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Everything posted by KingCrow

  1. Thank you! Another person who recognizes the beauty that is Dancing Sabre Colette for Ply for Info!
  2. Where do we start the petition to get Wyrd to remake Kaeris? lol
  3. I 100000% agree with you. Her summoning is very sub-par and will never see competative or really any type of play, unless someone is trying it out. In the years I've played Malifaux, I've used the upgrade once, saw how bad it was and have never touched it since. I fully wish that Wyrd would re-do her summoning upgrade to give her access to the Lampad Resser model. I still don't understand why Ressers got access to a models that's all about burning even though there are factions that have such better synergy with the burning. I guess we can only hope maybe they'll give something that is PERFECT for Kaeris in the future. I believe Kaeris is supposed to be a tanky, frontline spellcaster but the setup she requires takes precious AP and not enough models can benefit from the enemy models being on fire. Also, not enough models can reliably put burning on the enemy.
  4. We have lots of movement tricks up our sleeves as Arcanists and I was thinking of the best models to use for this Strategy. One of them was the Soulstone Miner and his ability to unbury relatively close to the enemy deployment zone. Has anyone tried this? I have yet to play a game of Symbols but this sounds like a model that might finally see some table time. Thoughts? What are other models that people are using to get to the enemy's symbols?
  5. I recently traded for a Parker crew but did not get Mad Dog with it due to it being lost and so the guy gave me a Nothing Beast in place of Mad Dog. Is the Nothing Beast a decent model to bring along with Parker? I figured he's a decent beater and has a Ca action which Parker's crew lacks. Plus, with Parker being so card hungry (or so I've heard), it helps keep the NB's defense at a decent number. Should I look at getting a Scion of the Void? If the NB is a bad option, what else would be suggested to bring for a lack of Mad Dog?
  6. Being able to summon Fire Gamin like Lampads summon more of themselves would be amazing. Kaeris would instantly see more play and would be a lot more fun.
  7. As an avid Sandeep player myself, I've realized that the toughest matchups I've is when the opponent focuses straight on to Sandeep. Cut off his resources (cards and stones) or cut him with a heavy beater. Yes, it's possible for Sandeep to escape with the teleport and heal but he's honestly a semi-fragile master that has a majority of his actions dictated by his hand. Thanks for the write-up man. Glad you were able to lead the Arcanists to victory.
  8. Exactly what I've had stuck in my mind since seeing it. Lol.
  9. Kaeris needs a model like the Lampad. Having something that's all about burning in every way would hugely benefit her. Also, the fact that it has her action on her new upgrade as a 0 AP is fun. Seriously tho, why do Ressers have a model all about burning?
  10. Anither starter kit perhaps!?
  11. As someone who plays Marcus, he is absolutely amazing. He can literally do anything from being a beater (with min 4 damage), to buffing and debuffing and scheme running ALL IN THE SAME TURN. One of the most beneficial models I think you can get for Kaeris and Arcanists in general is Carlos. I literally use him in every crew I make. Plus, if you get Malifaux Raptors, they can turn any model into a Beast for the whole game with a trigger on their Ml attack. So basically you can run whatever you want and still be amazing. Arcane effigy is a solid minion and essentially makes Marcus min damage 5 or they discard a card. Night terrors absorb 6-10 damage for Marcus's Df trigger and Performers are great for blowing up Scheme Markers at range and potentially putting enemy models at -/- on Df and Wp duels. These three I always bring with Marcus as well. It leaves room for Myranda (with Imbued Energies) and Carlos and another heavy hitter or scheme runners. Saying this, Sandeep is great of course but I can't say how much fun and strong Marcus is. I'd say he's also one of the more difficult masters to play because, like Sandeep, he has so many options. All of our other masters are kind of niche masters but are also fun to play. Good luck!
  12. Even though you lose Sandeep casting it (and the positives from Tutelage) you can still get another cast from Colette prompting Gluttony and give him positives from a bird sacrificing itself.
  13. For those not in the Facebook Wyrd group... I Wanted to spread something to my fellow Arcanists. I've always thought Gluttony would be decent with his condition he can apply. After posting a question to the rules section on the forums (http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/…/1342…/), I think he might be a decent jank addition to Sandeep and maybe other masters who deal with scheme markers. Basically, you can apply the condition to up to 3 or 4 models by using Tutelage Sandeep and Cassandra and then place a marker within 6 inches of all of them (with PP or all the others ways we have) and have all the enemies with the condition take 2 damage but only one pushes and the marker is only counted as discarded by the model that pushed. They all take the damage because it's the placing of the Marker that triggers the damage, not the discarding. Crazy, right? Probably not the best 9SS model to bring along but still a great way to get easy damage on to enemies!
  14. @solkan Ah, I understand now. If multiple enemy models have the condition on them, the opposing player (who has the condition on both of his models) would choose which model to push toward the scheme marker and it would effect all of his other models due to the scheme marker being discarded. You fully resolve one model's condition before another model's condition can begin. It's apparently worth it to place this on multiple models.
  15. @solkan So if I'm understanding this properly, the controller of the model with the "Mad with Hunger" condition would choose which model (out of the multiple models with the condition) that he wanted to push towards the Scheme Marker? Then, even if the model(s) do not end in base contact with the Marker, all of them would suffer the damage? Including the model(s) that did not push? In the cases of abilities that contain the word "then", I thought that all of the first part of an ability (in this case, the push/push into base contact with the Marker) had to be performed so that the other half of the ability (the discarding of the Marker and the damage) could occur. Please correct me if I'm wrong and/or misunderstanding.
  16. Gluttony has an ability called "A Rhythm to Those Who Hunger" that applies the condition "Mad with Hunger: Whenever a Scheme Marker is placed withing 6" and LoS of this model, push this model into base contact with the Marker, then discard it and this models suffers 2 damage..." If this condition is applied to two or more models and a scheme marker is placed within range of all of them, how do you resolve the condition? Do both models push into base contact with the Marker at the same time or does only one model push and discard meaning the other model no longer has to push? If it's the second choice, which player decides who pushes which model? Also, what if a model is blocked from pushing all the way into base contact (such as by another model being in the way or hitting terrain)? Does it not suffer the damage because it didn't touch the marker? Thanks!
  17. @WWHSD, thank you for the breakdown. It is as I suspected, the Arcane Emissary is still a sub-par model that I won't be taking in basically any of my crews as we have more 10 SS models that would be much better used in that spot.
  18. Has anyone had any luck with bringing the Arcane Emissary along with Sandeep? Banasuva can copy his abilities/actions and the Emissary allows other models to use his actions like Sandeep can. I'm not a big fan of the Emissary as it is but maybe I'm missing something.
  19. Could always use them in a Raspy crew (as that crew can sometimes have issues getting out scheme markers even with an Ice Dancer) and if they die, summon an Ice Gamin off its scrap marker. lol.
  20. If they were 2 or 3 SS and summonable like the birds, I think they'd see play. To have a choice on her summon upgrade to summon either birds or Mannequins would be awesome. Maybe that's what they should've done for her wave 5 upgrade. It would be so much better than her worthless Audience Participation one.
  21. I'd say it's the 3 wounds that makes me pass over them compared to other 4 cost models. Armor +3 and their abilities are nice but the fact they can only take 3 hits is rough. Also, the fact that they are Df 4 means that they are definitely going to get hit. I don't even take them in my Colette crews.
  22. The only thing you have to watch out for with Performers is that the opposing model fails the WP duel and then pushes. Pack leader wouldn't kick in after the push, only the pounces would.
  23. YES! So much of this.
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