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Well what a wealth of info that was thank you for the replies, especially the moderators and administrators getting involved. Improvements are coming in.


Where is this Malifaux Chronicles then?? whats the url.


Oh and Games workshop have all painted Mini's

So does Dark-age.

So 'did' Rackham.

Priveteer press do

Dropshop does.

Crocodile games do

Urban Mammoth do.

Infinity-game do.

Helldorado do.


That argument about photo re-touching and intimidating would-be painters with experts work is absolute TOSH and Lies as none of these other companies let it stop them. Two years ago I acquired the catalogue for all the miniature sets for Malifaux (and as a long standing fan of miniature games) I was bowled over with how ingenius and fresh all Malifauxs ideas are. Can I find OUT ANY background info out about this massive world without buying a starter book NO NO and no (Huge sigh)

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I've seen the comments people used to make about the painted ones. They wanted to see unpainted ones so there wasn't any trickery. 


I've also done commission work and know a lot of commission painters, and that extra step is a bunch of delays and complications. 


Just because other companies made different decisions to Wyrd doesn't mean that someone high up at Wyrd is lying when they explain their reasoning. People complain if you put painted ones up, complain if you put the sprues up, complain if you put renders up... there's no way to win at this (unless you do all of them, then people complain about the increased time and cost of it all instead), so Wyrd chose the method that removes a complicated and delay causing step from the process of producing stuff.


I"m interested to see the coming changes though. The whole web side of things is improving, it's just taking some time.

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Painted mini's with background FACTION information SELL. And the survival of a miniature game company is sales!! End of. And why has this thread of mine not showing the views or how many replys then?.-very odd. I guise I will have to spend an awful long time finding all the faction miniatures through the miracle of google then. Ridiculous.

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That argument about photo re-touching and intimidating would-be painters with experts work is absolute TOSH and Lies as none of these other companies let it stop them. Two years ago I acquired the catalogue for all the miniature sets for Malifaux (and as a long standing fan of miniature games) I was bowled over with how ingenius and fresh all Malifauxs ideas are. Can I find OUT ANY background info out about this massive world without buying a starter book NO NO and no (Huge sigh)


There's a decent lengthy history section on the Malifaux site, just under overview. Also, each faction section gives the rundown on each faction.


Honestly, while it could be improved, the website was a big enough draw to help convince me to get into the game. I prefer it over *GW's because of the fluffy flavoring and as a newbie to the whole miniature scene I found it much more noob-friendly.


*Please note, I'm not bashing GW's site. Just saying if you don't know Warhammer or their other games, it's not real helpful.

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Painted mini's with background FACTION information SELL. And the survival of a miniature game company is sales!! End of. And why has this thread of mine not showing the views or how many replys then?.-very odd. I guise I will have to spend an awful long time finding all the faction miniatures through the miracle of google then. Ridiculous.


And unpainted minis with background faction information also sell... as do painted minis with no information, or unpainted minis with no information. And those same parameters also may end up not selling in large numbers, or at all. Kingdom Death sells its product with unpainted pictures, and no one can say they aren't successful. There is no map to sales. To declare 'This is the pathway to success' is to be unaware of the way marketing works. For me, I prefer unpainted pictures. Always have. Not because I think there's any sorts of fancy shenanigans going on with hiding flaws, but because it lets me get a good idea of the model and lets me imagine my own colors on it. I've seen some models painted where I absolutely hated it... then saw the unpainted sculpt and loved it. Everyone wants and expects something different. What you are looking for is not what I'm looking for. Does that mean one of us is right, the other wrong? Or that one of us is better? No.


And beyond that, it is expensive and time consuming to do painted models. A lot of the places you mentioned have in house painters who work only for those companies. Many of them have more than one. Plus, it would mean that the delays we have in getting models now would be worse, because the models would need to be finalized, shipped to Wyrd, painted, then the box art can be generated, and then things could be released to the customer. Wyrd has made a decision on what they want to do. It isn't yours. It's still their right to make that decision.

