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This world, this product of imagination is fantastic, I am a man who is a huge fan of miniature games especially that with a steampunk edge-and Malifaux is one of the best. JUST ONE problem, I cannot find 'anything' about the factions or character backgrounds on this website.


The layout for this game is the worst setup ive seen for a miniature game (I am a professional graphic designer and I know what I am talking about)


1. That newspaper layout for the game is a clever idea but is very badly exectuted-needs a lot more navigation options.


2. People love miniature games a big part because of the background storys, faction historys and character biographys-YOUR website presents NONE, a terrible missed opportunity.


3.Why is it only your 'store' option that has a feature to be able to look at the miniatures in more detail - this is very badly needed from page one!!! page one (Basics).


4.The graphics of how a miniature will look in grey are complete let-downs, who wants to see that-either have full colour or nothing at all. The painters are quite brilliant and so are the many many illustrations that are made to make MALIFAUX come alive-SHOW THEM ALL OFF.


I have never joined a miniature forum before but I have had to communicate my sound advice, so forum administrators please take this message to the Wyrd miniature board of directors-they must see this.


MALIFAUX 'could' be massive in Europe-what is dragging it back is a plain awful website layout. very very-very confusing.




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I haven't done much with Human-Computer interaction/UX for a few years, but I agree that website needs some work.  


I might know where there are some grad students looking for a hands on usability design project. I'll check.

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I'm sure Wyrd will take this feedback on board.  FYI there is faction information on all the factions on Malifaux.com, If you hit the 'factions' drop down at the top of the page there are links to pages about all the factions. The link to this forum is on that same top bar.


What I would say is that the site is by no means the worst out there. For example try getting information on 'Saga' by Gripping Beast / Tomahawk Studios.


As for the game in Europe, I can only speak for the UK but we still hold the largest Malifaux events in the world and have one of the most active communities anywhere. The website may be holding it back, but Malifaux probably already the most active war-game in the UK after the GW & PP titles.


As I say I'm sure Wyrd will take this feedback on board.

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I have seen worse as well.  


Reading the OP more closely I realize that the problem seems to be strongly tied to organization.  There is "wyrd-games" and there is "malifaux" websites.  The malifaux.com downloads page does not have links to the two most recent Chronicles (someone kindly gave me the link in another thread  http://wyrd-games.net/community/page/wyrd_chronicles.html).  


Not a huge problem, but had I not started following the forums I would have thought that the Chronicles had died.    

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I have seen worse as well.  


Reading the OP more closely I realize that the problem seems to be strongly tied to organization.  There is "wyrd-games" and there is "malifaux" websites.  The malifaux.com downloads page does not have links to the two most recent Chronicles (someone kindly gave me the link in another thread  http://wyrd-games.net/community/page/wyrd_chronicles.html).  


Not a huge problem, but had I not started following the forums I would have thought that the Chronicles had died.    

More importantly, the new models tracker is never up to date. While I do not expect them in color, given Wyrd's current policy towards painting miniatures, they should at least have those models which are being released that month...


Honestly, what the website needs are a few minor overhauls, a lot of backend work, a dozen or so new pages, and someone tasked to update it either monthly, or biweekly.

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Have to agree, even though it's pretty, it seems mostly dead. I'd probably stop using the Malifaux domain, at least for a while and centralize everything in the Wyrd-Games domain, I mean, it's already pretty close to it with all the games here, does get updated frequently, just add new news entries whenever a new batch of model dates are announced on the main site instead of just keeping it in the Chronicles would do wonders. Hell, also add the blog entries of the wyrd staff or links to them and you can get some nice regularish content going.


I just don't think there is really enough content right now to justify a malifaux dedicated site right now.

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Have to agree, even though it's pretty, it seems mostly dead. I'd probably stop using the Malifaux domain, at least for a while and centralize everything in the Wyrd-Games domain, I mean, it's already pretty close to it with all the games here, does get updated frequently, just add new news entries whenever a new batch of model dates are announced on the main site instead of just keeping it in the Chronicles would do wonders. Hell, also add the blog entries of the wyrd staff or links to them and you can get some nice regularish content going.


I just don't think there is really enough content right now to justify a malifaux dedicated site right now.

At that point(and this is something I consider to be a good idea) have the malifaux domain automatically redirect to the wyrd site. I was surprised when I first started that all of this stuff was here rather than the malifaux site anyway, and if it had redirected, I'd never have had to seek this site out—since I'd already be here.

