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Michaud paints... Guild!


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Hi everyone, here are the first few Malifaux models I've painted.  Fun models to paint!


There are a few more photos available at http://thereforthenoise.blogspot.com/ if you are interested.



I think I need more light for the next round of photos though. 



Comments and feedback are welcome! 







I've also started working on a Death Marshall, and an Executioner.




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Thanks guys!



That's a fine looking red. I like that you shaded it with a darker "black".  I usually use a purple but it doesn't get quite as dark as I want it to be.


Never thought about shading it with purple... That would be a cool effect.  I used Vallejo Model Color German Camo Black Brown, #70.822.  You could also try hitting your red with a really small amount of a dark green, that would get it dark, but still keep some of the red tones.



You know what's awesome about these minis...   I get to see them in person!


Stuff looks amazing, I love the overall theme of them, very visually stunning/pleasing 


Look forward to more of your stuff, get at it!


Haha, thanks Ian! We'll have to get a game in soon, when I can actually get up to the club.  I've been dying to play some more.



I've finished up the Death Marshall last night, too.  Still have to touch up some of the yellow on the flames from where I spilled some of the wash on the coffin.  Just noticed the nasty little mold line under the hat, too.  





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Thanks everyone! 


Great looking crew! makes me want to start painting my Sonia crew.  my only reservation is Sonia's mask.  not sure if you knew it was a mask or not, but i'd rather see it more of an iron color.  


I did know it was a mask, but I wasn't digging how it looked, so I repainted it as skin.  Might go back and do it as a metallic once I pickup the alternate Sonnia.



Managed to finish up Lady J, The Judge, and another Death Marshall as well.  I took a shot of my finished Guild to date, too.  As always, a few more shots at http://thereforthenoise.blogspot.com/.





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Looks real nice. I love the contrast on the death marshal coffins. They really stand out




How are you doing your red? I have a hard time making mine stand out nice and bright. Are you base-coating white, black...?


I cheat a bit, I have an airbrush.  I prime with Vallejo Grey Primer, and then spray Vallejo German Camo Black Brown as a basecoat.


Then its:


Vallejo Model Color 822 = German Camo Black Brown
Vallejo Model Color 908 = Carmine Red
Vallejo Model Color 909 = Vermillion
Vallejo Model Color 915 = Deep Yellow
Base of 822.
Highlight 2:1 822:908.
Highlight 1:2 822:908.
Highlight 908
Highlight 1:1 908:909
Highlight 909
Line Highlight 1:1 909:915
The parts that aren't the base layer of German Camo Black Brown also get glazed once or twice with 10:1 (Matt Medium):(paint of 2:1 822:908) to bring them together.
Hope that helps!
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Are those the cobblestone bases from SecretWeaponMiniatures?


Yes they are, they are really nice.  Big fan.



That is an interesting way to paint. Put down the shade first and build upon it. I'll have to try that out. Currently, I'm just applying the midtone in 3 layers, then shade and highlighting.


I always had trouble "coloring in the lines" and missing spots when dropping the shade tone in over the midtone, so I started doing things this way.  Takes a couple more midtone coats, but I have to make less corrections overall.


Finished the Executioner last night.  Need to paint up his base, though.  


Overall I'm happy, but I think I need to add a color to the main "claw body" part, where his hands would be.  That area is kind of boring.  I'm thinking black.  Any suggestions?




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  • 4 months later...

Thanks, zFiend!


Guild McMourning... nice, looking forward to seeing he on the table top...


Did you get yourself a Lucius box set?


Just need to paint up Sebastian and he'll slot into my normal Guild master rotation.  Excited to get him and 'Dita on the field soon.


I didn't pick up a Lucius set during Gencon, but will be getting one when he's out for regular release in a couple of weeks.  The lawyers look like fun with McM.  I also want to try out a Performer with him as well.

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