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Everything posted by Harlekin

  1. ...is a more general term than "is flipped" or "is cheated". I consider it very precise language as it doesn't mention one _or_ the other terms but (can be read as:) includes both.
  2. And here is another Zombie to support Madame Sybelle's ladies in the near future: This Flesh Construct will act as a bouncer for Sybelle's Cat House in the picturesque town of Drywater. Better safe than sorry with @Rainer Statistiker's bunch of anarchist villains, Cassandra's dangerous posse, roaming through town almost every day.
  3. And here is the next addition to my Rezzers (most likely the last one for this month): A Flesh Construct for affordable 7 Stones.
  4. Hi and welcome. Good choice with Titania. If you don't want to go all in, I'd recommend to invest in Versatiles mainly. The Emissary works really good with a Fae crew: Rider always is a good investment as it offers a lot of mobility: For a crew staying mostly in Keyword (which I prefer) you can't go wrong. I like all of the Keyword models. I am a huge fan of Killjoy: Same for the Rougarou: Most players don't ever use the Bultungin, though. So the box probably isn't too attractive to the cautious buyer. I also like the Waldgeists but sadly those are part of the Zoraida Core Box (so, also pricey - Zoraida is pretty cool, though): But you could be able to get a box of 3 Waldgeists somewhere on the internet. And never forget about the Malisaurus Rex:
  5. This. I think it overall is a really bad idea. What mainly sells a miniature game is - surprise - the miniatures. What mainly earns the money for a company into miniature games is - surprise - the miniatures. In digital gaming, different iteration can easily made distinguishable via skins which won't work for us as gamers. So, it just complicates things without any boon for gaming wise. True, it would save us gamers money but that's a non-argument. As saving money results in the company not getting any which results in no more future releases. In fact, that's totally the only "advantage" as rules-wise it just is a different unit (thus typically a different model) which is named like an already existing one. So, no gain in design space as Wyrd without much effort already can release Yound Dreamer's Nephew as a stand-alone release, anyways. And I am strictly against another layer of confusion at Malifaux as a very slow and rather lazy painter who would definitely save a lot of time on painting. But the disadvantages by far outdo the advantages, imho. My solution for cheap-ish gaming if you can't afford more models: proxying. Works just fine.
  6. It does. I really like monochrom-ish miniatures and consider it one of the most difficult styles of miniature painting. Thus, great work. The eyes could see a bit more attention and the googles but everything else is just great.
  7. Thanks for the feedback @Math Mathonwy I will keep an eye on him on the gaming table. I have to (like in 'really have to') have some green on my Rezzers models as, well, they are Rezzers. The green on the hat is desaturated to a degree and the green on his vest is meant to pop a bit as it's so little. So, I thought it should work well. But I will see how it works during play and keep your feedback in mind. Thanks about the Mourners. Is there anything in particular you like? Any positive feedback is welcome to get a better grasp of where my strengths are (if I have any when it comes to painting miniatures).
  8. And Mortimer joins the list of painted models: I was trying to give him a bit of Tim Burton vibes without sticking out too much besides the rest of my Rezzer models, thus the violet and comparably strong green. I'm pretty fond of the color composition on him.
  9. This weekend's output is Mortimer. Busy as always to retrieve some spare parts. Another 8 Stones for this month. I have some hope for being able to finish another miniature until the end of the month.
  10. I'd like to second @Maniacal_cackle's proposals: Start with Dr. McMourning and Seamus. Don't underestimate Dr.M's mobility: Kentauroi, Nurses, Rogue Necromancy, Flesh Constructs and Dr.M himself have some tricks up their sleeves which are easily overlooked and might surprise your opponent. Condition removal also isn't as hard a counter as it might look first as people spending action on removing the Poison you get for free is a great thing to see in my book. It still costs the crew a bit of its ressources but nothing overly dramatic. DrM crew is a rather straight beater crew and quite sturdy and a bit forgiving in a pool that's not too much about marker placement. I try to play at least a few Keyword models along with Seamus. Carrion Emissary is close to a must-have and we Rezzers have rather good versatiles but if you ever can get the Rotten Belles to ruin your opponent's placement you will know why Maniacal is such a fan 😁 Seamus and the Doctor are both nice damage dealing options as second Masters, so if you get a few games with those it might be quite easy to use them in later games. I really like Reva's crew and keyword but she is by far more depending on the right preparations done by you. So, I'd recommend you get to her later after you feel comfortable with M3E. But she imho offers more interesting play than the other two Masters mentioned before.
