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Everything posted by dripless_cactus

  1. Awesome glow effects and creative way to infer levitation
  2. Love the little details and so impressed you got this done in such a short amount of time.
  3. This is hilarious and very well done. Nice work!
  4. Looks awesome. The glow effects are incredible. Thanks for the WIP shots too!
  5. Great work competitor! It definitely had me shaking in my boots as I was finishing up my model. Best of luck!
  6. Dr. Al finally discovered the key to eternal life, only to be killed by his subject.
  7. Object source lighting (when you paint lighting effects rather than use an actual light)
  8. Looks nicely painted! Is there some OSL from the sword or is that just an illusion? Would love to see some better pictures. Look into making or buying a photo light box.
  9. Definitely love your paint style. I bet they look amazing on the game table
  10. I do think the photo turned out atmospheric and neat, but the lighting really washes out any details that may have been painted on the gunman. He looks kind of flat.
  11. Great piece and good attempt at OSL! The rock and tombstones look kind of plasticy - maybe just some extra texture and highlighting would make them look more... rocky.
  12. I like the blood stains, but its hard to give feedback since the picture quality is so poor. Look into making a light box - there are many tutorials online and it's a cheap way to get 10x better pictures even with a bad camera or a phone.
  13. She ruined their party! What a jerk, who invited her? Neat idea, good job!
  14. The skele looks good but agree the purple and green need some highlighting. It looks unfinished.
  15. The diorama is cool, and the pieces are nice. Just agree that the bases on the actual figures are not really integrated.
  16. This is really cute. I like how you integrated the bases with the set, since I assume these are game pieces you plan to use. The brick wall is really nice. Good job!
  17. ooh I really like this. Her dress is awesome
  18. I think you got scored unfairly lowly but I'm glad you survived and hope you continue! Many of these look well painted and the blue glow is really neat. Definitely think this is a photograph fail more than anything. In the next round I would recommend either focusing on one figure inside of a (well proportioned) scene or have some sort of dynamic between the figures happening. Less might be more. But you definitely have skills!
  19. The base and the colors are nice. I enjoy the details on his face and claw too
  20. This is a very cool little scene. How did you do the water effects?
  21. Ah I don't agree. I think the dragon pops quite a bit. That being said, if the witch had a brighter red dress and even brighter hair I think she would steal the show and that would be really interesting. While the other figures are neat too I actually think they might be detracting from the main action.
  22. Nice! i really like the story here and it's not overdone.
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