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I agree that the website needs more regular updates but I don't have any issues with the layout and it's a shame that there isn't more readily available fluff for the game given that's what attracts so many of us to it in the first place. I suppose though you have to expect these limitations from a small company as opposed to a behemoth like GW especially during a time of transition between game editions. 

My advice to Wyrd would be to focus attention on providing the best framework and tools for their community to stay connected, get involved and fill in the blanks.

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TL;DR I think there is plenty of lore to read on the website. Very easy to navigate to. More website updates would be nice, a little outdated (download section on website shows Chronicles 9 when we are on 11).





Both give a nice intro. Then we have


-> Downloads


And look! 9 free downloadable magazines with pictures, information, lore, stories, painting tips, models, fan pics, and more. Really there are now 11 of these free downloadable magazines.  They just started asking for more pictures to show off their cool miniatures and fan work. This forum has an entire sub forum on people's painted miniatures. The grey renders show the detail of the minis, some research online shows you what can be done with it. 


AND THEN there is a link to this forum. Which is a wealth of knowledge. That the staff is completely part of. That is cool. 


I don't agree that you need access to all the lore for free. Buy their product and show your support. There is interest in the lore and maybe they will publish the old lore that was in the earlier rulebooks. That would be neat.


When I get to shopping for a new novel, I really like it when there is a preview chapter available so I can get a flavor of what the book is about, and how the author writes. I don't get peeved when they only show me one chapter. If I like the style, I invest in the first book. If I like it, I get the rest of the series.


I am very impressed with Wyrd as a company overall. I've had nothing but good experiences. This company is so involved with their fans it is ridiculous. They have completely overhauled not one, but two of their large divisions, and come out with an RPG, and a really awesome boardgame, and (3?) card games in the last YEAR. While attending trade shows, yada yada yada. (oh and when they go to event's like gen con--they give the same sales online- so people that aren't able to come can still benefit and not feel left out. how cool is THAT!)


Yeah, they could benefit from having more regular updates to the sites, but they are awesome enough to maintain a malifaux site, a puppet wars site, a forum, and maintain a presence on boardgamegeek.com. Give them some wiggle room. 


Yep, I'm a fan. This is a really neat company. I fell in love with puppet wars, then took a risk on evil baby orphanage (and loved it), and finally in the last couple months have dove right into Malifaux. 


I guess I'm wondering why the OP is so invested in questioning Wyrd's marketing and PR. And I find the caps, and the passive aggressive icon, and the first post entirely more confusing than perusing a website with a simple side bar navigation. 

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Honestly, the lore aspect of Malifaux is what got me into this game. I love this setting, there's so much with it. And I've gotten the chance to add to it, with the Writing Room (which Wyrd didn't have to provide). Hell, if it wasn't for Wyrd giving us fans a place to write fanfiction and our own interpretations of the lore, I wouldn't be writing again! And I've been lucky enough to be published in the Chronicles because of that. Makes me a bit of a fanboy, I suppose, but I'll not complain about that. ;)

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As with anything, it takes time, resources and money - any one of which may be hard to come by at a given time. :)


Is that like the problem where you have a chicken, a fox, and some grain? You have to try and get time, resources and money to the other side of the river, but resources eats money, and time eats the chicken?


Wait, that's not quite right... 

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My two cents...


Malifaux gives you AMAZING art that is pretty damn close to the 3d model on the box and what you get. Since gaming is at least 60% imagination, if not more, i find the art supplied to be more than enough to inspire me, and make me purchase the model. 


I was originally frustrated by what i conceived to be a lack of lore, then after a few hours at most of research i found that i could start reading the chronicles, then pick up all the old rule books (cheap as hell from the website-7 bucks each) and i had in my hands, amazing stories and awesome art. If you really love lore, you owe it to yourself to pick up the books, they can't just give it all away, but at the price they basically are.


The website is in a bad way, i too have had to explain to more people the current state and what is going on. These people are also new or newer to gaming, and need explaining in general. With all the changes, amazing new models and basic rerelease of everything, i am happy that sales are up, and look forward to the ReLaunch of a fully stocked and loaded M2E. Then we can be like, oh man i remember when...


