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Everything posted by trikk

  1. You can also add: win a game with no friendly minion models
  2. So basically looking at it, Guild wins in the "Good guy" department with Justice and Hoffman
  3. We could do a achievement section for each master Score ALiTS with 0 markers at centerline at the start of turn 5? Show some pictures!
  4. So I focused on all the negative reviews and except the bigger-than-usual-head Peasant all the models look wicked. Some just need a good painter to make them more stand out- Hamelin and Shenlong. They resemble the art quite well - The Hamelin is also a good idea for a transparent box I believe. If the blob was transparent it would look pretty cool. And if you don`t like it you can not glue it/cut it off. Doesn`t require insane modeling skills
  5. trikk

    Starting Lady J

    There was a big discussion about Lady J being subpar and it turns out she`s not as clearly OP as Sonnia/Perdita but can stand her ground and people had good tournament scores with her. Lady J is especially vulnerable to Deliver Message and Cursed Object as she has to be in CC or play area denial. I think she can be a decent scheme runner killer. In that case I`d value Vendetta over Badge of Office, as Vendetta can easily get you a normal flip (either walk + walk + strike or walk + charge and with attack flip and MI 7 you can get a lot of damage in as you just have to hit for a neutral flip). Her main drawback are quite weak upgrades: Justice Unleashed is Outcast/Resser only basically, Last Stand is board dependant, if you don`t have severe terrain its not worth it IMO as With Me! is not that good as Marshalls don`t really have a CC oriented model. It might be a cool idea to charge your own model and push all Marshalls in and wiff the attacks. Implacable: Bulletproof +1 is ok vs a lot of things, but if you want to kill Lady Justice the +1 won`t help. Moving out of her engage would be cool but she has 7 MI, most people will either try to kill her or push out anyways. Vendetta: Limited, 2SS, used it once and regretted not having Badge. If this upgrade was not limited then I would consider it (4 possible MI attacks on charge seem nice or double walk + 2 possible attacks) but it requires a mid-high (AFAIR) to hit which is probablty better used on her Riposte. I`m generally a big fan of J (as avatar suggests) and I had mostly good results with her especially after she One Shot Francois Lacroix and Two-Shot Ophelia Lacroix
  6. Lady Justice - Kill Bill theme definitely Hoffman - Bomfunk Mc`s - Freestyler Lucius - some sort of Waltz classical music or Paradox - Mr.Bureaucracy Sonnia - Edit: The Cult - Fire woman
  7. Hey, should I get some confirmation of the package being sent? Or just expect Miss Johanna to show up at my doorstep? (Everything was fine with the receipt)
  8. Oh darn, I missed my occasion. I will not be the Henchman Warsaw deserves.... I will be the Henchman Warsaw needs (unofficially)
  9. trikk

    Gen Con 2015

  10. How did you paint Lady J skin! TELL ME YOUR SECRETSSSSSS
  11. Along with Wardens and Exorcist :/ I WANT A FULL WITCH HUNTER/GUILD MARSHAL 50 SS LIST
  12. This thread has gotten me into painting again. Thanks guys I have a bunch of Lady Justice`s to paint (and the last damn Marshall)
  13. Perdita really likes more Family for Relocate than one Also 3 stalkers are an overkill for me. I`d listen to Myyra personally
  14. How do you know he is deranged? Maybe he`s just misunderstood ?
  15. I don`t really like the M1E models, but for Lady J.... I couldn`t really decide so I bought all of them
  16. Me too, time to paint the M1 one... and M1 alternative one... and M1 Avatar one....
  17. I agree. What I meant is good players getting such positive results out of her. I thought she`s a meh low tier "better take someone else" master but it turns out my love for her is not in vain
  18. This saturday noon, we`ll be having a small event in Warsaw where we play some Malifaux to start and meet. If you would like to join PM me for the location etc.
  19. I have to say I`m surprised how this thread came up. I thought everyone will bash Lady J and say McMourning is way better and it turns out she can stand her ground Guess I need to paint all 4 of mine
  20. Doesn`t OSA prohibit using triggers? This limits its really hard: Langston Steam Cloud is cool though
  21. I think the issue with Scales is: if Sonnia had it it would be great. With J its just 'meh' as she is not really card dependant
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