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Everything posted by Maniacal_cackle

  1. I loved Henchmen Hardcore as a ressers player. One thing I have to recommend is having a really clear plan with your list as to how you're scoring points. Killing the enemy team is all well and good, but that's only half of your potential points. The points are fast and furious in this. You need some sort of plan for plant explosives. Here are two basic plans: 1. Planting five explosives. Having a crew that is all relatively mobile (remember, everyone has a bomb), and good at dodging the enemy and getting your bombs down. Remember you start in wedge formation, so you will have to do some fancy footwork to dodge the enemy. Also good if you're able to maneuver to snag your opponent's explosives and run away with them after planting. Make sure to have a plan for how you'll guard your explosives! 2. Planting 2-3 explosives. Having a slower crew planting 2-3 explosives gives you a lot more leeway in how you get your explosives points, but does mean you have to hard-out deny your opponent AND be confident of getting scheme points. A crew that is good at hunting down the opponent is key here, as is a crew capable of taking a beating. Also good if you're able to kill your opponent's models before they drop their explosives, inherently limiting what they can do. My (ressers) approach is to take Philip & the Nanny, Archie, and two crooligans. This allows me to deploy 3 explosives on turn one if the enemy isn't pressuring me, and also gives me massive combat potential. I swap between plan 1 and plan 2 depending on the matchup (as well as a few others). My henchmen having manipulative and being able to dish out two slows a turn means I can really punish people that fully commit to the assassinate plan.
  2. Looks like it is pirate Molly this time around! Do they release more than one at a time?
  3. The faction specific forums will have good advice! I don't know those crews, but carrion effigy works quite well with crews that need a healing boost (such as beater-heavy Molly). I don't know about the emmisary, but imagine you'd commonly take it via upgrade anyway (effigy can grow into it midgame). It might not pair well with Dr McMourning, as his healers are some of the best in keyword, I believe.
  4. If you're really set on summoning a FC, the best combo I know of is: Gravedigger + zombie. For 8 soulstones and some turn one actions, you get a gravedigger + flesh construct. Actions are pretty valuable, so not sure it is worth the 5 points you save... But 1 gravedigger adds a lot to a crew, while 2 seems to be too much. This would hit the sweet spot. One major issue though is either McMourning misses out on poison, the flesh construct does, or you don't move McMourning on the first turn. All three options seem bad.
  5. That said I do find I want versatile models for Molly, but know it is a waste of time if I don't commit to Resser. If you're happy with a shenlong crew without anything from out of keyword, I say pick it up. Just don't spend too much money on fleshing it out, as you may end up swapping factions. I think the real commitment comes not when you start, but when you buy versatile models.
  6. I wrote a henchman hardcore feedback post on this forum. It has some suggestions if you want to try out some variations. From memory, things like no points turn 1, or turf war.
  7. I'm struggling with this myself. My favourite master is Molly, followed by a bunch of Neverborn crews. I play every week, and partially wish I had gone the Neverborn route so I could swap between masters more. I am also considering ignoring faction and picking up masters across a few factions. This would be a bit annoying for competitive play. It also makes each model useless out of keyword. One thing to note is to check the dual faction masters. I discovered I quite like Jack Daw, who doesn't appear in the resser beta PDF.
  8. If one wanted to pick up a basic Jack Daw (Resser) crew, what would be a good route to go? Would crew box + Hanged + Jaakuna Ubume be enough to play the keyword? If relevant, I already have Molly/Forgotten mostly filled out. Reckoning is my weakest strategy, followed by turf war.
  9. I think this hits the nail on the head. There have been plenty of times I have felt like Archie is an OP all star and needs a nerf (against burning and slow). And his ability to crooligan beacon in keyword is nuts. But equally he can be mediocre (looking at you, Nekima). When looking at crews, you have to ask "what problems do I have and what models can solve them?" In some of my Molly matchups, like Nekima and Kirai, my problem that needs to be solved is "how do I stonewall an enemy advancement?" Grave golem seems like a damn good answer to that. Archie + GG is definitely something I'm testing asap. My Forgotten crew can already reach any portion of the board and do some solid scheming. But it really struggles at stonewalling a part of the board my enemy commits to. Will see if I can test it out this weekend! Depends on what objectives we flip. Too excited by the idea to wait, though, so will continue to theoryfaux til then 😜
  10. Corpse marker generation + dig their graves is the only scheme I know of where you can score points without leaving your base or going near an enemy. Gravedigger makes the second point trivial to acquire. This is useful because not only does it secure one of your reveal points, but it can force the enemy to come to your half of the board. For example, turtling with reckoning + dig their graves presents your opponent with a strong incentive to cross the centreline. What do people think? Is this a bit of an autopick when dig their graves comes up? It seems strong, but I'm also hesitant to buy grave diggers for one scheme. But given other synergies, I may go that route anyway.
