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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it yesterday! We ended up with 28 players and raised £500 for our chosen charities! Congratulations to our winners: Rob Jones (28) - Andy's Ball Jon Willets (20) - Welcome to Malifaux Ben Worsfold (18) - Best Bayou Matthew Dunk (16) - Best Explorer, Best Painted (Nexus) Konrad Krolicki (15) - Best Ten Thunders Luke Athiko (12) - Best Resurrectionist Max Fawcett (9) - Best Arcanist Grant Dickenson (3) - Best Neverborn, 3rd Place Richard Walters (2) - Best Outcast, 2nd Place Ollie Hedges (1) - Best Guild, Kevin Gillett Trophy
  2. Introducing Tinker Taelor Aid! We will be raffling off this amazing commission painted Crossroads 7, painted by Gloomy (Instagram gloomy_paints). All proceeds will be split between 2 charities: Crohn's & Colitis UK (crohnsandcolitis.org.uk) and Maggie's (Maggies.org). Raffle tickets are £1 each and I will post anywhere in the world to the winner*. The draw will be conducted after the event on Saturday 29 June using WheelOfNames.com. Buy as many raffle tickets as you like by sending the appropriate amount by PayPal f&f to https://www.paypal.me/TomSkitt - please include a contact email in the notes. Cash will be accepted on the day for those in attendance, with leftover English GT 19 and 23 goodies given away with raffle tickets (but only in-person). *I will do my best to ensure the models arrive as safely and quickly as possible, but I cannot be responsible for damage incurred in transit. If any customs fees are payable, these are the responsibility of the recipient.
  3. Rampage Games will be in attendance on the day, so a perfect opportunity to get that new model you've been after, and collect on the day: https://rampage-games.com/
  4. We are now sold out! Thank you to everyone who has bought a ticket! If you would like to be added to the waiting list in case of any drops, please leave a message below, or on event page of UK discord, or hunt me down through the streets of London...
  5. Now on sale - view the player pack here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bd3mg5kjoufypy75qack6/Player-Pack-TT4.pdf?rlkey=28urgp1ie45z9g22qvedsth7j&dl=0 You are cordially invited to Tinker Taelor (Soldier Spy) 4 – my beginner friendly, three-round tournament that this year will also be raising money for charity. The event includes slightly longer round times (two and a half hours per round) and a special award, ‘Welcome to Malifaux’, awarded to the best placed player new to the Malifaux tournament scene. Players of all ability and experience are welcome, but if you have been considering playing in your first Malifaux tournaments, Tinker Taelor is a great place to jump in! The last Tinker Taelor was held in August 2019, when twenty players battled it out for the title. Since then, we’ve all been through a lot. Kevin Gillett was the winner of Tinker Taelor 3 but sadly, he passed away in August last year. Our hearts go out to Kevin’s family, and it is a sad day indeed to lose one of our own before their time. In his memory, the winner’s trophy will be named for Kevin. During 2020, with everything else going on (you know what I’m talking about), Andy Bradshaw was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Thankfully, Andy is well and now cancer free. Cancer is a condition that has touched many of us, and to commemorate Andy’s struggle, the Wooden Spoon award will be named for all that he sacrificed in his fight against cancer. Kevin’s family and Andy have nominated a charity, and money raised will be split between those two charities. I hope you can join us to flip some cards, have some fun and do a little good in the world! Tournament Format This will be a Malifaux Third Edition tournament following Gaining Grounds Season 4. Please read this document carefully and contact me if you have any queries. Tinker Taelor 4 Charity will be a three-round, one-day event. On registration, players will commit to a single faction they will be playing for the entire event. A copy of the Gaining Grounds document can be found here: https://www.wyrd-games.net/malifaux. At the beginning of each round you must declare a leader from your chosen faction then hire a legal crew totalling 50SS (including upgrades). Only models that have had an official rules release (available on wyrd-games.net/malifaux or on the official app) will be considered legal. Dead Man’s Hand models are not considered legal. Game Variant - Singles: when Hiring, Masters not sharing a Keyword with the Crew's Leader cannot be hired. The event will be run using www.bag-o-tools.com. The tournament results will be reported to Malifaux Rankings – please advise if you wish to be anonymous. Strategy and schemes are revealed below. All models must be assembled and securely attached to the appropriate sized base. Painted models are not compulsory, but are strongly encouraged. Reward, in the form of raffle tickets, will be allocated to players using painted crews. Tournament Schedule Each game will last two hours and thirty minutes including set-up. Strategies and Schemes as per Gaining Grounds 4 are listed below. Please note: Dark Sphere does not open until 12pm, so while we can use the venue from 10am, purchases may not be made until the store opens. 