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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Yeah, I'm not trying to say it shouldn't be addressed. My group has a henchman that doesn't seem to use official prize packs, so I've got a hard time getting guilders as well. Just saying it isn't expensive, but yeah that doesn't make it any easier tog et them.
  2. I too would be quite interested in a set or two if you sold them.
  3. $5-$10us seems to be the going rate in trades.
  4. I can't speak for the Guild models (though I've heard Grimwell is popular) but the Neverborn models all add something at least Nephilim are lacking. Angel Eyes is a solid ranged henchman for her cost. Blood Wretches are a nice alternate to Terror Tots, face beaty rather than lightning fast. While the model is awful the Scion of Black Blood has powerful if expensive condition removal, a heal, a pseudo Obey and another ranged attack.
  5. I come from army scale games playing Tyranids in 40k. They made them play more like Tyranids than Games Workshop ever made Tyranids play, and in a much more player friendly manner.
  6. I like that Titania so much more than the one in the starter. I was so sad that it was done as a 2 cast only prize for a competition a while ago. Now I can buy one! Yay!
  7. I'd buy it if it got some semi regular expansions. I've always had my eye on it but the complete lack of support made me hold off. It also continues the whole Malifaux centric thing. You've got the Skirmish game (Malifaux), the Wargame (The Other Side), the RPG (Through the Breah) and the Boardgame (Puppetwars).
  8. I get an email every day to respond to Backerkit. If I respond now can I add more later? I was going to wait until I had the money to add what else I wanted.
  9. The issue with using dice instead of cards isn't even in the stored 'rolls' of your hand or trigger suits - the basic premise of a deck means something can only be flipped once. With dice they can be rolled as long as it lands on that side. For example, if you're hoping for a 13 of masks to get that massive hit off, but flip that 13 of masks for a healing flip instead before that model is activated, well, you can't flip it again and have to rely on a different flip. Or if it's in your hand, you might suffer a large hit before you activate that model and you really need to use it for a cheated Df flip to not lose a key model. There's really no way to replace the deck mechanic with dice and some up with a balanced solution. My main question to them would be why are they so heavily against trying something new? I wasn't entirely sold on the idea of using a deck until I tried it. It's a fun mechanic. It's not for every game, but Malifaux and TTB (and the upcoming The Other Side) are built around it.
  10. Easy to say, tough to do. Even hiring more people, you're looking at delaying - severely depending on the quantities - orders by putting everything through such a QA check. I got my errata cards yesterday, and all were fine.
  11. I'd buy that cover as a poster in an instant. Also, I can't begin to say how much I love the Cabin in the Woods scenario. it's just great. It calls on some strong themes of Malifaux, like the obvious horror elements, but also the Western theme (how many Westerns have the small ragtag group in a building shootout) while also paying homage to classic horror films. The scenario itself looks to play out rather simply, but still evokes the feeling of those slasher films with a few special rules and tweaks. I can imagine several games now, like the ragtag remnants of a Latigo patrol in the badlands, holed up in a shack, surrounded by Nephilim, trying to get people out to call for reinforcments. You could include Tuco to make it extra thematic - getting revenge on his old brothers and sisters. Or even some Freikorps and/or Ronin in a run down building in a forest, surrounded by literal Nightmares coming to devour them. I can't wait to give this scenario a run. Or three. Or four. It also makes a great scenario to sit beside the Night of the Carver on Halloween.
  12. Speaking as someone who works in this kind of industry, there's a lot of ways for the wrong print files to make it to the printers. The fact that it takes so long to print them tells me they don't have an entirely automated system and are relying on people to generate the print files. This mostly points to just bad QA on Wargamevaults part. Keeping old files would be pretty standard. But keeping them in a manner where who/whatever sending them to print gets confused between the sets just points to unchecked human error.
  13. Things like Roosters are going to take a while to settle down. They were broken. Really, they were. They deserved to lose something - Reckless, 1 AP charges, Rampage, toning down their attack. Something was on the cards to drop. They chose Reckless. Now? There's morely 'good'. There's competing models - as said, Merris, who is fast. Burt, who can do the damage. Roosters still combine those into a single model. Right now, people are still reeling from their broken good models being downgraded to merely good - in the same way Neverborn players who crutch on Illumunated would feel if they (when?) got Cuddled. In a few months, we'll see where Roosters actually stand. They might get a buff of a different kind in the 6 monthly errata if Wyrd feel they overswung the pendulum, but I think it's fair to say Reckless just isn't coming back.
  14. Mini rulebooks are free as PDFs now through DrivethruRPG, so they might not sell. I'd add a couple of the 2 player starter boxes to their initial order, since that was designed with the intention of easing players in with scenarios that progressively add rules, decently balanced opposing crews and models that are easy to assemble.
