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Everything posted by Trimasel

  1. Just remembered that I haven't posted my pledge for November. Here it is 3 stitched together:
  2. Now as painting event finished I can show October report, firstly Thirty-Three proxy who was made from Death Marshal. Sadly, I started him before announcement of painting contest, so first week work was finishing him. Secondly for contest - Poltergeist. I have already saw a lot good words & critics with him, thank you for both, just posting here as progress.
  3. I'm also agree that it is not consistent. If you try to get this min 3, you need one activation before create ice pillar (or use raspy action). This is so telegraphic, that good opponent will just adjust plan & activate your target (or other model) to destroy ice pillar.
  4. This month is short on time for me, so I had few evenings to complete my monthly pledge: bandersnatch & razorspine rattler. I have tried something new with web, still not sure that it is cool looking or/and what could be improved with it. If you got some ideas I would like to hear them. I will take them in account for future improvement and maybe in I will revisit bandersnatch with it.
  5. Finished few models this month: Melisa C.O.R.E. (proxy, with miss guided as base) & Lazarus.
  6. Unfortunately June got very busy, so I couldn't got completed models (even tried fast paint to complete pledge last days), so I had muligan... However, I finally finished them and added few more models this month! Yes, I know I could much better, but this keyword not really stick to me to paint with spending a lot of time. Hope next month would be more accurate with more significant models.
  7. Here is my pledge for this month: Sabertooths Cerberus & Cojo. It was my first try to do fur in models where is a lot of smooth sculpt, by using a lot of fine lines. As I see this technic could be used more time to improve quality of this models, but I'm quite happy with current result & next models calling to paint them. Here for you some intrigue: next month I will paint conversions.
  8. Here is my monthly painting 15+4=19. Finally continued arcanists. Though that I don't have enough time to paint two minis per this month, but I did it!
  9. Finally finished my work on this month pledge. It was harder then I expected, primary because it was busy month for me.
  10. My plan for this month complete Aionus (started on Feb weekend) and Hodgepodge Effigy.
  11. I've surprised that you not mentioned: showgirls, Ice dancers, ice gamins, hoarcats.
  12. Try have plan where you should drop scraps first turn and probably second turn, as well as how move all crew in this scoring/fighting positions with at less count of standart walks. After that (with this Mei) best activation: is Breath of Fire with tome trigger to Vent steam (if you can't guarantee +2 duel against opp, better even use stone if no tomes in hand) & two attacks with Jackhammer (in some cases Blind by Iron to control model). Try different crew setups to find your playstyle, but mostly tend hire at least one extra 1 walking forge (I tend to 2 extra). I got only one game with title Mei, so cant really give a lot advice there. There I defiantly suggest Sparks + more walking forges. P.s. there are rough matches are constructs/ignore hazardous (like incorporeal) and what can eat scrap. Otherwise this crew can be quite mobile & can do almost all strategies without big trouble (the most difficult in gg2 is Corrupted Laylines).
  13. Short answer as you wish, Foreigh Train resolutions: 1. Action itself (Foreigh Train) 2. Trigger (Scorching Remains) / Constant motion 3. Constant motion / Trigger (Scorching Remains) Deadly claws: 1. Action itself (deadly claws) 2. Jackhammer kick firs part - push / Constant motion 3. Constant motion / Jackhammer kick firs part - push 4. New generated action Long answer, Constant motion resolves in same time when default triggers, but before new action generated. Basically - core 35page 2f describes that it is step of "after resolving" trigger & "after successing" triggers, and all other abilities after resolving. And because them are simultaneous, you can do as any order you wish (34page).
  14. Agree with @SEV. When I run demos, describe sever terrain is a lot easier, then LoS with markers, terrain and models (due to terrain shadow LoS block & model block works differently). I agree measuring is might be difficult (if you need find optimal move), but all mentioned above resolution I prefer less then current state of rules. As part of this thread, I would like to ask at least several examples with LoS of markers & terrain shadow. Because currently I don't remember any information about them in core Rulebook or FAQ. Additionally, if do anything with ORIGINAL rules from my sigh it is in hiring give 1ss discount to each additional the same minion bought that share leader keyword (up to minimal 2 or 3ss). Just to give more reason to take the same minion model more then one copy. I'm rarely want in real tournament games take the same tool twice or third time... Also might be fine to do distracted as full opposit of focus (so include - flip to damage as well). For simplicity as well...
  15. Storm gives additional mobility to slow Golem. If you don't take it, then opponent can easy avoid Golem. I'm also prefer take two of them or none. Additionally I find Mechanical Rider quite helpful to draw a cards that are required for hungry Raspy. Otherwise list almost the same (if I don't need special tech).
  16. Greetings, As far I know we still waiting henchmen program with no information about it... But what about another program named by guilders that used to change chips to limited models? As far I know there wasn't any announcements about closing, however seems old URL not available anymore https://www.wyrd-games.net/guilders. I missing some information about closing, link is not right or something else? I'm asking because I have enough guilders to by some vintage maters, as well as my community. When old henchmen program was closing we decided to wait new one instead use any remaining guilders (there was hope about more choices) . So we stacked with no information about henchmen program a while and probably it would be nice to use guilders now...
  17. Unfortunately, upstage usage on bonus actions counts for Cassandra bonus action usage per activation. So if Cassandra uses Upstage to creates Decoy Marker, she can't use Nimble😢. Due to this action counts as action AND bonus action.
  18. I will add my five cents to discussion: If player hoffman (or other master) goes to board control game with markers, when you don't have tech to avoid this (or it will cost you), then you just playing defensively & just counter score his points. Probably opponent would not impact heavily board in first/two tourns, so you could take better position to kill/score schemes/take better position. So in game ends you are both with low score & probably only with score of schemes. So I don't see any problem here. P.s. This is why I don't like play Raspy in tournaments - I use a lot of resources to dictate - "it will cost you & me to get a lot of points". So it's kills tournament getting better place by scoring VPs and diff. So my thoughts on this topic if you go with this route by this Hoffman it would be the same.
  19. One more small combo - unresistable move of opponent model by 3'' within ~14'': Harata, Haka Tutu Ngarahu aura +A ngelica sudden doves with tome trigger. The same thing can be done with Colette's Presto-Chango, however there are more limitations (range & place effect should do on one model & move other)
  20. All cases with manipulative, serene countenance, distracted works well with that aura. So even perfermers could survive much longer. Shame that you still need activate Harato first. One initiative loose & all squishy targets could be easy defeated. BTW, you can play single Coryphee with desiel engine (or even two without Duet shenanigans). They are pretty good for they cost, if you are not facing armor ignore crew. Also don't forget about Haka Peruperu in some cases it helps a lot (like htk) . Last game I managed kill effigy by one swing when it was on 2 healths
  21. Would be nice😀 Let me know if any additional information needed.
  22. I was talking about participating of tournament. I'm haven't saw myself in list, as well as not saw any notification about sign up participation in chats 😕 Can i join it NOW?
  23. Have i missed invite or why i'm not seeing myself in list?
  24. Signed up. It's is my first vassal event, so i need also invitation to relevant Discord server as well.
  25. Need some note, that with Hoffman heal trigger Temper Steal, split & dance together can heal Duet. Due to Hofman trigger allow armor reduce irreducible damage from split. For example Duet have 4w, with split you would get two Coryphees with each 3w (4/2dmg - armor =min 1 dmg) . In case of Duet have 6w+, with this combo Duet would be full. Due to 6w-(6/2-armor)= 5w before replace.
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