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Everything posted by Sianour

  1. Thanks both! It's been very helpful, really. Maybe on my first game with her I'll try a bit of everything, just to see what can they do on the board... And lets teorifaux a little bit... what would be the perfect turn one? I thought to use Anya first, Union buster on herself to push all other members 2", then Bleeding edge just to use the trigger and get placed wherever I need, maybe Hostile takeoverto move the scheme marker if needed amb put another marker? So at last I have moved all crew 2" and have two schemes markers pretty advanced in midfield... I've been playing since the beginning of M2e, but with the change of the edition and covid, it's been ages since the last game i took 😅
  2. Hi! New to Explorer's here, I bought everything from Syndicate and don't know where to start... So, we have four henchmens including ?Mr. Ngaatoro, is any a must? It seems that the keyword works better in a bubble, but if you want to cover more terrain just send Anya and Sovereing to the sides? Pleasehelpmethankyou
  3. Size: 50 - Pool: 7 Leader: Charles Hoffman Totem(s): Mechanical Attendant Hires: Joss Peacekeeper Howard Langston Watcher Guardian Missing some upgrades.
  4. Size: 50 - Pool: 5 Leader: Von Schill Totem(s): Steam Trunk Hires: Arik Schöttemer Hannah Lovelace Lazarus Freikorps Engineer Servant of Dark Powers Freikorps Engineer 2 Servant of Dark Powers Reckoning, dig their graves and claim jump. It give you a massive card control with two engineers (tools for the job & strengthen armor) and hannah (arcane reservoir). Giving shielded condition to everyone and healing a lot it was just imposible to die. I highly recomend it for mid control.
  5. Can anyone actually buy Miss Fire?
  6. Been reading posts from Tara for a while and still have lots of questions... For example, in a heavy scheme markers game what do you think using Aionus + Hodgepodge + Big Jake? Tara + 5 Pool - Knowledge of Eternity (2) Aionus (12) Hodgepodge Emissary (10) - Conflux of Nothingness (0) Big Jake (5) Death Marshal (6) Death Marshal (6) Void Wretch (4) Void Wretch (4) What do you think? Any tips? The S&S are: Deployment: Standard Deployment Strategy: Squatter's Rights Schemes: * A Line in the Sand * Assassinate * Protect Territory * Plant Evidence * Power Ritual
  7. Well, anyone tried since the review of Tara? Do you think Aionus+Hodgepodge is too expensive for a scheme game?
  8. Hi there, I've played dreamer several times and I was wondering what would be a solid option for AOE damage? Tuco with obsidian talon? Candy?
  9. But you can change Mr.Graves for an Insidious Madness, this way you have 3SS for upgrades.
  10. Isn't better to put Useless Duplications on Mr.Tannen and Candy with Drepression and Fear Given Form?
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