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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. So then, what's next for the desires of zFiend? Personally, I'm throwing out ideas but I'm happy with Malifaux, as is... there's nothing that desperately needs to be done. Annnnnnnd I wanted a dark carnival theme too (like Clive Barker's Infernal Parade - if you've ever seen those delicious bastards) annnnnnnd I have every desire to exploit the shit out of Colette - so double bonus!!!
  2. Bonus points if you make Raspy fire and Kaeris ice. Do et.
  3. I was just scanning again and noticed the Apache Kid would make one badass Guild Pathfinder. I don't like the pathfinder models much (traps are cool though) and certainly wouldn't want to buy dubs of the same, regardless. Oh look... traps! Also... what McCabe should have been... Giddity.
  4. Not sure if I mentioned this before but this game could definently use a shaman master. Get rid of some of those dually masters, maybe? I'm thinking it would be like a WoW shaman - and an antithesis to Jack Daw. The totems provide buffs for friendlies or debuffs for enemies. They would be like Clockwork traps but with a 0 action buff/debuff in addition to a (1) aura ability. You could drop one in the middle of an enemy group and it would root them or nearby to give out fast to your models, for example. Multiple totems buff each other for a combo in aura with each other. If the shaman takes damage he can blink away sacrificing a totem within range (Collette scheme marker style). Just think of the totem possibilities. Tick for dmg/heal. Root/Fast Chatty/(0) Interact and so on... so many options. He could take an additional two upgrades (like Daw) so long as they are totems in addition to normal cap of 3. Three totems and two upgrades or maybe just take the full rack of totems. I remembered this thought because I bought Iron Hawk with the totem pack from the Outlaw 4th of July sale and a master like that would be sweeeeeet. It would kinda be like the way Marcus should of been. Or maybe a Shenlong that doesn't suck... right Aaron?
  5. zFiend - S'cool man - we'll just keep liking each other's posts. You know how I feel about metal McM aleady I'm sure - thats top 10 of all minis ever made for me. I'm really hoping for some Master alts to spice things up (like the kaeris one - not as nice but pretty dece action pose). There are very few plastic masters I can even think of that are eye catching. Nico, maybe Seamus (but metal was better), McM sorta (ditto with metal), maybe von schill, most of the gremlins are okay - especially wong... Hoffman is actually a good plastic, I'd have to say - Molly would be better without the green hand flame shit - Zoraida's plastic is really good too (no Marie Laveau, though ). But like then you see all the others - tara (probably the worst), ironsides, yan lo, Shenlong, mei feng, ramos, raspy (all arcanists actually...), McCabe (ugh), lilth, pandora and so on... My opinion obviously - but yeah, not eye catching by any means. Math - That's a stellar Ironsides find - I'm just jelly. Checking out that range right now. Its nice to see new things. I understand your point of view and I also feel WWX is excessive and extreme. I myself am excessive and extreme. It was mean't to be.
  6. Math - Oh yeah? Well my Ironsides could beat up your Ironsides. /poutyface
  7. I honestly think that the one thing Malifaux suffers from in its M2E incarnation is boring looking masters. Not everyone needs to be a space marine in full power armor with dual minigun arms but... well... some should be. Whenever I think of the coolest looking Malifaux models its always like the wastrels, death marshals, stalkers, oxfordians, gunsmiths, etc. Your minions shouldn't be more exciting than your masters and we really need to get some centerpiece models (back) in the game (yeay emissaries but still sadface for masters). Like Shenlong almost takes the cake from mei feng as the most boring master (raspy too, I guess). I dont think a single plastic master is even close to my top 10 favorites (maybe Nico). That's the only reason I bring up WWX so much - when you see the legendary models (wyatt earp, jesse james, and oh my fuck abe lincoln) your like "oh fck yeah - thats my master." I just dont get the same feeling from M2E - The Captain steals the show from ironsides and her dumb hair, for example... and so on.
  8. Thanks for all the great images and comments from all the rounds. See you next year! (If there even is another Iron Painter ).
  9. "And I think it's gonna be a long, long, time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Ah, no no no... I'm a rocket man." - Elton John Nothing special here... just the most bad ass rendition of Ramos you are ever liable to see... prove me wrong all you icky spider lovers. I was inspired to do this for this round for two reasons, neither of which has any depth of reason. Number One - I hate David Bowie, its a tedious and boring song, and "Rocket Man" echoes the same idea, is a better song, and... most importantly... [reasons], so too bad (also, "Blast Off" is a far better theme choice... common supervike, get with it). ... and Number Two - I'm transferring over to the blue side of Malifaux and I needed him anyway! Enjoy, please check out my WIP thread, photo bucket page, and comment below. Photobucket Page: http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/SpectreEliteGaming/library/Iron%20Painter%202015/Round%205%20-%20Space%20Oddity?sort=3&page=1 'Til next time.