10:00-10:30 Registration 10:30-13:00 Game 1: Flank / Plant Explosives Death Beds; Sweating Bullets; Information Overload; Take Prisoner; Ensnare 13:00-13:45 Lunch & Painting 13:45-16:15 Game 2: Standard / Stuff the Ballots Let Them Bleed; Power Ritual; Deliver A Message; Hold Up Their Forces; Protected Territory 16:15-16:30 Break 16:30-19:00 Game 3: Wedge / Raid the Vaults Let Them Bleed; In Your Face; Outflank; Espionage; Take Prisoner 19:00-19:30 Clean Up & Prizes In the event of odd numbers of participants, a ringer will be available who will be removed from the final tournament standings. Lunch is not provided, however there multiple shops, cafés, and fast food restaurants in the immediate vicinity of the venue - the venue kindly request that you do not eat outside food on their premises. Charity A minimum of £5 from each ticket will be donated to charity. In addition, a commission painted Crossroads 7 crew will be raffled off, with tickets available for sale online and on the day, at a price of £1 per ticket and all proceeds going to charity. This raffle will be done by means of an electronic raffle, such as wheelofnames.com. Anyone buying tickets in-person on the day of the event will receive left-over English GT merchandise while stock remains. More details to follow. All charitable proceeds will be split between two nominated charities: Maggie’s - Finding out you have cancer changes your life, and the weeks after diagnosis can be the most difficult and challenging. Maggie’s are here from that moment. Maggie’s is a charity that provides free expert care and support in centres across the UK and online. Their cancer support specialists, psychologists and benefits advisors are here for you and everyone you love. In every centre, you’ll find a bright and welcoming space full of the kind of support that people facing cancer need and deserve. https://www.maggies.org/ Crohn's & Colitis UK – Every day, people are diagnosed with Crohn's or Colitis, the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease. You could be any age, rich or poor, of any faith or none, of any ethnicity, sexuality, or gender. You could be anyone walking down any UK street. Whoever you are, a diagnosis of Crohn's or Colitis will be life changing. Since 1979, Crohn's & Colitis UK has been here for everyone affected by Crohn's and Colitis, their missions are to: break taboos; drive pioneering research; bring people together; campaign to improve lives; lead the fight against Crohn’s and Colitis. https://crohnsandcolitis.org.uk/ Entry Tickets are priced at £15. Refunds will only be provided if cancellation is received on or before 15 June 2024. To purchase tickets, please send payment via PayPal (Friends & Family) to: https://paypal.me/TomSkitt?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB. Please include in the comments the name of the participating player. Attendees: 1. Luke Athiko 2. Richard Bailey 3. Matthew Dunk 4. Richard Walters 5. James Trevellion 6. Ollie Hedges 7. Hev Readdy 8. Rob Jones 9. Andrew Fabian 10. Simon Lovell 11. 12. George Barlow 13. Jon Willetts 14. Pieter Schutte 15. Alex Dodd 16. Sean Wheeliker 17. Lee Walstow 18. AJ Barr 19. Andrew Humphreys 20. Grant Dickenson 21. 22. Chris D 23. Marcus Rose 24. Jade Baker 25. Alex Skerry 26. Jaafar Mestari 27. 28. Ben Worsfold 29. Max Fawcett 30. Matt Lewin 31. Charlie Polley 32. Oz Goff Waiting List Martin Wodehouse Justin Plimmer Dan A (Sandwich)
  6. Thanks to everyone that attended. Hope everyone had a great weekend, and well done all! Our winners: 1st and Best Neverborn, Emma Newham 2nd and Best Bayou, Radek Bry 3rd and Best Guild, Matt Lewin Best Resurrectionist, Grant Dickenson Best Outcast, Richard Walters Best Arcanist, Yan Pietrzak Best Painted and Best Ten Thunders, Jack Bicknell Best Explorer's Society, Ben Salmon Wooden Spoon, Michael Farr
  7. Registration is now open: https://bag-o-tools.web.app/register Due to personal circumstances, there will not be a ringer, so if we end up with odd numbers on the day, there will be a bye.
