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Everything posted by trapthem

  1. Oh man I was hoping painting things would have people itching to paint more not packing it in ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) Definitely want to see more painting from everyone, i'll be slowing down a bit if that helps! After I finish a couple more crews...
  2. Thanks all, really enjoying the malifaux minis (much to the detriment of the people I play infinity against and my not even primed armies). Really enjoying playing around with different styles from crew to crew and trying new techniques to suit themes *edit* Figure I might as well drop this in here as well. Going to be doing some stuff up for a new game called Frostgrave using a bunch of minis from my collection already. Did this scale chart up for some people on an AU forum and figured it would have a good place here as well. COMPARISON CHART Please note I am not defining true or heroic scale options - just what they are usually labelled as when you want to buy. Some of the options may be re branded 32mm because bases are 32mm or be labelled 30mm and things like that. Hopefully this helps people a bit when shopping around for rough ideas of scale for proxies etc. Ok so from left to right! - Infinity 2nd Ed (nomads male) [28mm scale] - Infinity 3rd Ed (nomads male - same unit as above) [28mm scale] - Reaper Halfling (pathfinder / dnd metals) [28mm scale] - Reaper Human female (pathfinder / dnd metals) [28mm scale] - GW Human (empire conversion - slightly hunched) [28mm scale] - Reaper Bones - armored male (plastic - please note - no base) [28mm scale] - GW Armored Chaos Human Male [28mm scale] - Warthrone / Avatars of War Chaos Male (armored - the champion solo figures are larger though) [28mm scale] - Hordes - Skorne (Male Solo) [30mm scale] - Warmachine - Cryx (Female Warcaster) [30mm scale] - Bushdio Male (cult of yurei) [30mm scale] - Malifaux 1st Ed (guild guard - 2nd ed versions of this are larger / more dynamic) [30mm scale] - Malifaux 2nd Ed (Freikorps) [30mm scale]
  3. Ghost things in pandoras crew were definitely already base coated but this is the past couple of weeks. Open Spoiler
  4. Few things to fix up on these but other than that this is pretty much it for the past two weeks since getting back from overseas.
  5. Definitely broke my airbrush today. Definitely heading overseas next week. Poop. Catch you all in August
  6. Gonna try amd get a crew done before I head overseas. Work has been mental and away for a couple of weeks for more work soon but I'll be back in august
  7. I'm still learning as I go but it's such a game changer for time and control. Best thing I've found is mixing primers for zenethil and colour primers to get a solid base of highlights and colour transition to work base coats on. Keep it thin (but not too thin) as the airbrush coats do stack up and you don't want to clog details. I use badger primer, game and model air as well as thin down p3 paints as well. All the cleaners etc are badger or Vallejo.
  8. I have a lot of minis to get through... hahaha Pretty determined to get a lot of my backlog done by the end of this hey haha
  9. While I am updating as I go over here figured i'd drop in a monthly report. JUNE: Open Spoiler
  10. Dope. Has me thinking about buying some ttb books. Looks like your leak has led to more sales already.
  11. Updates from the past couple of weeks. Decided to stop buying and building and get down to painting. Going for new techniques as well as some speed and keeping it kind of loose. Decided not to pick out every single detail on things if I wasn't vibing on it and maybe just give them things a darker wash or something to separate it but keep it close to the majority colour. First crew I knocked off was Zoraida Followed up by some waldgeists. I then kind of felt like doing a one off mini so I punched out a teddy for fun. Jacob Lynch and some terror tots. With the last couple there I tried to texture some of the flat surfaces up a bit with a few techniques but overall not that happy with it. Could of done smooth blends but was thinking some texture might no go astray. Not that it is totally garbage overall but definitely could of done better if I took my time and did glazes. Regardless, pretty happy with the pace so far and keen to knock out some more soon.
  12. If you take it out the package you might actually be committed to building and painting it instead of hoarding hahaha Hoping to actually find some time this week for some painting, hopefully knock out a crew or two
  13. For some reason I dont like the idea of binders.... I have no idea why... haha I have my cards in toploaders for the actual stat cards and just cheap sleeves for the upgrade cards since they dont see as much use or dry erase marker action. I should probably get a binder or two and stop putting them into gang piles with rubber bands.