  10. This isn't even a question - Zombicide people... friggin' zombicide. After two kickstarters of Zombicide you best believe I am swimming in zombies - and they're detail is quite good considering the quality of the material. If its human and undead, I am probably not buying anymore of them. Or friggin' dogs - I got so many dog minis - where the hell did all these come from? If you weren't in on the Zombicide Kickstarters you missed out! Sad to say but any of the abominations in that game give the DE a run for its money. With the release of season 3 im pretty sure they are now true 28mm - they look just slightly bigger. And the hotdog suit zombie? My god that's made of pure gold.
  11. Holy shit that was f*cking amazing. Japan's cray cray.
  12. Just adding onto my previous post - I love the Ironsides boxset but, much like McCabe or Mei Feng or even Shenlong - the master is just too damn boring looking to be a master. Plain and generic, tedious and boring. If the plastics had the character that the old metals possessed we wouldn't have this problem. I've remedied this by deciding to make The Boxer my Ironsides proxy... meet "Tony" Ironsides: Arguing with a Steampunk Daniel Day-Lewis is most definitely a lost cause. I'll be giving him a tophat from the Jim Younger model because obvious reasons.
  13. Add tits and a jetpack and anything immediately gets better. Prove me wrong.

  14. All I need to know is who the Wyrd employee cosplaying as a Shikome with nipple tassles at GenCon is going to be. I think it was Justin. I could have just made that up though, not entirely sure.
  15. Well it hurts my feelings. Just kidding, I don't have any feelings. zFiend - I will totally start a painting thread super soon - hopefully not like how I told people I was going to start an open facebook page for all my painting stuff like a year ago and still haven't. I need to move my IP WIP thread to the miniature showcase before they bahleet the IP Subforums, anyway so that'll be the first thing I do. You will be gettig a taste of zombie pigs with inbred mutant voodoo gremlins soon enough. ------ To keep on topic I will also glad hand the shit out of Eric - who always seems to be a shadowy figure not in the limelight. You deserve more recognition! Or, maybe you don't? Not entirely sure. Hey, Nathan, care to weigh in here? >8)
  16. Sooooo, since the soapbox got shitdown (due to some unmentionable posts that I didn't get an opportunity to even read /poutyface ). I started brainstorming on how I would be able to achieve creating community drama while at the same time satisfying my desire for an evil satirical edge to my Malifaux internets experience - but in a positive way. Is this possible? Hell no... but I feel I got close. What if we took the idea of the soapbox and 180'd it in the opposite direction on the spectrum? So I ask of this community - is there anyone that you feel the desire to call out to and just utterly gush all over in an obnoxiously ridiculous fashion? Consider it a community building exercise. No haters allowed! ----------- zFiend - My internets man crush. You're my boy, blue. You're my boy. Malifaux's Most Wanted - My favorite Malifaux podcast. I met you guys at Adepticon but did not connect the dots until I listened to more podcasts. Suffice to say, I know who I'm hanging out with next Adepticon! Super cool crew, but I feel sorry for Cheryl having to put up with you goons. Patience is certainly her virtue. If you don't listen to this podcast by now you probably shouldn't because you are likely too sensitive to handle it. If "A Wyrd Place" is the soft side of Malifaux - this is certainly the "hard" side. It's the mistings of malifaux. It's like getting your 4chan and malifaux fix in one go. Awesome stuff you fucking klowns. MWM Rudy - One of my favorite podcasters - sounds like a down to earth chap - can't wait to meet you IRL. Mostly because you seem like a fun guy. But mostly because from what I understand you sport mutton chops that I wish to stroke. Dan from BefWeBeg?!? - Ah, yes... my background noise for painting. Whenever I feel the need to catch up on the details of a master this is where I go. Mostly because I'm too lazy to actually read the book. But mostly because hobby is more important than gaming and I'm not going to waste my time researching and scheming when I could be painting. Getting sick of your Crooligans crap but I would be oh so greatful if you were to teach me the ways of Nicodem, my sensei. My favorite part of his entire podcast was when he said that he doesn't believe in swearinng because he thinks its lazy and he wants to utilize a larger vocabulary and then immediately after, in the next episode, he refers to Marcus' Shillelagh as a "Shah-lah-lah." I lawl'd a bit. Matt Stanley - Awesome all around guy, very smart and has extremely nice hair - so plus flip there. CheatedFatesJoe - If you're on par with this guy you're probably the world's greatest henchman. One of my favorite Malifaux personalities. See you at gencon! "The Super Fantastic Person Who Gave Me a Fucking 2/5 Rating in my Forum Profile" - you're probably a swell person and we should hang out. Please PM me or give me your personal information so we can get in touch. I have lots of really nice things to tell you. And cookies. I'm honestly surprised its not a 1/5 so I guess that's a small victory. --- I probably missed a few of you more important scrubs but now its your turn to tell Nathan and Justin just how excessively you adore everything about them and how your lives would be nothing without this game... all in one convenient place.