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More importantly, the new models tracker is never up to date. While I do not expect them in color, given Wyrd's current policy towards painting miniatures, they should at least have those models which are being released that month...

What is the reason for the lack of painted new miniatures anyway? As a customer I must admit that Infinity's website makes me want to buy more miniatures even though I have neither painted what I got nor like their rules very much.

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Angel is some kind of demon painter.


For a company perspective: Corvus casts all their stuff in low quantity, by hand, in house. Its not terribly difficult for them to throw a model to Angel who paints it, photos it and then its back to them by the time theyve cast enough to ship their production run.


Wyrd's plastics are made overseas. They can't just grab one or two for a painter, they get their whole production run at once. Which means if they want painted ones, production run finishes, send one to your painter while paying to hold the shipment in your warehouse, after your week or two you get photos, get your run x boxes printed up, then pack em (takes longer than a slip insert like infinity's cards Id imagine)


Overall, it just doesnt work as well for Wyrd. Also I want my models sooner so renders are fine with me.

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Angel is some kind of demon painter.


For a company perspective: Corvus casts all their stuff in low quantity, by hand, in house. Its not terribly difficult for them to throw a model to Angel who paints it, photos it and then its back to them by the time theyve cast enough to ship their production run.


Wyrd's plastics are made overseas. They can't just grab one or two for a painter, they get their whole production run at once. Which means if they want painted ones, production run finishes, send one to your painter while paying to hold the shipment in your warehouse, after your week or two you get photos, get your run x boxes printed up, then pack em (takes longer than a slip insert like infinity's cards Id imagine)


Overall, it just doesnt work as well for Wyrd. Also I want my models sooner so renders are fine with me.

That's all fine, and I agree. However, once the models are out, why can't you have them painted? Replace the render / plastic pics with painted ones. At this point many of the plastics have been out for a long time......new players are jumping on the web-site every day. Their first experience with the model would be painted. Those of us that have been here see the renders first......so what?

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I would rather have a well painted mini at the website late, than not at all. Not only is it enticing for prospective customers, but personally I find a well painted example very helpful when I'm about to paint a mini myself. Even if I use a completely different paint scheme, painted examples are still inspiring, much more than concept art. Now I Google Image and hope I can find someone who can both paint and photograph have put up that particular mini.

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Seems like we've been here before: Okay, this is a little sad...


I agree that the design and layout of malifaux.com is OK, but because it is so infrequently updated it looks dead.  In some cases, the dearth of new information is nearly tantamount to misinformation.  For example, not updating the "releases" section makes it appear that no new product is being released for the game.  Sure that information is available on the downloads section of this site, but should new players really be expected to find that and then download a PDF just to see what's coming next?  I'm constantly answering new player questions on Boardgame Geek because I can't just send them to the Malifaux website that won't really answer their questions (e.g. the rule book and rules manual have identical descriptions in the Wyrd shop, so what's the difference?).  You really don't want new players to have to dig for answers to basic questions.  


People are understandably reluctant to invest in a game that appears disorganized or seems to have a murky future.  It is even more frustrating that the Malifaux website gives the impression that the game has stalled since, in truth, Malifaux releases are moving forward and second edition seems to have expanded the player base.  


I think an easy remedy could be to simply display new model renders, new art, and content from the Wyrd Chronicles to generate a scrolling "news feed" to headline the site.  It would certainly go with the newspaper theme.

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That's all fine, and I agree. However, once the models are out, why can't you have them painted? Replace the render / plastic pics with painted ones. At this point many of the plastics have been out for a long time......new players are jumping on the web-site every day. Their first experience with the model would be painted. Those of us that have been here see the renders first......so what?


Well, then you piss off your LGS by sticking them with a bunch of "old" boxes. Works fine for Wyrd, but if your local store doesnt move those 3 Marcus box sets theyre going to be even LESS likely to sell once there's a pretty "new" version. Seems dumb, but I have seen it happen, we are in a community where OCD tendencies run high.


Second, and this is more of a personal thing, a bad paint job can ruin a model. I'm thinking specifically of the old Wicked Dolls here (and apologies to whoever painted them) but I thought they were hideous penguin models and I didn't want to touch them, but they came with starter. But then hey, if you give them the stitched paint scheme they look great.


