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Posts posted by Angelshard

  1. 27 minutes ago, trikk said:

    Secret Passage Changelings work best T1 and then it becomes a problem. This Lucius also has less card draw, 6 cards and no "discard enemy severe so that they can draw better severe" :D

    To be honest, I don't think I'm going to use changelings with lucius2.

    Misinformation should read "discard up to two cards and then the target draws a severe and something else." 

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  2. @admiralvorkraft Lucius1 has a much stronger Gunline and works better with OOK models. Plus arcane reservoir and subterfuge are two really strong abilities.

    I wouldn't say one is better than the other, but Lucius2 does have secret passage changelings, which I'll have to do, just for the gimmick. 

    What I like most about Lucius2 though, is that he finally enables investigators. I've had a hard time justifying them on the table. 

  3. @Adran it might just be my outlook thats wrong, and I would fare better against discard if I don't stone for cards, definitely going to try that next time.

    I think what I'm trying to argue for is that if you have a low hand and stone, it's going either going to give you a couple of cards that can help ensure one critical activation or its going to get a couple more low cards out of your deck.

    But you're absolutely right that it doesn't make the deck itself any better, and worst case you've pulled out a couple of 7's for a stone and discarded a 1 and a 3. Not high enough to force most opposed duels and no benefit to a hand that's going to lose them anyway. 


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  4. I didn't mean that I always just stone for extra cards (though that is pretty much what I wrote, just not in my head). 

    I do stone more often against a discard crew, if I have a low or decent hand. But I wouldn't just stone if my hand was good. 

    Normally I'm not that fond of stoning a decent hand, as I can usually use the cards for tn's. 

    But when I know I can't rely on my hand I prefer either having a couple of good cards to ensure that at least one activation will go as I want or at least get rid of a few more low cards, so my deck will flip better. 

  5. @Jinn true, but, generally, if I've killed all his support I'm well on my way to winning. 

    @Adran mainly my plan consists of taking the activations that most need my hand first, trying to use the card before I lose them.

    @Mycellanious my reason for stoning is that I hope u get a couple of weak cards out of my deck, so that it'll run a little bit hotter during the turn. 


  6. @Jinn at least Ama No Zako takes a flicker each time, so unless she makes a kill she'll only do it three times, and the suits required makes it unlikely. But the mere idea that the possibility exists makes me sad. I'm certainly one of those players who will have to worry about tilting when playing against this Youko.

  7. @solkan I can see what you mean, I just don't tend to give height to any object that isn't also impassable or climbable or something you can stand on. In case of a height 2 smoke cloud with blocking, it would end up as just concealing or dense in my group. 

    We haven't been they creative with the terrain rules.  My group also generally avoids terrain with multiple levels, as we find it tends to give a lot of headaches.


  8. @solkan I'm being grumpy about the idea that something can have a height and be blocking, which to me indicates that it's solid, but you stand in it rather than on it.

    I'm grumpy about the fact that both stairs and hills are examples that also function as rules, as they both, apparently, break the normal terrain rules. 

    I'm grumpy about the fact that I've never considered that, apart from climbable, no terrain trait states that you can stand on it. Which leads to a lot of annoying interactions. 

  9. 28 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    But if you have a height five forest, for instance, models can stand inside the forest.

    Or Lamp Markers for that matter. You can stand on a lamp marker (and if you couldn't, then people could block strategy markers with them).

    EDIT: Whoops, confused double post xD

    I don't think I've ever given a forest a height trait. I don't see how you can argue that you can stand on a lamp marker, but not a decoy marker.

  10. Against Tara you bring the new Lady Justice and go to town😜

    On a more serious note, I've had some issue with burying models (mainly Colette and Misaki), where it simply wasn't worth trying to kill them, but if I let them run free I lost. I find that the strats in GG2 has lessened the problem as I now have a fairly good idea of where they're going to pop out. Generally, against crews that can reposition all over the board I tend to go more defensive and try to deny as much as possible. If I have a way to increase my chances of getting initiative I also try to bring it. 

    Against blast there's really only positioning.

    I think my own major headache is hand attacks. I usually have a plan for almost every card I draw and having 3 cards ripped out tends to throw a wrench in my plans.

    I've recently played a lot against Youko and god I hate knowing that I can't count on having a hand halfway through the turn. 

    I've tried to counter it by bringing extra stones for cards and models with plus flips and stacking focus. But the fact that I can't guarantee a trigger, even though I have the suit in hand at the start of the turn is extraordinarily vexing. 

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  11. Not sure if it's game breaking, but am I right in assuming that a second master won't reveal title until after crew selection?

    Thats a lot of unknown stones if you know the title of either master.

    If it works this away it's really annoying as I'd just gotten used to the new, and better, way that second masters are selected. 

  12. I don't think I've ever fielded old perdita without LLC, the new one I'm not sure if she needs it. 

    When he's immune to enemy movement manipulation I don't feel loco is unreliable. With LLC and shielded he's tough to take down, even if you hit him easily and he hits like a truck. 

  13. Might just be me, but I find 7 stones for an extra attack is expensive, now that perdita pulses out shielded and card draw and a por el! is less of an issue. 

    Loco is a model I had a hard time fitting in (outside of a loco, doppel and agent shockwave spam, lucius list). He seems a lot more viable now that you can prevent your opponent from using him to go ham on your crew. With LLC he's quite survivable and can actually get to where he needs to dish out the hurt. 

  14. @trikk do you still see the lawyer as a good support piece for the new perdita? Seems to me this is one of the few crews where I wouldn't bring him, most of what he does is already being done by perdita. I also think 4 stones is very light for a master that wants to summon at least twice, but I don't know, her card draw plus intuition might mean she doesn't need to stone for summon. 

    Nephilim hunter is always worth summoning, as its essentially a bonus action thanks to the free attack and I can't see why I wouldn't summon turn 1.



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  15. I'm not sure you need the gatling gunner now thanks to sly and fast pistoleros that are worth using (unless you just turn them into marshals). 

    I'm really wondering how many OOK models you want in this version. Abuela got a lot better, as you can take more out of activation shots. 

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