  14. I'm currently hoping to find something similar to this which is for infinity : http://inf-dice.ghostlords.com/markers/ I doubt i'm going to find anything for Malifaux though since there isn't really a specific 'look' for tokens etc other than what people decide to use. Might come down to a more DIY design approach for printable tokens.
  15. The local game store just declined to help me and another customer order in several hundred dollars of wyrd products and was rude about it as well. The local online is throwing the mini in for free with the order. Definitely pleased with that result/ service.
  16. oooh love those wooden panels on those bases, very clean indeed
  17. Just a super quick update of my 'furthest along' stuff... its not much... been buying too much but that looks like its starting to slow down Plan is to knock off some of the 1e + neverborn things I have kicking around then hopefully finish about 5 figs a week or fortnight... big task but im thinking of trying a few different techniques so should be interesting... hopefully they dont wind up being too time consuming.
  18. Should be fun to see everyone's progress, keen on the colour primer being allowed, looking forward to painting some of those neverborn Also i'll be updating pics as I go, when I generally get around to uploading the pics, I might bother setting up my cameras wifi tether so I actually update as I go
  19. Aite I'm gonna paint my colour prime minis anyway, whether they count or not, meh, they still need to be painted haha. My priming process is usually black, then grey black mix x2 then grey then white (or grey) prime colour prime mix. Everything in this pic (that I am aiming to do) has that done to different degrees so i'll split the list up and provide pics. So the colour prime job on most stuff winds up different depending what style im going for (bright / dark etc) but basically gets painted over with a base and glazes etc so I imagine others would have the same. I am assuming winds up being a 'does not count for this purpose' type thing but hopefully clears a few things up with what priming is. TO DO LIST! Unpainted / Unbuilt / On order / In post -Claw and Fang Box (Marcus) -The Guild's Justice Box (Lady J) -Shadows of Redchapel (Seamus box) -Desolation Engine -2x Guild Executioners -ME1 Brutal Effigy -ME1 Purifying Flame -Tara Crew Box (not pictured on way from wyrd store) -The Carver (not pictured on way from wyrd store) -Translucent Green Kirai Crew (not pictured on way from wyrd store) -Whiskey Golem (not pictured on way from wyrd store) -Depleted Box (LGS on Order) -Mr Tannen (LGS on Order) -Punk Samurai Box (LGS on Order) -Hannah (LGS on Order) Black / Grey / White Prime! -Sonnia ME 1 Crew (crew box+ guild guards x3, guild hounds x2, austringer, guild captain) -Mc Tavish -Rafkin the Embalmer -Guild Autopsies x3 -Bishop -Hans -Miss Ery -Malifaux Child -Zoraida / Voodoo Doll / Bad Juju -Leveticus ME1 Crew -Dawn Serpent -Hired Guns Box (Von Schill) -Doppelganger -The Kin Crew (crew box, 3x piglets, 2x slop haulers -Mc Mourning Crew Box + Flesh Golem -Dreamer + Alps Colour Prime Mixes! -Waldgeists Box -Terror Tots box -Daydreams -Teddy -Copellius -Bound By Law Box (lucius crew) -Pandora / Candy / Baby Kade -Bette Noir Basecoats etc! -Pandora Geists -Lord Gappy Bits -1x Beckoner -Silithurds -Killjoy -Canine Remains x4 PICS The to do who horde Base Coated (+1 complete) Colour Prime example
  20. I did not... I did not indeed Primer question still stands
  21. Dig that white gorilla, might straight up steal that idea for my marcus crew (all albino everything!)
  22. Signing up. I'll throw a before pic edit up in this post when I finish assemble marcus and seamus boxes (might do that after work tonight) and i'll be adding a translucent kirai crew and my tara box, whiskey golem and carver when they arrive from the wyrd store Also, when you say prime, I have some models that have some colour prime as well as black and white etc, that count as prime or that count as base coat because colour? I just prime with a few different things and mixes
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