  11. Just wanted to make another note: The game is about objectives, not always finding and killing models. The grave golem seems superior on paper for objective guarding/securing (assuming corpse marker generation). Archie is superior for tracking down key enemy models, or scheme running. And being a crooligan beacon. To me, the two models aren't even in the same category, so don't see the desire to compare the models.
  12. It does have differences from Archie. It can gain focus, making it far superior for damaging certain models (Archie really struggles against armor 2 with minus on damage flips, for example). It is also far more durable. EDIT: this makes a big difference against mobile, hard-hitting crews like Nekima and Reva, as well as having strategy/scheme relevance. That's not to say it is good enough to see play (although, as above, I'm now sold on paper for this model), but it definitely has material advantages compared to Archie.
  13. I hadn't sufficiently considered the projectile slow, that's quite good! Would I be correct in assuming it does not do the slow on splash, and just slows a single target? My concern with Rogue Necromancy isn't about its ability to kill things. It was about bringing utility beyond just killing things when it gets to attack. The slow definitely helps with that (particularly as P&N is not desirable lots of games - although has anyone played the buffed version?) Will give it another crack, with emphasis on the projectile vomit. The utility there does seem pretty wicked!
  14. Ironically, I think corrupted idols is the strategy grave golem is the worst at. Turf war: can control the centre Reckoning: does not award points Explosives: can defend your base against explosives. Corrupted idols: will spend his time lumbering around trying to capture idols, or sitting on the centre for an idol that may never come. I think his lack of mobility/but extra durability is key to his role. He can't do anything that requires running around the board.
  15. Sample list for reckoning + dig their graves (a combination that has come up a few times for me) Molly + machine Dr Mcmourning Archie Grave Golem Gravedigger 9 SS for upgrades + cache. Edit: probably 1x crooligan? Dig their graves means you're going to score a point if they try to turtle, and if they come to you, will be very hard to score points. Not sure about McMourning, flex spot!
  16. I dunno, I'm starting to think grave golem might be better than rogue necromancy in Forgotten (if you generate corpse markers). Rogue Necromancy is a bit squishy for my tastes. I feel Forgotten lacks a really good zone control tank, which Grave Golem could provide. Rogue necromancy just feels like Archie but worse. Grave Golem feels like it could genuinely play a different role. The big question being can a gravedigger fit into the crew... He is extremely solid if 'dig their graves' is an objective, of course! I imagine people are dubious, so I'll see if I can proxy it up to test it out!
  17. Just read the grave golem thread and got me thinking. What do people think about grave golem + grave digger in a Forgotten crew (replacing Rogue Necro). Grave golem is an insane zone control tank, which the keyword really lacks. If we send rogue necromancy or archie in to tank, they might die. Could be very useful in turf war (zone control), plant explosives (defending base), and reckoning (doesn't award points on death). Archie on offense and scheme running, grave golem on defense and zone control seems like a potent combo.
  18. Archie has been insanely good for me, but half of that is his synergy with crooligans. I can imagine he is still the best option for lots of crews, but a few things to note: 1. You can have both in a crew, which is possibly a good plan for some scenarios. 2. Archie has to jump (hehe, leap) through a lot of hoops to stay alive. The GG is likely superior if you just want to bog down the enemy/get into a slog fest. If they waste attacks killing the GG, great! Archie dying to attacks is a tragedy. As long as you can keep churning out corpse markers, a grave golem seems superior for digging in and holding your ground (claim jump, turf war centre, defending your base from plant explosives, etc). Archie is a beater and scheme runner on steroids, grave golem is a zone control tank. The models appear similar, but their roles are very different IMO. Overall Archie is better, but I'd not say he is strictly better at everything. One last thing to note: grave golem is size four and better for blocking LOS.
