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I'm a Teapot!

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Everything posted by I'm a Teapot!

  1. I was thinking about which enforcers to use for this and the obvious candidates are Mature Nephilim and Teddies. I think Mature is better because he has flight and a longer charge and a charge through trigger. Lilith can postule it and Serena can you it as an atk pylon from 12" away with no LoS required. Teddies are a good choice for a Zoraida list where they can benefite way more from smell fear and obeying enemies for auto paralyze. Zoraida in this kind of list should be fun too, with animal shape fly forward on thefirst activation and obey you fts beater to charge and then activate him second and flurry. Btw I dont think anyone brings a full beater crew into corner deployment.
  2. Also when it comes to initiative, the player who is used to buff someone with Terracotta Warrior or something else is going to think twice if the buff or an activation is worth more for his first few activations. Chain activation becomes more valuable and supporty crews that need activations to set up are less efficient. Also big activations who are not likely to be killed in a single enemy activation and are more likely to kill opposing models in a single activations are more efficient. Therefore Matures are pretty good because the amount of models that can kill them in a single activation little and only a few of those can survive the killjoy counterstrike. People are used to dealing to with alphastrikes, but those are normally at the end of turn 1. This one is at the very first activation of turn 1.
  3. I was in the same spot of having only a few choices of playstyles. But then I discovered Levi, Jack and Misaki in addition to tara and the viks and it turns out to be quiet a lot of variation. More then I had thaught. Edit: But I got to say Viks will always be my favourites in Outcast.
  4. My recent crew is lilith with wings and the postule upgrade, primordial, serena with warped, 2 matures with warped, killjoy with thousand faces. Fun to play, unfun to play against =D.
  5. They should wait and see that nobody wins tournaments with soaring dragon... I'm Viks player and I don't even consider it anymore. We have way better ways of doing bury tricks and alphas.
  6. I Guess scheme running with the tormented pushes from daw would be ok. Or smoke teleport with a last blossom crew.
  7. I'll try it. disembodied sooey looks really versatile with the child!
  8. I like to shoot a bayou to the enemies on the End of Turn 1, then unburry Zipp there and Turn 2 give that blast Buff to pere ravage and shoot him sonewhere near Zipp. Use any moodswing to get nasivly s chain activation into Zipp and throw pere into the enemies with severe blast and Walk Trigger and do it again. This can destroy a lot.
  9. Aristocrat Mah, properly dressed and weilding a Giant Golden Fork Taxi Driver or Police Zipp Mafia Somer Pool Party Lacroix Decadent Sommelier Brewmaster
  10. It's pretty hard to deploy well against Hans with scout the field and someone with I pay better supporting him. 😀
  11. Well I just love to start the game with my opponent losing his Terracotta warrior or any other little Support Model. 😇
  12. I'll try with 2 Monks, but the thing is, one monk equals 2 activations in this crew, which is a heavy price to pay.
  13. Gremlins: Trixiebelle Outcast: Hans Neverborn: Doppel Resser: Hanged
  14. I've tried 3 tanukis, but then you miss out on 1 poison for the monks and they have to use their own ap to drink near brewie. This makes the setup harder and u lose a lot of ap.
  15. I've had the whiskey golem protected by swilling the right targets and my crew spread out and tried to hide until I had the advantage from Interference and the schemes. I Think brewie obeyed something to kill him on low wounds later on, while he was near wesley. Overall it felt more risky, but for Interference is worked. The Whiskey Golem was a huge deal, because him being so fast and with reactivate, I managed to reach the Waifs pretty easily and therefore limited Levi a lot. The Monks arent that great in combat, but against scheme runners they do alright. Reactivate tho is really nice for mobility and scheming.
  16. Cheating Bastard is so freaking strong when the player uses it correctly. I've been on the receiving end of this and it wasnt fun... especially vs stitched together....
  17. Terrifying becomes a really good defense when your up against swilled enemies. Also Banjonistas are really really underrated in a brewie crew!
  18. People tend to not like spammy lists, but I think as long as they are not suit or to tn reliant its totally fine to play spammy lists. Sometimes they benefit from an efficient synergy even more as normal lists would do.
  19. Well ok, from an unbiased point of view I would say Fingers around 70%, but that little dude has scored more then 70% of my overall gremlin Scheme-VP and hasnt let me down until today. In my opinion, Fingers is the man. =D
  20. I just read this because I just today gained interest in Ulix and I've got to say that this list looks amazing. It totally fits my playstyle and I've got to try it! Thanks for such amazing listbuilding! I also have to check if this works with swinecursed and something like a glowy reactivating rooster in a wong crew aswell.
  21. In my opinion, and I thaught about this alot while testing serena bowman to the max these days, the thing with from the shadows models is that everyone thinks they are dependent on deployment flipping. And yes thats true, but this disadvantage gets smaller the more from the shadows models you have. In my opinion, Serena Bowman not only fixes this issue, but really opens up a new, super fast playstyle. I tried deploying extremely agressive while I lost the flip, and I noticed, that if the crew is build around protecting the from the shadows models, it applies huge pressure to the opponent even with a lost deployment flip. One of the things I liked the most was using doppel and lilithu with fts to lure up Lilith and make her drop hazardous terrain right in front of my fts models to protect them. Also, tangle shadows turn 1 on a key model flinging serena bowman into the enemies, godlike efficient for ap trading. Tuco fits in that crew extremly well in my opinion, cause he can be really safe and applying pressure at the same time. Disguised is really powerfull on a from the shadows model and as long as he is not alone out there, he can be played way more agressive.
  22. I recently played a game vs Levi with Brewie, Wesley, the Whiskey Golem, 4 Tanukies and 3 Fermented River Monks (Interference). The monks clumped turn 1, Wesley put a scheme marker touching all 3 monks and they all got 4 poison on activating by the tanuki auras. The first monk walked, and placed a scheme marker, the others just walked in base contact with it again and all monks removed their 4 poison for reactivate. On their second activation they got 4 poison again from the auras and double walked, rdy to reactivate next turn again. Brewie gave the whiskey golem some poison and a tanuki reactivated the whiskey golem. And because I had a Ram left, I poisoned a tanuki and reactivated him aswell. Then the whiskey golem walked 3 times, reactivated and charged a Midnight stalker (outactivated) and killed it and walked backwards behind cover. 10 standard activations, 3 Monk reactivates, 1 Whiskey Golem reactivate and 1 Tanuki reactivate =D In turn 2 the monks had reactivate aswell and I managed to reactivate the Golem again, but didnt have any other rams for tanukies. And btw tanukies are really really fun in interference =D
  23. 200% Trixiebelle & Fingers others: - Tanuki + Whiskey Golem - Mancha Roja - Lucky Effigy - Ama No Zako - The Sow
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