used a wood in the centre, and it freaked her out, she got the rules but got a bit on tilt using something she didn't know, she was a bit to defensive with Seamus and didn't use him much in the first 3 turns (i think she is settled into a happy medium now), she doesn't like what syble dose and wants to swap for Mortimer, we also forgot corpse counters, I don't use them so I wasn't thinking about them, we didn't remember till turn  4 when I had killed all but 1 belle and Seamus.

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As someone who has started with Seamus, here are a few things I have picked up:

-Seamus and his hand cannon are amazing at dropping people from range (8 on severe will kill most things outright). I found that for his 3 AP I go with 1AP Focus, then burn Focus for 1AP shoot (which usually negates the - flip on damage, so I can cheat up), then 1AP shoot again in case they aren't dead. Alternatively, he is a good scheme/strat runner (with Back Alley) or can quickly get in to a better shooting position. I always take Mad Haberdasher upgrade, just in case my opponent gets a lucky hit on to him.

-Bouncing enemies with Belles is fun, especially effective if you have a Strat that means everyone is going for the middle of the board. Activate first Belle, 1AP Lure into range for Pounce and then 1AP Ml attack. Then Companion activate the next Belle and repeat. Even though Belles don't have high damage, they can put the hurt on with repeated dragging. It also came in useful playing against my friends Sorrows, because I can (usually) always start out of their aura but drag models around where I want them. Also useful for dragging models around to get clear shots with Seamus.

-Sybelle is really great for supporting Belles, especially with her upgrade that makes people walk +2 when Lure is used. Makes dragging models around even easier

-Copycat Killers 0AP to teleport to Seamus can also be useful, even just to get some more shooting attacks onto a model (his gun is still pretty strong)

Have only played starter crew games so far, so this is all I can offer model wise. Personally, I can see Mortimer being really useful with Seamus because of his ability to drop corpse markers for Seamus to summon off. I can also see me picking up Nurses, not sure if they are good but I like the models

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A bit of a tricky combat plan for Seamus is to give him the Red Chapel Killer and Corpse Bloat upgrades. Making use of the lowered Wp with the exploding markers is a real pain for opponents to handle, and Seamus can easily produce Corpse Markers via "You Don't Need A Spleen, Right?" since he can easily heal the damage suffered when procuring them (by making them pop, no less). Corpse Bloat is found in the Wave 1 Resurrectionists Arsenal Pack, if that is of any help to you when looking for it.


Generally, taking Back Alley to get right in the foe's face for the sake of exploding bodies is pretty darn risky if you are worried about surviving the inevitable onslaught to follow, so adding Rotten Belles to Lure Seamus back to position is a good tactic as well. I hope this helps. And sorry, Izikial! :P


~Lil Kalki

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-Seamus and his hand cannon are amazing at dropping people from range (8 on severe will kill most things outright). I found that for his 3 AP I go with 1AP Focus, then burn Focus for 1AP shoot (which usually negates the - flip on damage, so I can cheat up), then 1AP shoot again in case they aren't dead.



Unfortunately, Seamus can only fire his gun once per turn.

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Unfortunately, Seamus can only fire his gun once per turn.

Thought it was too good to be true. Is that malifaux wide or just Seamus?

EDIT: never mind, just read the card again. Still good to Focus then shoot, and get the Copycat to finish the job

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Thought it was too good to be true. Is that malifaux wide or just Seamus?

EDIT: never mind, just read the card again. Still good to Focus then shoot, and get the Copycat to finish the job


Yup, which works pretty well.


Our local player takes the Sinister Reputation upgrade so that he can use Live for Pain to finish models off after he's shot his gun. 

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Yup, which works pretty well.


Our local player takes the Sinister Reputation upgrade so that he can use Live for Pain to finish models off after he's shot his gun.

Ironically the Copy Cat doesn't have any such restriction so can fire his hand cannon twice. The only downside is he's pushed backwards. However if you TP him with his (0) in front of Seamus, Seamus blocks this push so you can take 2 shots and not move.

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Ironically the Copy Cat doesn't have any such restriction so can fire his hand cannon twice. The only downside is he's pushed backwards. However if you TP him with his (0) in front of Seamus, Seamus blocks this push so you can take 2 shots and not move.

I like to pretend it's Seamus propping him up, like an endearing father and son moment, but with murder and top hats.

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Ok so I lost again... im thinking im going to get mortimer to try him out im not really feelin sybelle.

I think I would have had a bit of a better chance if we had remembered the corpse counters but I think I still would have lost.

I need to remember to use my back ally action for seamus and pick the right schemes for my fraction.

Any ideas on what sort of plan I should have against lynch?

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Take sinister rep for feast on fears to take out Huggy (with it being a Ca action it ignores incoporeal), take a hanged and neuter his illuminated by denyiing them regeneration and halfing their wounds, counter charge with Sybelle and soulstone for a crow to get with a flourish. Look to resurrect rotten belles & drsd doxies. Lynch is a mostly a living crew and will drop corpse counters.

When you decide to expand, look to add a beater and a utility model like Bete Noir and a convict Gunslinger, and some dedicated objective runners will free up Seamus to do what he does best, kill things.

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ok, another loss for her, I took levi at her request, and she proxied some stuff, unluckily we get reckoning, murder prot and make them suffer, I tabled her by turn 4, so I don't think any hand hints will help at this point, im going to give a bit more advice (my original tact was let her do what she wants that way she will feel powerful), but next game im going to give her a lot of advice and actively try to beat my self so she can see were to power in her crew is, she's still not using lure quite right.


do ressers have any op stand alone models like how the guild dose, models that don't need synergy's to work and just have good raw stats and output

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They're not OP, but Ressers do have some pretty good stand-alone models that don't need much support. 


* The Valedictorian is a good "hurt things" henchman, with good mobility. 

* Punk Zombies are good "I stab things" models that don't need much other support. 

* Necropunks are useful scheme runners who don't need any support from the rest of their crew. 



Out of curiosity, how many points are you playing?  Have you tried a game without any upgrades at all? 

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