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Everything posted by trikk

  1. I think since its +1 I'd say it should be "If it does so, increase the damage by +1". Right now I'm in the 2 damage camp TBH.
  2. What I would do is change Hunt the Dead to: and built it into a few models. Then either make the pinebox a 1" attack with Wp14 or a 5" without the melee symbol.
  3. Why would you put the token on an enemy undercover reporter? You need to have only 4 other significant models which doesn't sound pretty viable.
  4. Even if we go through your analogy of them hitting the same thing and that its 10 vs 13 damage (Ill give Justice an extra crit) The 3 extra damage are not worth all the utility McCabe brings as a support master. He has a super solid ranged attack (6 vs Mv, auto slow +staggered), can give upgrades with Precise, has Ride with Me, Mv 7 and unimpended anr Luna is probably better than Scales. While that 13 dmg is basically all there is on that Lady J card Not to mention that my biggest issue is not LJs strength but that the keyword synergies are bad and don't work.
  5. The 13 on the attack has a higher chance of netting any results than holding it for defense. Not to mention that the occasional 3 damage is worth piling up attacks against her. Not to mention non-melee attacks that don't give a damn about your trigger. I'm sorry but that probability is awful. McCabe is 6 vs 5. 3 attacks with built in trigger. So with more or less equal hands he can hit you 3 times which suddenly triggers 2 extra tests and 2 damage which makes the damage better or at least on par. Lady J has to have a stone, a 5+M or R, and hit 3 times 6 vs 6 which isn't that easy. But even with your calculations Lady J has to have suits. Lady J does 2 more damage if she gets everything right. Now McCabe also can give out upgrades, has a better ranged attack, is faster and has Ride with Me. Oh, and extra Wounds So I'd say McCabe eats LJ for breakfast with pure damage, and on top of that he has a decent support role.
  6. I also think there are multiple other ways of making things work for Marshals: Make False Accusations into a trigger, and not a bonus action. Give DMs On Your Heels on their gun. This way they could place in B2B to try and pine box stuff.
  7. If Justice was Df6, I'd probably agree with you. In M2E she had the Frank buff that made it at least probable. With Df5 I can't agree with you. The issue I see is that LJ is most likely attacked by stat 6 opponents which means that if you manage to get that RJ and they cheat a 13 you still get hit and wasted a RJ (and with HtW the extra negative is not that big of an issue). I also played vs Justice and any crew with decent card draw will outdraw you and make the trigger useless. The potential 1 hit you will get out of it during a game is not worth losing attacks to. It also still is garbage compared to Colette, Ironsides, Von Schtook and a lot more def triggers. As for McCabe and the Doc: the issue is their damage output is slightly lower (still debatable for McCabe) but they offer way more in other aspects of the game. As for Leap: she has one of the worst leaps in the game needed a 5 and a mask...
  8. It's the bane of Guild players that try to use it 😜
  9. I really think Marshals are spread between 2 mechanics and both of them don't really work that well. We have the Bury mechanic models (DM, Recruiter, 50% Jury) that doesn't work because Pinebox is too restricted and not AP-efficient. Make it 1" and TN14/better triggers on DMs, We have the anti-Undead mechanic models (Exorcists, Lone Marshal, Judge, 50% Jury, Domador) which doesn't really work if you're not playing vs Undead. You need setup for half of your unbuilt triggers to work which is probably 1 step too complicated to work. If you make the triggers built in, then it will work vs non-Undead but Undead will be perma-executed. If you balance it for undead, it's shit vs non-undead. As for specific models: Totem: I really wish the totem had a to Wp duels aura to help with terrifying. It should either be a buff totem or give it decent stats and make it an annoyance to the enemy (df5, 6 wds fe). Right now if he gets close, he gives out points (not insignificant) but with 3 df and 4 wds he won't tank anything really. LJ: I wish she had "Balancing the Scales" (not built in) instead of counterattack trigger or at least 14 Wds. I mean she'd still be less tanky/annoying than Ironsides... Lone Marshal: ok-ish Although he could have a more interesting gun (Hunt the Dead for example). I mean Guild really lacks triggers on shooting attacks. DMs (make them Mv 6 or unimpended) Recruiters: make Grim Recruitment Living friendlies, and not minions only. And they should really have a built in ram on the blade. I mean 2/3/4 on an offensive 8SS models is....
  10. These look cool as hell! Especially the one that looks like a sloth
  11. My guess are: Gunner is something like fuhatsu. Guild Mages are Spellcasters on steroids. Both pretty useless
  12. So either they are very good and we can stop using keywords entirely or they suck and nothing changes
  13. She's 5 SS. The aura and obey + HtW (so she usually needs 2-3 hits instead of 1 focused) justifies her for me. They are pretty fast and hit surprisingly fast. They aren't great but for 4SS 3 actions a turn seem reasonable. It might be a personal thing, but I think Lucius draws cards but the whole keyword doesn't do too much. He's also a master that suffers greatly if your 2 main models die (and they aren't that tough). My biggest issue with Reichart is Stoic Nod which is an awful action. His Bring it would be cool if it skipped concealment. That's generally a big issue with Frontier. They put a lot of concealing terrain but only Pathfinders and Crockett ignore it for shooting. Santiago is actually really weird. I mean he doesn't look bad on paper, but he's kind of all over the place. He has challenge but he's pretty squishy and has Df5. He has decen triggers but he doesn't skip cover, concealment and his damage output isn't really good. I mean it's weird that noone in Family has Rapid Fire or min 3 😕
  14. Aeslin is "unaffected by underbrush markers" If Aeslin shoots an enemy inside an underbrush marker, does the enemy have concealment? I was pretty sure the answer is yes but right now I'm kind of inclined to say the enemy does not have concealment
