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Everything posted by koronuslight

  1. I have no issues with the PDF reader that is included with Dropbox. It works faster and crashes less than any other reader on my devices. Downside: You need a Dropbox account.
  2. Shang has uses. Ototo really shines with McCabe though, giving him Nimble and being within range for Promises.
  3. From what I have noticed, Tengu and Yokai are primarily cheap summons for Asami, not something you hire.
  4. Taelor is a top priority when I play as Rezzers - if you have Sybelle, you might want to consider taking Bleeding Tongue for the killing trigger. You only need to deal one wound to Taelor to force your opponent to burn cards or soulstones, plus it gets around her Hard To Kill ability.
  5. Until you've seen the 1,001 Gnoblar Army in person, you haven't seen anything... Most unnecessary, most hilarious force ever assembled.
  6. I am not seeing any specific restrictions involving that, so I would assume there are currently none. As none of my players currently use magic, but Manifested Powers, I leave that up to them. However, they do have a Grimoire in their possession, and it requires spoken incantations and concentration, so speech and Centering checks would apply as a house rule if necessary. I would recommend determining a condition for a Grimoire when it is created or acquired. Does the caster need to speak or make specific hand movements? Is the Grimoire itself the focus, and needs to be visible or held to use (a wand, small book, pendant, etc)?
  7. I either cleared out eBay or built from scratch. I now own 14 Avatars for no reason.
  8. Aaaaaand you just gave me a plot for another adventure
  9. This Also, there is no specific wording against chain unbury for S&S. Just within 6" of a friendly model. Shang and the Effigy make great unbury points for this purpose. Also also, I would recommend if you can get it on turn 1, use Smoke Bombs first then trigger Shadow Stride, just because then you only need an unsuited 4+, and still drop two 50mm. It's essentially how to get 4 AP out of a model in a single turn, to walk, drop and vanish. That's how my main TT opponent always did it to disappear in turn one, burn an activation early on, and place LoS blocking.
  10. This. I mean, you can take an all Last Blossom list, but at most you're getting 2 in the first turn, if very lucky. At least that is the most I have ever had used against me. Other results may vary.
  11. Ordered Jan 8th 5x GG2017 Cards 2x Errata Bundle As of Jan 12th, the printer has confirmed my order, has not printed yet.
  12. +1 Thanks for the FAQ example, but they are not the same thing. Your example references what happens when two Ability effects happen at the same time. #95 says: "Abilities that happen “if ” a certain situation arises happen “when” that situation arises, so Explosive Demise and Road Kill Scholar would have the same timing point in the above example. In this instance, see the General Timing box on pg. 46 of the core rulebook. As there is no Acting or Defending model, the Abilities belonging to that Turn’s First Player would go first." So, Desolate Warping happens before Not Today Lads, because its the Attacker Trigger before the Other Model Ability as written in the Core Rules. As written, Desolate Warping happens because the model is reduced to 0 Wd BEFORE Not Today Lads can happen, because a model must be reduced to 0 Wd in order to be killed - that's how cause and effect work, regardless of which language. What I would like from Wyrd is an OFFICIAL clarification on the matter. Because the way you're all explaining it, you're ignoring the fact the model was brought to 0 Wd at all.
  13. The word "after" isn't the issue here. It's the timing of the steps. 1. I cause 1+ damage to a model with 1 Wd remaining, which it does not prevent or reduce. 2. The model is now at 0 Wd. It is at this point that both "After reducing an enemy model to 0 Wounds" for Desolate Warping and "If the model is reduced to 0 or fewer Wounds" for being Killed both come into play. The model has to be reduced to 0 Wd before it can be killed, and the model has to be killed before you can discard a card to keep it from being killed. Therefore, the condition for Desolate Warping has been met, because after a model has been reduced to 0 Wd, it is also considered killed. They happen literally at the same time.
  14. Meanwhile I think the opposite. "When a model is reduced to 0 or fewer Wd" is a requirement for "the model is instantly Killed," but now you have an action trigger that takes place at the same time as an effect that would remove the model. Furthermore, it's not the Killed model's ability, but the ability of a nearby model that would prevent it from being killed. Meanwhile, the condition on the trigger only says 0 Wd, not Killed, so there's still interpretation either way. I'm not arguing that one happens and the other does not. I am arguing that both happen because both have different timing. "If 0 Wd" would resolve before "then killed" Additional: I want an official, from-Wyrd timing clarification as a single sheet or section, not scattered throughout pages, or requiring me to have to stand around with my phone during a game and look up whether or not someone may or may not have posted the same question to be answered by the players and not by the people who made the actual rules. Just saying.
  15. So the answer is Desolate Warping, then Not Today Lads?
  16. Reduce enemy model to 0 Wd, which takes precedent first?
  17. What Solkan said, yeah. You need roughly the same amount of source material to create something. A Ht 1 Construct would need a small child / large dog. A Ht 2 would need teenager / adult size worth, and so on. Now as for what should go into a Construct, figure a good deal of plating, some piping or cables, some kind of solid core power supply or Soulstone containment. This is more for scavenging as a role-play exercise than just saying "you need Scrap" - like if the Fated wants to make a specific type of Construct, it will need more specific pieces.
  18. We could just kinda make one on this forum and pin it, if you think about it.
  19. This guy gets it. I really don't want people reading across the table to my neatly printed upside-down notes and seeing what I am about to throw at them. I like my impending doom to be mysterious and sudden. Also, hidden candy stash FTW. But overall, I do not tell the players the TN. Usually they flip, I tell them yes or no. If they ask if a cheat card would help, they tell me the value, then I tell them yes or no - I don't want them wasting good cheat cards if it's not going to work anyway, ruins the fun.
  20. *echoes what everyone else has said in here* You can always add more big monsters. I actually look forward to the day when I have to pull the minis out of the display case and make them run a boss battle with terrain. As for the economy of the game, I had one Fated take 5 scrip and turn it into 12 from Gambling for a half hour. Then everyone needed food and transportation, because Malifaux City is roughly the size of Houston and its surrounding suburbs (based on square mileage from the map). Then it was dark, so they needed rooms for the night. That 12 scrip became 7 real quick, then they still needed transport the next day. Looks like they're back to being near broke and need to take another job soon. Even when he was bleeding out in the bathroom at Nakatomi, he was still cracking jokes while pulling shards of glass.
  21. Depends on the nationality of the owner, pub or saloon being most common for the time. Tavern is very old world-sy, and an inn implies there are places to sleep. A bar is actually part of the interior of all of these places, but is more common as the name of the business today. If that makes sense at all.
  22. Not entirely sure what you are looking for... you want to know the components to make a Construct?
  23. My current party has all four of those. Need PDF nao!
  24. Assuming you can afford the Guild fees to get OUT of the city. I feel like Malifaux is all kinds of seemingly-benign labor camp. And I love this news.
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