  8. Please let us know if you would like to be on reserve list - one ticket currently available
  9. There is a Saturday Night social at Navigation Inn, near the venue. Cab you please let me know by 5pm tomorrow (Tuesday 26th) if you will be attending, either on UK Malifaux Discord Channel OR letting me know here. https://www.harvester.co.uk/restaurants/london/thenavigationenfield?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb#/
  10. There is an updated version of the player pack that includes *provisional* Strat and Scheme Pools. We are still holding our breath on GG4, so if that is released on or before Wed 27th September, we will update to the latest GG, if not it will be as below: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w8huq7vx1x9bus7x3p91d/Player-Pack-EGT23-PROV-FINAL.pdf?rlkey=vesyt5vnn7is0rv1qqew7kiy1&dl=0 Saturday 30th: 10:00-10:30 Registration 10:30-12:45 Game 1: Flank / Cursed Objects Assassinate; Sabotage; Hidden Martyrs; Spread Them Out; Public Demonstration 12:45-13:45 Lunch & Painting 13:45-16:00 Game 2: Corner / Guard the Stash Leave Your Mark; Spread Them Out; Set the Trap; In Your Face; Secret Meetup 16:15-18:30 Game 3: Wedge / Covert Operation Breakthrough; Vendetta; Assassinate; Leave Your Mark; Load ‘Em Up Sunday 1st: 09:15-11:30 Game 4: Standard / Carve a Path Hidden Martyrs; Catch and Release; Load ‘Em Up; Public Demonstration; In Your Face 11:30-12:15 Lunch 12:15-14:30 Game 5: Flank / Covert Operation Vendetta; Sabotage; Catch and Release; Set the Trap; Secret Meetup 14:45-17:00 Game 6: Wedge / Guard the Stash Breakthrough; Assassinate; Hidden Martyrs; In Your Face; Secret Meetup 17:00-17:30 Prizes
  11. And here is the player pack for your reading pleasure! This will be updated once we can release Strats and Schemes. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/939810r6srwulge7pyvfc/Player-Pack-EGT23-PROVISIONAL.pdf?rlkey=8d2bipwuljfo29t6czdd6oqkg&dl=0
  12. I wanted to highlight a couple of things I think are errors in MoM, just to make sure they don't get missed: Rocketeer has an action called 'Ignite Fumes' - this action already exists in Tri-chi with a completely different effect. I think a cornerstone of M3e was to ensure common rules worked the same, so this is perhaps a little confusing. Kara's Play with Prey action "moves" the target. The trigger allows an attack on models "pushed"... which would be no-one... if the trigger is just intended to discard a scheme marker, then that's incredibly confusing for new players. Loving the new book, just hope these can be looked at before the cards go to print.
  13. Saturday Social I've booked tables at Navigation Inn for 7.30pm on the Saturday eve. Some people have confirmed attendance already, please let me know as soon as possible if you haven't: above a certain number they'll need to get extra staff on, so I said I would confirm. It's a Harvester, so pretty standard food and a reasonable choice, but it's the most convenient for the location - about 30 minute walk or 5 minute drive from Lee Valley Athletics Centre.
  14. I've sent attendees an email - please check junk folder if you haven't received it. There's info regarding Saturday Social that requires a response. If anyone wants to be put on the waiting list in case of returned tickets, please let me know.
  15. Last day of ticket sales is Sunday 11th September - act fast!
  16. Great - very happy to welcome you! We're a friendly bunch, so hope to give you a stellar first taste of the Malifaux Tournament circuit! Who is your +1 please?
  17. I would like to give a shout out to some of the companies that have supported us in putting on the EGT: Wyrd Games, of course, for the fantastic jo0b they do in supporting not only the game we all love, but also the community! Rampage Games for providing fantastic markers and all the doohickies you might ever need to play - https://rampage-games.com/ Wayland Games, quality provider of models and terrain in the UK - https://bit.ly/3STQjCR (there's no kick-back or anything like that associated with this link, it just tells Wayland we sent you so they can see how beneficial it is to support Malifaux events).
  18. Attendees updated as of 7th June. Could Bert and Tim please let me know the names of their +1s?
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