So get on board now, and do a little extra work, or wait a little while and come back. We'll still be here. :)

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Won't banter one way or another about painted minis - like them - but not bothering with them and if it's a killer for interest for folks then that's just gotta be it. Quite frankly when we started showing renders everyone cried the world was falling and that it was the end of all things. Guess what .. sales have increased pretty damn well, and I get just as many folks saying 'thanks' as I hear 'boo' over the renders on the box.


With the renders, you get what you see and I think we've done a good job in being faithful to our artwork. 


As for the website getting update as well as additional content, we've recently refocused a few things and it is one of those 'biggies' for us to make the website more than just a forum wayside. It's not going to happen overnight, but we'll be putting a lot more work into Chronicles, supplements for both Malifaux as well as Through the Breach, and a bevy of contests which we used to be well known for (painting, writing and a few others). 


As with anything, it takes time, resources and money - any one of which may be hard to come by at a given time. :)

Hey, if You need some unpaid labor on the website, I'll volunteer. It'd be good for my resume. :D



Just because other companies made different decisions to Wyrd doesn't mean that someone high up at Wyrd is lying when they explain their reasoning.


I"m interested to see the coming changes though. The whole web side of things is improving, it's just taking some time.

isn't it S.O.P. to assume that Wyrd are lying about everything? And there is one definite downside to the new forums, at least—the automatic merging of double posts is gone. That feature was really nice. still, overall, much nicer functionally.


but yeah, many of those other companies have much poorer general communication, and honestly, I can't see Wyrd keeping the shipments in the warehouse any longer than they have to, with the larger boxes necessary for the plastics and the fact that the stated reason they initially stopped selling the Masters/box uniques individually was limited warehouse space. They just don't have room. I don't know if other companies have inhouse boxprinting, or what, but From what Nathan has said, it takes like a week minimum to get the boxes printed, so if they are not printed before the shipment gets there, (which would be necessary for any kind of photo( unless you have somebody who works at the plastic factory pulling the first one off, painting it, and then sending the photos, I guess. Expansion opportunity?) then it adds half a month of storing the sprues for them to get damaged and take up room that really isn't existant, and all the while people are complaining quite loudly about lack of communication when Wyrd gives more direct communication than 90% of other companies..


It is no wonder that some companies keep their mouths closed about this stuff.

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  You offer up GW for comparison, but to be honest I would much rather see GW models unpainted, because the 'Eavy Metal painting style implies lots of detail that simply isn't there. Look at any GW model with flowing robes. Now buy it, paint it and wash it. See how half of all the folds aren't showing up? They add an awful lot of detail that isn't on the model due to their skill at shading, painting lighting and freehand. And because I'm not good enough a painter to paint all the folds on an almost featureless flat area (WHFB Wizards are particularly bad for this, so I've heard) I want to see what it looks like without any skill going into it.


  I think that the perfect compromise would be to see the models sprayed white/grey and washed with black. I would quite happily donate £2.70 to GMort for one pot of Nurn Oil if he was willing to start doing this with his unboxings. :)

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I think the boxes are nice enough, what I would like to see is more images on Wyrd's website. So collecting the painted minis from Chronicles in a gallery would be nice. Unless Wyrd only asked permission to use them in Chronicles, then it would be a bit of headache to ask everyone again.


Putting up rotations of the renders would be cool too and generating the images could be automated in most 3D modelling software. GW has this for some minis on their website and it's a javascript that swaps between images as you drag the mouse.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Malifaux website certainly needs an overhaul. To be fair to Wyrd, they have a really small number of staff. Rules, art, production, marketing, and so on have all been changed to fit this new, unified vision for Malifaux. All considered, they're doing a pretty good job so far.

I do really like the way the boxes are laid out. Concept art is on the front and renders are on the back. I get a pretty accurate depiction of what the models look like. The Malifaux community has many painters of all skill levels posting pictures that I find any official studio paintjob unnecessary.

Wyrd Chronicles is awesome. They should promote the hell out of it.

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