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Getting some scenery together for playing Malifaux at home...


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Me and my wife have ordered our first crews, so while we wait for them to arrive I've been looking into the issue of scenery. Although I'm sure I'll be playing games at my local store, where scenery isn't a problem, any games with my wife will played at home after the little one has gone to bed so I need to expand on my current collection of one wood, some craters and a hill.


I know I could use a lego house, a bit of a felt as a river etc but I prefer to have a nice looking game board if I can! :) I originally wanted the Terraclips buildings, but apparently these aren't available anywhere so that's out. The Sewers seem to be all I can get, so would two sets of these make a good board for playing at home? I figure I could leave it part assembled for speed of putting together, but not sure if this will give a balanced/interesting board?


The other option I was considering was the Pegasus Gothic building sets. They seem to be used mainly for Warhammer 40k based on my google searches, but I thought they might be cool as city buildings. Has anyone used these, and are they any good for Malifaux? I thought some of these, with maybe an extra wood and some fences/crates would give me enough to make a reasonable collection.


Does anyone have any other suggestions please? I'd like to have some buildings, with multiple levels ideally, but any suggestions welcome!


Thanks for any advice you kind people can provide :)

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Welcome to the gang, my wife and I just got into Malifaux as well and as we only play between ourselves faced exactly this problem!  We grabbed some 4ground stuff which is great and cheap and fun to put together, some scatter terrain from http://www.tinyworlds.co.uk/, and then these guys who I would totally recommend: www.tablescape.co.uk.


Next step, building a collapsible gaming table!


If you do use the Terraclips stuff let me know how it works out, I've been looking at the Ruins set.

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I would say that 2 sets of sewers should allow you to make interesting boards for the game, with several different levels. What it won't have is angled roofs, although my general use for the roof is to remove it as soon as I start to play as it just gets in the way. You can do flat roofs with it fine

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I would take a good long look at the Sarissa Precision and 4ground stuff. Great stuff at a decent price.


If you were in the US then I could suggest a few places that still have a good selection of the Terraclips stuff that are willing to ship.


I would agree with Omenbringer that of these companies are great.  Sarissa is cheaper, but 4Ground comes pre-painted and has more elaborate interiors. 


Just keep in mind that the 4Ground interiors are made for 25mm bases (Bolt Action standard) and Malifaux defaults to a 30mm.


I just picked slew of 4Ground buildings and discovered that the staircases will not accommodate a 30mm base. 


Additionally, the multistory residential buildings may be tight if you do any decorative basing that makes you minis taller.


Granted it is not really an issue, as M2E does not really lend itself to indoor combat since there are no hard and fast rules about door sizes and who can fit through base and height-wise, even with TerraClips no models can actually fit through he provided doors.

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  The Troll Trader do an awesome set of Wild West buildings in laser cut MDF, it's four buildings and a gallows for about £30 (on eBay, a little more on the online store). I can't link to the store because it's blocked on my work PC (Honestly, who blocks tabletop games?) but you can see them in the pics for my last BatRep:



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I think we have a pretty good setup, and it didn't cost me a fortune. I wanted to make a graveyard table (for my man Nicodem)
A patient man can find a lot of these on ebay for a steal too. Alternatively use something like spikeybits or warstore so you're consolidating shipping costs and can get items from multiple vendors through them at a discount anyway.

I have thought about the pegasus temple too, the smaller one.


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Thanks again for all the information, a lot of good ideas here!


Ruroni - I like your board, looks simple but effective :) makes me think that creating a full themed board isn't as daunting as I first thought.


I was initially thinking of a city streets style set up, hence my interest in the Pegasus stuff, but I think the Gaslamp Alley range from Sarissa look pretty cool and suitably Victorian. Might cost a bit to get a decent number of buildings though!


After looking at the Wild West style stuff Devalmont suggested I think a badlands mining town could be a cool set up too. Again Sarissa seem to do some good stuff for this, as well as the Troll Trader buildings on eBay. I could probably use my existing scenery (what little I have) with this kind of set up as well.


Having said all that... I still like the look of the Terraclips Sewers, so it's good to know that two boxes could give me a decent board.


Hmmm.... decisions, decisions!!

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I was a big proponent of TerraClips, especially when demoing games for new players, as I think the fact that they know they could get inexpensive, easy to assemble (both of these comparatively) made entry into the game less intimidating, and it was a product carried by the the store. However, the fact that they no longer seem supported has been a bummer.

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I think that for the sake of speed i may go with the terraclips for now... I can always expand my scenery collection later on but be good to have something which doesn't require too much preparation to begin with!

Thanks again all!

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  • 2 months later...

I have one set of terraclips sewers and one of streets, and that gives quite a bit of flexibility to what I can make, so yes, I think two sets should be fine -- but if you're wanting to make multiple levels, and you only have two sets, you will almost definitely run out of wall pieces to hold it all up. I also found that I needed THREE sets of the connectors to fit them together. Best of luck.

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We use a combination of Terraclips, Sarissa and Microart spread over two locations.


Terralcips and some odd GW bits, mainly trees and the Graveyard set at one house for urban encounters and Sarissa and Micro Art at Suvalas' house for outdoor and Wild West style stuff. It's all lovely laser cut HDF and MDF. Some of their designs are a little too futuristic for Malifaux but their Wild West and Steampunk stuff is ace.


Take a look: http://shop.microartstudio.com/battlefield-hdf-terrain-c-88.html

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