  19. Also, the strange behaviour trick is one I have been keeping an eye out for in my games since this post was made, but I still almost never use it. Necrotic machine is often running around doing useful things for me (scheming, anti-scheming, crooligan beacon, healing, poisoning). Sticking him near Molly is a large cost. Not to mention giving an opponent cards in their hand. They can almost always find a use for anything that is 5+, which is what you'll be giving them if you want the bonus actions. If I'm shy on cards, using lost knowledge has just been the most efficient engine for me (I keep a Crooligan near Molly to drop scheme markers for her to eat until the crooligan is ready to teleport). Incidentally, the whisper upgrade is really good on Molly. Being able to plan your sequencing for constructive criticism and lost knowledge is great. Often you might get a 2, 3, 6, which after reordering let's you draw the 2 and 3 and make use of the six. It is often my second upgrade pick after GST on Archie (although Im starting to question that one, suspect it is still worthwhile). GST on a crooligan and on Archie is my favourite combo for corrupted idols.
  20. Definitely recommend this podcast! One thing to keep in mind while listening to it is though the game is about scheming, you need a crew that can fight. This is so you can push opponents off objectives, as well as hold your own ground. Another thing worth mentioning about our beaters is that they're all insanely squishy and can be burst down with a few models. Activating them at the right time and positioning them to make them hard to attack is critical, or you just have a 10SS piece of tissue paper. Although personally I'm still not sold on rogue necromancy. I think it is not mobile enough for how squishy it is, and would only consider picking it up if I already have two rabble risers. The more I play, the more I feel like you have to use constructive twice a turn in the early turns to gain an activation advantage.
  21. On the flip side, almost every keyword model puts huge pressure on your hand to discard. You can only commit 2-3 cards a turn before it really starts to hurt sometimes. Having a non-discard based beater might be a nice avenue to combat this, but not sure if you could pack it all in. Molly/totem 1 crooligan 2 rabble riser 1 Archie 1 P&N/RN Is only 33 stones, and is already quite demanding on the hand. Might swap out a riser for a crooligan. And P&N vs RN based on matchup. Leaves plenty of room for upgrades and a dead rider, manos, etc. That one podcast suggest effigy + dead rider or manos. I haven't done this yet due to not owning the models, but see the appeal.
  22. Interesting thoughts! I think you underestimate the damage output of crooligans, though. I've won some games by cheating on initiative (even a 2 to lose but get hand size down), then start discarding cards to teleport crooligans while the opponent can't cheat fate. It is one of the best ways to use a hand with 2-4 moderate/severe cards. Then Molly reloads, since they didn't use their cards defending. It is not reliable, but it is an important tool in the toolbox. Also note that crooligans also have several stacks of focus usually (as often you have spare moments to focus between teleports), so getting high damage happens when the stars align. Molly/Forgotten really has to structure their strategy every turn based on cards in hand (hand full of junk? Burn it asap and reload. Hand full of severes? Blow something up and reload, or aim for a power play late in the turn (or my favourite, save some severes for the next turn)? P&N I'm divided on. They are nuts in henchmen hardcore, bad in 30SS games, and suspect fill a vital role in 50SS. They are excellent in plant explosives, and my first pick after archie. Another key use of P&N is baiting. I often activate P&N early in the turn. If they pounce and kill them, Archie swoops in and cleans up. If not, I just got a model entrenched for next turn. And of course, having someone to spam slow so Molly doesn't have to is nice. It is a niche model that isn't correct for many games, but a select few have seen the power of this model come out. Sloth giving masters fast doesn't work I think (fast gives a third action, not an extra action)? I have tried Rogue Necromancy once, and am not sure I am sold. It is just so squishy, while lacking Archie's escape button (leap). Archie can get into dumb situations and know he can escape at low life. Once RN is low, it will die if the opponent wants. Forgotten Marshal, his 12" shot seems at least as important as his summon. I've not taken him yet, but when I wish I did, it is usually because of the board control a 12" shot offers. Rabble risers, spot on, they are good because constructive criticism exists. Another key thing to note with CC is it gives you more activations without giving away pass tokens. For this reason, you can virtually guarantee getting the final activation on the first turn (and sometimes more). Rabble risers are the most impactful way to do this (ending with a huge pile of focus and 10-17" of movement). I rarely use Molly's bonus action (maybe 20-40% of turns). It is too card hungry to be worth using a lot of the time (and you can't reload after), so I don't use it to trigger fading much (tons of other tools for that). Instead, I find it perfect for slight repositioning when it is needed. Also worth noting that you don't necessarily get to draw any cards with gorgon's influence. Unless you are putting pressure via disturbing story to keep hand size up, the opponent can just keep their hand as low as you do. One game, my opponent and I both cheated fate on initiative every turn to start getting our hand size down.
  23. What's the change to Philip? On my phone and hard to check!
  24. If I only pick up two non-minions (beyond the core box with coppelus, etc), would you say Widow Weaver + Serena is a good choice?
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