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Where did Misaki go?!

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SOOO i have been playing Misaki by proxy, waiting and waiting to get that email saying they are back in stock. But when i went to offical malifaux site. Misaki's box set is not even listed. Now i know they are probable out of stock and that's why its not showing up but she is out of stock everywhere. Just wondering if anyone had any info as to when they tend to restock or *i hate to say it* are they putting the 1st waves box sets on hiatus till they release the 2nd wave.

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I don't think it will be pulled until wave 2 is out - that would be a long way away and very strange.


It's probably something simple, like they've stopped having the boxes with old cards in stock and are just getting the boxes with new cards sorted out. There's likely just a lull in stock while that kind of thing gets done and the sets get back into the distribution chain.


Other than that vague thought, I have no idea of timings or anything I'm afraid.

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I couldn't find stock at any of the US online stores I have bookmarked.  I did find stock at Combat Company, Underground Wargames (AU) and The Troll Trader, Arcane Miniatures and Valiant Wargames (UK).


If your in a rush maybe consider an import, although it's probably cheaper to wait for the eventual restock.

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I remember reading that Misaki's box was getting a re-design into the M2E packaging style. Presumably other 10T masters will follow, but she was the one that was mentioned.


I suspect this is behind the delay - perhaps Wyrd are waiting on delivery of the new packaging.

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What Mike said above (and I think a couple others, sorry, already a long morning!).


The plastics that were released before M2E have had their boxes updated visually to match the M2E packaging so that there is no question whether or not it contains the proper cards, etc (there has been some confusion understandably, even with the M2E updated stickers on them). 


That is also one of those 'messy' boxes if I recall correctly where everything was just sort of 'shotgunned' onto the sprue and you had to have a color guide to figure out what was what on those. We've learned from those early mistakes and we're having the tooling on those reworked so that the sprue will be cleaner and 'organized' like the current sprues coming out, which will hopefully make it less confusing to build this set, particularly as popular as it is. That won't happen immediately (sorry for anyone that gets a 'chaos' sprue), but we're working on it. 


In the mean time, we are awaiting the new packaging (I expect it should arrive within two to three weeks) and as soon as it becomes available, we'll get it out to distributors and customers as quickly as possible. 

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But... But... The chaos sprue was great! I nearly ended up with several converted Torakage :D

That's awesome to hear the early ten thunders are getting a retool as well as new box art. Does that leave you able to release the minions separately too?

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