  15. It depends on the book. Outside of the fluff, book 1, the rulebook, has the rules and all of wave 1's unit cards. Book 2, Crossroads, has a boatload more unit cards - all of wave 2, which was abnormally large - and some scenarios. Book 3, Shifting Loyalties, has a very extensive progressive campaign system and all of the unit cards for wave 3. Book 4, Ripples of Fate, has all of the unit cards for wave 4. Having all of the unit cards can be very helpful, if even only within your own faction, as you can look at the rules of the unit before committing to buying them. It also lets you see the rules for everything else in the game, so you can research what other factions can do that you might want to watch out for. I haven't had the chance to try the campaign yet, but it looks like loads of fun. A lot like Mordheim.
  16. If you dropped Lelu for a pair of Terror Tots you'd have some good scheme runners who can also pounce, plus an extra activation.
  17. Shouldn't be too long. They said a few weeks after the kickstarter ended, and it's been about 2 weeks.
  18. Huh, given the prevalence of Guild stuff in the Core books, I always figured they were the Guild book.
  19. You will see people talk about teirs and where masters sit on those teirs. Don't be worried - this isn't teirs as in 'this master that is teir 1 will kick that teir 3 master in the pants' like you see in Warmahordes or 40k. Players rank the masters based on how many of the available scemes and strategies their playstyle is affective in, how crew dependant they are and how easy they are to play. To use a Neverborn example, as that's my faction: Lilith and Jakob Lynch are often considered teir 1. This is because their abilites are more generalised. They support their crew and the master can go about doing its thing while the crew does its own thing. Lilith, for example, sticks enemies in place, moves friendly and enemy models around and creates cover. These are things that work irrespective of crew and scheme or strategy, they're just in general good abilities, so she's easier (for Neverborn) to grasp, works in pretty much any combination of schemes and strategies, and you don't have to build a crew around her. Pandora has two limited upgrades and is generally harder to play. One, Voices, lets her paralyse enemy models easily, and at decent range. The other, The Box Opens, gives her Terrifying and a new attack. Pandora with The Box Opens is more specialised - she somewhat relies on a certain crew makeup that wants you and your opponent to get into a brawl, so she's often put in teir 2 or 3 (depending on the skill of the player) because it's a more limtied option, you need to somewhat build the crew around her and she's rather tricky to play (and play against). But in that situation, she's very powerful if played properly. Pandora with Voices works irrespective of crew. She's great at handing out Paralyze to key enemy models, limiting what they can actually do in their own turn. This lets the rest of your crew get to work, so you can build it without considering supporting her. Pandora with Voices is generally considered teir 1 or 2 (depending on the skill of the player) because she works in a wider set of schemes and strategies, irrespective of crew and is a bit easier to play. So if you happen to run across people comparing the 'power levels' or teirs of masters, take it with a grain of salt. Sometimes you'll see people rank a master low simply because they're not familiar with their playstyle. There has been one outlier to this unfortunately, which was Lucius. He just wan't very good. He recently got an extensive Errata and I've heard people talking about him favourably, but I don't play him so I can't really comment if he got fixed. The benefit of all this is you pick your crew after you know the strategy and scheme pool. So once you have two or three masters for a faction, you can tailor what you use to the objectives you have. I personally like Brawler Pandora with The Box Opens and haven't had the urge to really give Voices Pandora a go, but I always have Lilith with me as well. So if I get a set of schemes and strategy Brawler Pandora just isn't good at I can grab Lilith.
  20. There's currently 7 models, not 3. One 'vintage' master per faction. Above the third image, there's a pair of left and right arrows.
  21. @Aaron Further testing - I have now tried on both an iPhone 7 and iPad Mini 2, both running the latest iOS. One downloaded directly from DrivethroughRPG to the device, one downloaded to my PC and synced onto the tablet. No such luck
  22. I came to Malifaux (and Infinity) from 40k. I became disinterested in 40k after the endless cycle of cuddling old units and releasing brand new, very powerful units to drive sales. Not to mention playing an army that has been at the bottom of the pile since 4th edition, where I basically didn't need to bother unpacking my army, as I just spend the rest of the game packing it back away in the order my opponent chose. The developers themselves seem to have lost all passion for the game and are just going through the motions with each release. I've been playing Malifaux since just before the release of Crossroads, the second M2E book. So far, I've not seen any of what I saw playing 40k. Units from book 1 are still strong and common to see as well as units from other books. Something else I see often is whenever someone comes up and says 'X unit is crap and needs to be buffed' you see lots of people come in to talk about how they make the unit work. The balance isn't perfect, but unlike 40k where the company doesn't even try and the community defends it by saying 'well true balance just isn't possible so get over it', Wyrd actually cares and does try. It's really refreshing being able to buy something and not be worried that it's just never going to hit the table, and playing a game where the creators do actually love their creation.
  23. I downloaded both the versions labelled "_2117" (which I assume is a date stamp for 1 February 2017) and the other file. Neither were fixed.
  24. I got excited this morning when I got emails that new versions of Into the Steam and Under Quarantine were available so I rushed and downloaded them and... no, still have the issues.
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