Overall, its probably more of a logistics thing, one that I've already stretched my knowledge base trying to explain and I doubt Wyrd is really going to explain the reasonings behind all their decisions, but renders are here. You may be fine with not giving Wyrd money for a month or two while models get painted but Wyrd, as a business, is probably less keen on not getting your money for a month or two, what with expenses and overhead and such.


As for on-tracking - I think putting painted stuff from the Chronicles on the website is a pretty good idea.

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Website - yeah - I'm already hollering but so be it. We've had some busy times.


Painting, been around the block on that discussion as well. When we painted stuff, people bitched that we hid things and did 'paint' tricks to make things look better than they were. When we don't paint things, people bellyache that they want to see what it looks like painted up and blah blah blah. When it's painted by a professional it intimidates someone. When it's painted by a hobbiest just starting out, it doesn't do the piece justice. 


Quite bluntly, we have quite a bit of stuff painted up by painters, for our shows (and y'all interact with a few of them here already on the boards and don't know it) but unless we bring an in house painter (possibly, but we'll see), the odds of ever dealing with putting painted product on our packaging again, isn't going to happen. Quite bluntly, and nothing against the good folks, but in the past there have been MONTHS of delays due to waiting for someone to finish a commission and get it back to us, or photos we could use to do so. Don't get me wrong, there are some paint demons out there who just love this ... but then you deal with burn out, real life, accidents or just plain ol' 'I don't wanna' moments. 


We do have some changes in how we'll be showing off/presenting some things here in the near future (kind of excited about that actually) but it'll likely be a couple months before that comes to fruition yet. 


In the mean time, I guess if there are any pro painters who want to sit cramped over a desk all day painting, move to Georgia to work in the offices and crank out miniatures for slave wages, drop me a note. :)

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In the mean time, I guess if there are any pro painters who want to sit cramped over a desk all day painting, move to Georgia to work in the offices and crank out miniatures for slave wages, drop me a note. :)


Hrmmm sounds tempting. :D

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Is it 3-dimensionsal photos of renders or assembled models?

Because that would be sweet!

Well, with the right software, (and a turntable) they could take like, 30 pictures of each model and stitch them together in such a way as to allow you to rotate the model in a browser. would that work? Otherwise, It might require some more ingenuity, but could be done. If I had a good camera(I don't) the right lighting, a protractor and/or a programmable motorized turntable, I could do it. I don't have the time or the equipment, but expense wise, doing both wouldn't be ridiculous. Maybe 200 for the camera, (if using anistropic 3D, might need a bit better, but sharpness is more important than color fidelity for 3d) 3.50 for the protractor, and parts for the turntable, with everything else being calculations and elbow grease.

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Website - yeah - I'm already hollering but so be it. We've had some busy times.


Painting, been around the block on that discussion as well. When we painted stuff, people bitched that we hid things and did 'paint' tricks to make things look better than they were. When we don't paint things, people bellyache that they want to see what it looks like painted up and blah blah blah. When it's painted by a professional it intimidates someone. When it's painted by a hobbiest just starting out, it doesn't do the piece justice. 



Website is in the cue for updating/reorganization if I read the first sentence correctly.  Very nice--look forward to it.


I can understand the problem with handling the painting in-house.  For myself I'd rather see links to photos that have been posted by folks not on commission--other hobbyists.  Now that I know that people do post photos to show off their painted minis I look to google for my painting inspiration.  Not sure how the copyrighting would work, but I am pretty sure I can find three photo links to a model in much less time than it would take me to paint it.  Depending on how the best painters react, these photos could end up being a pleasant mix of fine art and table ready painting--which would be fabulous--or all at one extreme.  


Online 3-d rendering of unpainted models does sound cool.  

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Well, with the right software, (and a turntable) they could take like, 30 pictures of each model and stitch them together in such a way as to allow you to rotate the model in a browser. would that work? Otherwise, It might require some more ingenuity, but could be done. If I had a good camera(I don't) the right lighting, a protractor and/or a programmable motorized turntable, I could do it. I don't have the time or the equipment, but expense wise, doing both wouldn't be ridiculous. Maybe 200 for the camera, (if using anistropic 3D, might need a bit better, but sharpness is more important than color fidelity for 3d) 3.50 for the protractor, and parts for the turntable, with everything else being calculations and elbow grease.

That's what I meant!

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