  15. Raptors are A if your Austringer dies from irreducable damage :D!
  16. Don't lie. Papa Box was a thing !
  17. Hunters have Mv6 and Deadly Pursuit. Which means they can scheme when a watcher will die too easily. Hunters are also perma Stat 6. Also Hoffman has Transfer Power everywhere so I don't think he has mobility issues that much.
  18. I think if the escape was TN 14-15 or they would have some way of terrain mitigation or at least 1" they would be usable The 0" hurts them as much as it hurts investigators and reid 😕
  20. He costs 10 OOK. 11 gets you a Rider which IMHO is way better at almost everything. I just got him painted but I played him in beta and he's situational depending on the opponent and strat. I think No Prisoners is a bad upgrade TBH. It's bonuses are all over the place. For 11 points you have a Rider. I might be too harsh on him. He has some nice stuff but except for A Por El he doesn't really solve any problems. He has challenge but he has mediocre stats and no real defensive tools. My main issue with Dita is that it's a shooty crew but only 1 model ignores cover and concealment and everything is at min 2 and Df5 (except Dita). I found that every Hoffman Beater is probably better because he offers much home except Damage. Ryle has nice triggers on his guns, has creep along and field repairs, Joss has Command Construct, Ruthless and irreducable damage, Howard has vent steam and denies triggers. All of them are Mv5 also. Most Guild keywords don't need extra beaters. They need support and movement and he offers none I love Sonnia but TBH she doesn't offer a lot except damage. None of her keyword models really support her defense stats (Df4) or movement (4). Burning is quite nice and the summoning is cool, but for me why go through hoops for stuff to work instead of just having something that does. Lady Justice has a bit of mobility and a lot of healing. Perdita has a lot of movement tricks and extra AP generation.
  21. So after playing all the masters in various configurations I think it would be cool to show my tier list and see what other people see about it. All non-versatile models will have 2 tiers, in keyword and out of keyword. The default out of keyword will be C to make it simpler. Everything is IMHO and I'd like to hear your opinions A tier: for masters it's a tier you pick to win a tournament. For models it's hire always/almost always B tier: they are not autopicks but you will hire them more often than not. In some situations they can be A tier. C tier: they aren't optimal picks but they are not very bad so if you include some in your list you still have a chance to win D tier: you can skip them. Marshals: Lady Justice + Scales B- Judge A/B Jury B/B Lone Marshal B Recruiters D Domadors A Exorcists: B/B (due to exorcism trigger mostly) Death Marshals C Journalists: Nellie + Printing Press A Phiona A/A (Edit: She's basically an autotake) Allison Dade B Undercover Reporter B/B Field Reporters A False Witness: A Newsie: D Guard: Dashel + Dispatcher A Queeg B- Executionier A/C (except Lucius, when he jumps to B+) Mounted Guard A Sergeant B Riflemen B- Wardens C Patrol C Hounds C+ Family: Perdita + Enslaved Nephilim B- Francisco A- (Edit: after playing him more, he's definitely better) Nino A Abuela A Santiago C+ Papa Loco B- Monster Hunter A Pistolero De Latigo D Witch Hunters: Sonnia + Puryfing Flame C Samael Hopkins C+ Thrall B Handler A Queller D Stalkers C+ Spellcasters A Elite: Lucius + Scribe B Agent 46 A Alan Reid C Investigator C Lawyer A/A (Edit: Lawyer bumped to A/A because they turned out awesome) False Witness B- Augmented (only Guild models): Hoffman + Attendant B+ Melissa K.O.R.E B Peacekeeper C Guardian B Hunter B (Edit: after playing some Hoff I don't think they deserve A) Riot Breaker: B- Warden C Watcher A Frontier: Basse + Bernadette C (they increase in value on specific tables) Reichart C Crockett C Austringer B+ Pathfinder A/B Frontiersmann C Clockwork Traps TBD Versatile models: Grimwell B Heartsbane C Orderly D Steward A Pale Rider A Emissary B Effigy B (Edit: Effigy drops to B, he's usually doesn't fit) Greed C Peacekeeper D Discussion welcome and of course YMMV
  22. She's very durable, has pretty easy access to 3 attacks with positives and bring it is a better lure
  23. You might be right. I don't exactly know what changed but McCabe seems super solid as of now.
  24. Auras don't stack so you would only have to take 1 test. I like the Executionier and Pathfinder for Lucius. Executionier gives you a lot of trigger denying and Pathfinder allows shooting to concealment.
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