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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Yeah, even with just the basic Conflux upgrade the Emmisarys are still quite good, just not specifically tailored to your master. The Mysterious Emmisary is a pretty solid unit, and its Destined ability can give all minions and enforcers within 4" on turn 2 Fast. With Titanias use of scheme markers, giving those models a free Move action can free them up to place scheme markers for her in better positions can be very helpful. Then with the basic upgrade, models within 4 get + to attack duels, and you get a 0 to draw 2 cards. Both of those help any crew.
  2. Yeah, I was under the impression it was Miss Fire.
  3. All said and done, if you look at The Combat Companies (just using these guys as an example because they're so prolific here) pricing before their discount, we're still paying slightly under what would be normal Australian RRP by ordering direct from Wyrd (TCC list the RRP of the rulebooks as $65au, while $45us comes to $60au at the moment). Add shipping on top, and you'll probably come on on Australian RRP. Generally because of this I limit myself to LE models during Wyrd sales because I prefer to just buy regular releases at my FLGS or if they don't have it, TCC (who are basically my second FLGS). However, I'm not super enamoured with The Wild Ones, I've been waiting a long time for the Mysterious Emmisary, and I absolutely love Titanias crew box and want to read her fluff in Ripples of Fate. So Wyrd gets those sales direct from me this year.
  4. Main issue for me is because it's so heavily themed, it's hard to expand the crew while keeping to the theme.
  5. Yeah $95 is too rich for me for The Wild Ones. Especially since it'll likely sit in a drawer and never get touched. I still haven't fully built or even started painting the Dark Carnival. But I'm in for Ripples of Fate, a Mysterious Emmisary, The Queen Returns and an Iconic Fate Deck. Do we know if the new Fate Decks are the same material as the Bad Ink fate decks, and if they come in those neat little magnetic boxes?
  6. One important part to remember about Pandora - don't see her WK and Cg of 4 and think she's slow. Using her WP7 as DF gives her a good chance to win DF duels, and winning those DF duels with WP counts as a WP duel for her, which gives her a push. I've had her cross the board from being attacked with ranged attacks and winning the duels.
  7. I've got a double sided mat from playmats.eu and Plastcraft terrain (which I direly need more of). Both sides have M2E deployment and scheme and strategy markings. This is one side (their dark island mat). This is the other, their victorian pavement mat.
  8. Titanias crew is outstanding. I was hoping the Autumn Knights would make an appearance, and not only do we get the badass from the art we'd already seen but two more completely individual, awesome looking Knights. Aeslin looks super fun to paint. Not overly sold on the Gorar (mostly because I think it's going to have separate teeth) but it's still a nice little model. Guessing it's the Totem. I'll be skipping The Wild Ones at gencon (mostly because it'll sit in my drawer of shame and never get built or played) to grab early release Titania.
  9. I actually like this master much more than I thought I would.
  10. Had a burst of enthusiasm today and finished off a Malifaux model, Iggy. Iggy and the other creepy orphans. Also some better photos of Tuco and Coppelius.
  11. Is it a coincidence that the female looks like the creepy humanoids growing from the Mysterious Emmisarys base?
  12. I've been on the wrong end of this with just Howard Langston. Took my whole hand (I had a lot of high cards) and almost all my soulstones in damage prevention to save Nekima, then the combined effort of Nekima, Lilith, a Terror Tot and a Black Blood Shaman to take him down before it happened again. This also cost me the game due to how much I focused on it rather than schemes.
  13. I don't have one. My tactic to not buying every master is that some just don't appeal to me. I really, really enjoy the Neverborn faction, and they have the most masters that have appealed to me, 5. I don't have 2 of them yet, as I've been focussing on getting everything I want for the other 3. Next up is Gremlins, which have 3 masters that appeal to me. I'll end up with 4 just because I want the rest of the box, so that master will likely just get painted eventually and sit in the display cabinet. However, the rest of the factions have at least one master I like, and will likely end up with them. So far I'm only missing Ressers, and only have Ten Thunders from a dual master. I was going to stick to only Neverborn and collect the whole faction, but Collidi just didn't appeal to me, and neither does Lucius. Then I started reading the fluff and let my interest wander across the factions and I found many masters that I liked regardless of faction.
  14. Excellent. I shall wait then.
  15. Gadzooks Gaming have Vasilisa for $23. They do split box sales for Malifaux. Sold out right now but email them and find out when they are doing another. She's expensive I'm assuming because she's the most popular from the set.
  16. Any plans to sell them separately?
  17. Lucius is a lawyer. Colette runs a burlesque theatre. Lynch runs a casino. The Brewmaster is, well, a master brewer. There's no reason a journalist can't fit right alongside masters such as these. This is something I love about Malifaux. Not every master is your typical 'combatant'. Alongside masters like Perdita, a kickass cowboy, Von Schill, badass leader of a mercenary company, Sonia Criid, badass witch hunter, you've got things like Jack Daws thematic 'crew' is a bunch of Ghosts that have died horribly and are taking it out on the living. Pandora, who goes around with her creepy Woe and Mimic children making people kill themselves. Zoraida, the 'fortune teller' in the woods. Masters in this game are so varied and interesting, most falling outside of 'face puncher #8'.
  18. Another reason to avoid them, at least early on, is they are so good they can become a crutch. Which is fine if your really like them, but it can prevent you from trying other minions which have their own strengths.
  19. That's not being unable to think outside the fluff, it's people enjoying the fluff. Personally I run Nephilim with Lilith but a lot of people at she's better without them at all. Id never call someone out for 'breaking' with the fluff if they want to hire outside of theme - after all the fluff for the game is hiring crews, a master won't always run with their thematic crew. But I also appreciate not having disparaging remarks directed the other way either. We all play the game for different reasons, and the community is better without that sort of divide.
  20. The Origin photos that have been going about show the Winged Plague on some neat little flying bases. Anyone know where to buy these? I'd love those for mounting my Skeeters and Flying Monkeys.
  21. Does it matter if there's something else on the itemised receipt? Mines got a bit over $60 woth of Malifaux stuff, plus a pack of bases from another company.
  22. She gets +2Ca+Tome on the centerline. The extra tome means she should auto surge, since both skills that can surge also have built in tomes.
  23. Thanks guys. About what I thought. At the moment I'm coming out of Infinity mode, where a lot of the competitiveness comes from what's hidden from your opponent. I'll make more of an effort to communicate to people what models do.
  24. I see no reason we can't have badass faerie warriors in wooden armour with huge spears as combat minions, and weird flying glowing butts as Titanias Totems or scheme runners, and whatever else they come up with the the Fae. There's lots of inspiration to draw from when designing Fae units. They don't have to be, nor do I want them to be, as uniform as the Nephilim.
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