  11. "Handing out flyers" like in "throwing a 24 pound package of flyers at my girls' heads"? If so then, yes, your girls just "hand out flyers". But as you already might have recognized. Madame Sybelle knows about her obligations and does her very best to keep her beloved neighbors safe from your abominable attacks at the life - and moral - of those poor citizens of Drywater. 😇
  12. This was my idea. The more interactions you get the higher your chances for winning. Dual Master+3 Elites can't be anywhere. But 8 minions can be (for some time, at least).
  13. If we include a way to remove those markers by picking them up, again, that won't be much of a problem. Or if they could be pushed, like 4" with Interact?
  14. You fight. My honorable ladies defend their propert... neighborhood.
  15. Hooray. Question: Play! When? Whataboutnow? 😁
  16. As if only we Rezzers had cheap mobile models. To give the less often seen models a bump we could disallow Placing for models with Scruffy Markers (similar to Corrupted Ley Lines). Poor Crools and poor leaping anythings.
  17. Green Gremlin Hell. This might become my favorite painting thread on our forums here. Maybe it is already. Great work!
  18. PS: To demontrate the relation between city and surounding rural area, here is a pic of Kingston (home to a population of "only" 1.3 million people / population density of 1,380/km2 (3,600/sq mi)) and the rest of Jamaica. Remember: any square meter of Jamaica would be needed to offer nutrition including occasional meat for about 3 times the number of people living in Kingston. Pic shows Jamaica. The marked area is the city area of Kingston.
  19. "Now one kg of wheat is about 3400 Calories. A human needs about a million Calories per year (2700 Cal/day for 365 days), so that would be 294kg, (ignoring varied dietary needs for a sec). So one modern, say Belgian cultivated (yield 9t/ha) hectare of wheat would feed 30 people. So one sq. km would meet the calorie needs of about 3000 people. Obviously you will want meat, and other fruits and vegetables, so you could cut that to about a third (wheat --> meat has relatively low efficiency), so you could easily feed 1000-1500 people from a sq. km. of fertile modern-tech cultivated land. With hydroponics or other green-house style tech, and providing your own light, you could go a lot higher. If you covered the Earth in arcologies and dedicated a significant fraction to climate and light-controlled greenhouses, you could support trillions of people on Earth." Source: https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/9582/how-many-people-can-you-feed-per-square-kilometer-of-farmland See also: https://ourworldindata.org/agricultural-land-by-global-diets But mainly: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Annual-per-capita-requirements-for-productive-agricultural-land-by-diet-scenario-and_fig2_305627253 As you see we need 0.13 ha per person per year with a full vegetarian diet. Thus, 1 ha can support about 7.5 persons per year. If they are only consuming vegetarian food crops (potatoes, corn). The more varied the diet becomes the bigger the area needed (meat consumption is highly inefficient in this regard). Let's consider the OMNI40 (a variety of fruits and vegetables, plus milk, cheese, eggs etc. and occasional (40%/meat related products) meat) as a typical diet for Malifaux residents. We then can offer nutrition to about 4 people per year. For 1 million of people, we thus need 250.000 ha. Which is 2.500 km². This is about the size of: Moscow (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow) Manitoulin Island (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manitoulin_Island) Saarland (smallest state of Germany) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saarland) (with a population of about 1 million people (surprise^^)) For 4 million people we would need 10.000 km² - an area the size of: Hawai (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii_(island)) Jamaica (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaica) Those areas have to fully used for agricalture. So, any square metre has to be used for farming. No forrests, no ponds, no rivers, no wasteland, no roads... Highly crowded countries like typical European nations with highly fertile soil and great weather conditions for farming (France, Germany, Spain, etc) offer a quota of about 50% of their area for farming. To get realistic numbers, we'd have multiply the areas mentioned above by 2 (at least). Edit: I don't see farming happening on an area the size of Hawai or Jamaica going on in Malifaux. Not even close. Any hint from anybody deeper in the lore than I am is gladly welcome.
  20. I guess this route won't help the 'little guys' much as many of the minions are actually already often seen on the table: Hanged, Sabertooth Cerberus etc. So, crew composition might not really change much. I guess an approach of needing a lot of non-insignificant (aka significant) bodies (similar to the one above) sounds more promising.
  21. Yeah, the model looks legit. On first glance. I don't think that Malifaux City is this densely populated on average. While it might be true for at least some of its Zones there are vast areas of the city which almost no population at all. A lot of speculation and guessing on my side, of course and the topic probably wasn't ever part of the process of designing the setting/world of Malifaux. The lore I read doesn't offer a lot of clues but let me imagine the world of Malifaux as one with only very sporadical settlements outside of the city. I'll ask a colleague about the topic. He is no RPGer but nerdy enough to understand my troubles for gaining a realistic grasp of our troubles of supplying Malifaux City with life support
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