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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. If that's the only problem, then take away his defensive trigger. Sensei Yu can do it. Or engage with Izamu and attack Izamu with blast weapons: thunder archers, pathfinder, Yamaziko, Lazarus... Izamu gets armour, Hoffman doesn't. If Yu makes Yamaziko fast, she can reliably put 9 damage on Hoffman without the opponent flipping a card. Izamu takes 3.
  2. I've not played against Hoffman, but I have a theory... requires perfect timing but at the right moment would devestate: Wait until Hoffman has activated. Use Chiaki to remove him from the power loop Go to town on a defense 3 master. Anyone tried that route?
  3. Why wouldn't you want to hire Torakage? They're ninjas! Isn't that enough for you? Fair enough, try this: Their stats are excellent for their price, better in almost every way compared to the 7ss WRM. Built in to Attack and Damage for Ml with some very easily managed positioning. Built in against Sh attacks with some reasonably easy positioning. The ability to rapid fire a target to finish it off and still move 9". Perhaps most important of all is Agile. Being able to simply walk out of any engagement you don't like the look of is very powerful: you've distracted me? Fine, bye. You're trying to stop me getting to that key model over there? Good luck. Take prisoner? Not happening. The Torakage are great for scheme runner hunting on the flanks. That's their primary aim, and other than Ashes and Dust I can't think of a model regularly used for scheming that would last long against a Torakage. They can also nip in and support a brawl, only to excuse themselves when they feel the need. Certainly they are a bit more generalist, but one or two will allow you to adapt during the game, which is surely a good thing? They are generalist because they are good in a lot of different situations, rather than being just okay.
  4. I disagree with Tokapondora's assessment of rail workers - I find them very useful 5 stone models. Not so much for tanking as I think brothers do that better, but they hit well above their weight for a 5 stone model with a 2/4/5 damage and a (0) action to gain to attack and damage for the rest of the turn. Also being living and construct can be helpful when Toshiro is about summoning (I recommend buying Toshiba - he does so much in TT when there's no competition for scrap or corpse markers). Rail Workers are not an auto-include but I've rarely felt let down by them. Illuminated are also brilliant (wah-wah-waah! ) so you can't go too far wrong. With what you've got, I'd look at taking the dawn serpent and Ototo with McCabe and Badge of Speed. Ototo becomes an absolute monster when he can walk and flurry - I've killed Misaki without being enraged - and your opponent will avoid hitting him unless they know they can finish him, because he becomes absolutely mental when enraged with nimble! And of course, a reactivating dawn serpent speaks for itself.
  5. Thanks for the notes. I had listened to the Schemes and Stones before but went back and listened to it again. Ama No Zako is a good shout: I've always liked the look of her, but she seemed so card/stone intensive I never found room for her, but what I'm finding is that with Lynch, you very rarely want for cards. To give some context, the first game I won with Lynch was reckoning against Arcanists (Collette), I took: Lynch w/ Rising Sun, Woke Up With a Hand, Expert Cheater Huggy w/ Addict 3x Illuminated Graves 2x Beckoner That was an absolute murder machine: by the end of the game, the Collette player had only Angelica and a coryphee left and we ran out of time before a beckoner and Lynch had their last activations. I lost an illuminated. I recently played another game, which was headhunter against Outcast Tara: Lynch w/ Rising Sun, Woke Up with a Hand, Wanna See a Trick Huggy w/ Addict, Recalled Training 2x Illuminated 1x Depleted 1x Beckoner Yin Graves The interaction between Huggy's obey and Yin's terrifying was awesome: particularly when you can pick an ace back into your hand ?
  6. Hi I'm after a little generic advice regarding Lynch. He was the first master I bought, first I played and first I won with, but after 2 and 1/2 games he's been on the shelf while I got to grips with the game using Misaki, Mei Feng and most recently McCabe. I'm now getting ready to add the Lynch horse to my stable: I know how he works as a damage dealer - with quite frankly sickening amounts of damage being thrown out from all sorts of sources - but when playing other strats and schemes, positioning or interact based, has anyone found any clever synergies in Ten Thunders that might make them consider Lynch ahead of other masters? I own most of the faction - or am in a position to get what I need. Any thoughts, advise or theoretical ideas welcome. Thanks
  7. Hm. That explains a lot. I was sure you couldn't target yourself... The defence thing is true though. So you can heal 8 if you give up Shenlongs entire activation.
  8. This is wrong. Firstly, the stones on the river action is an attack action and therefore cannot target itself. The trigger can, but to use the trigger, Shenlong (or Yu) needs to lower their defence condition: unlike focused, burning or poison, Shenlong and Yu don't maintain defensive as this would make them almost impossible to kill. Defensive lasts, as with every other model, until the start of the models activation. The most Shenlong can heal himself would be 4 (0 action + 1 ap to cast river twice)... actually he could cast stones on the river on you, heal you, gain defensive and heal himself from the trigger for 6...
  9. How does this work? None of the abilities that allow Yu and Shenlong to keep conditions apply to Defensive. The ability to gain it from LRS only applies to opposed duels with opposition models. By my reckoning, you can only heal 6 wounds in a single activation. I suppose if you made Yu fast, but that seems a bit of a waste.
