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Actions that Would Kill your own model



I think I might have confused 1,5 with ME2 again ;)

I remember that in 1,5 you couldn’t commit suicide with an action. Like a rat Using “(0) Writhing Mass: This model suffers 1 Wd...” with only one wound remaining.


But after a brief research I can’t find any thing that says that you can’t do that, even though my guts say no.


Let’s say that I want to cast “(1) Oopsie! (Ca 4 / TN: 10tomb): All models in pulse 6" must pass a TN 13 Df duel or suffer 5 damage, then this model suffers 5 damage.” twice to kill my self and meat the criteria of “Explosive Demise 4: All models within pulse 2" suffers 4 damage when this model is killed”


Is that a legal move?


Or, let’s say I cast it once and after that attacks with burning stick and place one if the blast markers over my own model and kills it to get Explosive Demise of.


Is that a legal move?

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In general, can you commit suicide with the model you are currently controlling model? And if I do, is it considered as Killed?


If I have 5 or fewer wounds remaining on Pere, can I use Oopsie to kill my self?


And, can I place a blast marker witch I generated throw a attack on my own model?

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Some actions will specifically mention you can't, such as "You don't need a spleen...right?" from the Corpse Burst upgrade. It specifically states you can't use it when below a certain health. Conversely if an action doesn't mention not being able to use it, I'd say it's a legal action.

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Ronin are a classic example of suicidal models, their (0) Seppuku allows them to sacrifice themselves for 2 cards or SS. Papa Loco is also capable of killing himself as are the 10T Samurai. You can't specifically target yourself with an attack action but if there is an effect on an action that would reduce you below your last wound there's nothing stopping you from using that action. 

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There's a reason basic models in this game are called minions.


Minion: a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.


They aren't loyal trusted servants, they're expendable fodder. :)


Well said. Really well said indeed!

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But Lord Chompy Bits can sacrifice himself, and he's the Dreamers power source.


That's an example of using the sacrifice mechanic to achieve the thematic goal (that being Dreamer and LCB swapping and never being out at the same time) because the other way to do it, burying, would have been more problematic with stuff like Tara around. 

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Oh, feels cheesy, and makes me terrified of Obey!   :unsure: 

I will never again bring Papa Loco if I think for a second I'll be facing Zoraida or Hamelin.....after the last time I faced Hamelin and he Obeyed Papa twice on turn one......Take Ya With Me twice (which is a Tactical action)...Papa dies and Boom......gutted my entire Ortega crew. Papa dead, 'Cisco dead, Santiago and Perdita almost dead.

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I will never again bring Papa Loco if I think for a second I'll be facing Zoraida or Hamelin.....after the last time I faced Hamelin and he Obeyed Papa twice on turn one......Take Ya With Me twice (which is a Tactical action)...Papa dies and Boom......gutted my entire Ortega crew. Papa dead, 'Cisco dead, Santiago and Perdita almost dead.

So you will never take him again if Neverborn or Outcasts are declared?

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So you will never take him again if Neverborn or Outcasts are declared?

You got that right. If it's one thing the Family hates, it's pulses and blasts and such. He is much too dangerous......even if you keep him somewhat apart, he can be obeyed to walk in then blow up......or even just blow him up twice just to kill him. His incredibly low Wp makes this child's play vs Z and Ham......they lose 2 AP and take out a 7ss model....or more with Upgrades......and if he can hurt someone else, all the better.

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I've had this happen to me once or twice, it's pretty funny the first time and even more so after a few beers but after that it just gets tedious. It encourages you to leave Papa Loco away from the crew which means he can't use his ability to give +'s to Damage Flips. He can be a liability in those circumstances but you shouldn't exclude him any time a particular faction is declared. There are 7 masters per faction. If the scheme pool in question lends itself to a particular master such as Hamelin or Big Z then don't take him. The same can be said if you know what crews your opponent uses. Many of my local gaming group know what each of us has at our disposal so when various factions are declared we can kind of predict what is coming our way, this of course isn't fool proof. 

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Really not that big a deal to me. Papa is not what I'd consider 'integral' to the Ortegas and is one of the models I will leave out of the crew sometimes anyway (I'm very much not one of those guys that looks for the craziest combos.....like 'Dita, Papa, Vengeance Bullet, and .....um Student? the one that gives fast.....I get them confused since I don't use it anyway).


Plus, I have just as much fun playing Sonnia or Lady J.

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