  10. I've just started using Oiran recently, not to great success yet, but something occurs to me: why aren't we using a trick I'm sure we've all seen resser players do? Lure our own stuff! There's often times when I've had Misaki end up in a fight she doesn't want to be in - for the sake of keeping a 4 in my hand I'd love to be able to yank her out. Particularly with the despised build. The extra range of the Oiran, even if it is harder to cast, is useful here. The second implication I thought of is with the Misaki / Yu "Wind of Death" manoeuvre. What happens with me usually is that Sensei Yu airburst's and then Mighty Gust's Misaki, and stalks her pray. Misaki then goes and obliterates the target that was initially 20" away with 5 attacks at attack and damage. Problem is, Misaki is now 18" away from Yu, who is probably still in your backfield not doing an awful lot. Yu has that massive 7" walk, but always seems to have better things to do with his AP. Enter the Oiran. Was thinking this: Misaki - Stalking Bisento, Hidden Agenda Yu - Wandering River Style Oiran =18 stones. Yu activates, pushes/fasts Misaki and stalks victim. Misaki activates and murders the chosen victim - the Oiran watches on and gets fast and focused. Oiran walks twice and turns round to lure Yu a massive 7" up the board. Best if you have 4 in hand, but if not it's worth top decking it with the (rough maths: 41% chance of success on 2 cards). While Misaki does like crows, she won't miss a 4-7. Yu is now much further up the field, ready to rinse repeat on turn 2! Hidden Agenda can be moved to another damage dealer (I like Sidir, Fuhatsu or even Chiaki) and then build the rest of your list to suit.
  11. With Yan Lo: the tethered soul ability seems a bit odd, limiting his use of chi on attack actions. I think I might be tempted to take the shadow conflux instead, use the soul porter to give him chi and start throwing around casting 9 attacks. With double focus. And 6 severe damage. Say "hello", Perdita! Probably not - the other benefits outweigh the drawbacks, but it's a fun idea. And my local Perdita player would definitely leg it as soon as he realised you're packing a ca9 attack...
  12. Hoping for an Oni summoning master. Was bored at work and made up some rules - short version involved summoning off upgrades, destroying the upgrade in the process.
  13. I've used it a couple of times and, after the first time when I tried to top deck it, with a bit of planning you can fairly reliable get a couple of models jumping a turn. I always seem to have middling 's in my hand. 6-7 is a shadow stride, 8+ to smoke bomb. The markers are just a bonus. Particularly useful in Stake a Claim. Had a game where turn one a torakage and an oran both stride, one torakage went up one flank and Misaki up the other. Turn 2 I was able to place 2 claim markers 7" into opponents half in standard deployment. My opponent never came back from that. Combine with Hidden Agenda and Oiran: you can cause all sorts of mischief.
  14. What it does mean though, is that because of the "Brutal" ability, to remove a condition Yu must first add a condition. This is however not true of the trigger.
  15. Running tab is in there primarily for Wesley. Would I pay 5 stones for a significant minion who can copy the master's abilities, adds a further -1 wp and give another life to my master? Probably, yes. I started trying to build a list without Running Tab, but Wesley is so good I think he's worth it on his own. There are still plenty of stones left so you could take a moon shinobi or two, and once in a while the heal seems handy. Yup, Samarai w/ favour of earth seems a good bet if you have 3 extra stones to burn. Hyperthetical: if you weren't to take Wesley, is there any benefit to taking the Kamaitachi over the child? The push is always handy, but can anyone yhink of any other benefits?
  16. I haven't played Brewie, but have been doing the theory in my head (I'm aware this seems to be a popular start to comments in this thread) - something no one seems to have brought up so far (and apologies if I they have an I missed it): Sensei Yu can copy the drinking contest. Giving you two bubbles. Keep them close together to benefit from the WP ddebuf. As mentioned the problem seems that, without Trixie you are much less likely to win initiative, so Brewie must be able to take a punch, for which Misdiirection and a sacrificial Komainu or, if you have the stones, samarai should see you through. What do you guys think about this: Brewy w/ Misdirection, Running Tab Yu w/ fermented river style, prob. Smoke Grenades Wesley Komainu Spend the rest of your stones on fun stuff, keeping 6-7 stones cache (for Misdirection trigger) Once the party is in full swing, Brewie activates first, ideal world hit's Yu twice to give him poison +4, obey's him to cast Stumble and Fall then starts the drinking contest. Everything around is probably going to be on [-] and -4 wp. Yu can then airburst enemy models to join the party, and start another drinking contest if you feel the need. Anything in the bubble is now needing to pass a wp12 duel at -4 wp and [-] flips TWICE if they want to do anything. It seems the consensus here is that drinking party Brewie in TT is not viable, but I think it could be even more devastating then in Gremlins. As long as you can survive one activation a turn. Just a thought.
  17. I'm also a very new player - Mei Feng is one of the horses in my stable (that hasn't really been given a chance to stretch her legs), and I was playing around with a theoretical idea similar to the discussed above as a summoning engine. What would you think to swapping wandering river style on Yu to Low river style? it therefore becomes: Emberling drops scrap, Toshiro summons Komainu off scrap and "fast"s another minion, Yu heals 2 damage on summoned komainu and removes slow. The big advantage of this is that it can all be done in Mei Feng's vent steam cloud as Yu's healing is ML. Chiaki could do a similar job, cheaper, but not inside a steam cloud and it's much more card reliant. Yu can even top up Emberling in the same action if he goes defensive with his first action, and borrow wings of wind from Mei Feng to keep the whole machine moving and more or less immune to CA or SH actions. Add Sparks into this - possibly giving the new komainu fast and carrying hard worker. Komainu run in and bite anything that gets too close, handing out burning. Mei Feng then goes in with positive flips, ignoring armour and hard to wound with a string of attacks. Any thoughts?
  18. Because twelve people in London were more interested in Malifaux royalty then the British royalty.... A three round Gaining Grounds event.
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