  17. Awesome thread. I use a TON of models from the WWX range. To be blunt, "rude" () or not - it is strictly because I think they are much nicer, better and deeper detailed, higher quality models than wyrd plastics and transfer well into the world of malifaux. Scroll through their range and you'll see a model to represent almost anything (sorta-)human related in Malifaux. I feel perfectly fine saying this because I've bought the crap out of pretty much everything Wyrd has produced in the past, so too bad. Besides Wyrd, I buy only the highest quality best detailed miniatures on the market. This means forgeworld, mierce, outlaw, (titan forge, lately, too), and soon to be Kingdom Death. I honestly hate plastics. Aside from ease to convert I mostly think they are for the entry-mid level hobbyist. Assembly and dealing with seams and flash on super small parts makes me sad. I am willing to put up with it though because of all mini companies, wyrd produces one of the broadest all-encompassing ranges with pretty much anything that is cool as hell in it. Currently, I am using JP Smith and his creation as levy (actually von Shtook) and the DE. Also, I personally think the McCabe model is brutally ugly and boring so I think I will use Wyatt Earp for dismounted and put a wyatt head on an interceptor rider for his mounted version. That way I will actually want to play him. McCabe's crew looks fantastic - he's the only one that looks bad. Oh, and Wyatt has mechanical dogs... so win there too. K-Free makes a much nicer Alyce. Mother of God, have you seen Judge K Stern? Tell me you don't want him in your Justice crew and I'll just think you're crazy. I could go on and on. I'm currently in love with the Outlaw range and that's the first place I'd look for proxies. Annnnnd they're resin! (the character models, at least).
  18. I take this to mean he is currently "older than f*ck" years old. Congratulations on another year of quite obviously being way over the hill.
  19. Proof that its okay to insult the male gender, then? Wait. Uh oh... I think this is where I stop posting because I'm about to get ganged up on by all the nice people and warned about the content of my posts again. *vanishes from thread, again... like I was never here*
  20. Dirial- I hope not - I want my nudity question answered - does anyone know/rememberthem saying if they took a firm stance against it or somethig - or have they just ditched the boobies?
  21. I know I said I wasn't going to post again, but I'm back for another round of drama! Prepare yourselves for a verbal asswhuppin'!!! Just kidding. What I would really like is a response to something I bring up (excessively) often. I didn't want to make a seperate topic and this thread is all over the place, anyway. Is it possible to get a statement by a Wyrd employee (Justin or Nathan - the rest of you mean nothing to me ) about your stance on nudity, in general? Is this something that will definitively not be explored anymore? Any reasoning behind your stance would be great, in addition. I'm not looking for a dispute - I just want to know what to/not to expect. I'll even promise not to respond to the response, if need be. I've never really seen a definitive response to this before and I know that you guys have produced (partial) nude models in the past. I just want to know the view on the topic - as I'm sure you know - if I want boobs or a dong I'll just put it on myself, so your perspective won't change what I want or how I can get it. When I say "needs moar beeeeewwwwbs" what I really mean is "I would like it more if it was more sexualized because it would definitely add to the appeal of this particular model." Sometimes some things are more horrifying or more beautiful when they are naked, thats all. Thanks. ----- Feel free to drop the "he/she" and "one" topic. I totally don't care. That was only meant to be an example of how some topics aren't important to some people and really unbelievably important to others and to display the dismissive responses (which all of you provided, yourselves) to said silly topic when other people don't share that view. This happens all the time to all sorts of different topics and so its not practical to facilitate everyone's personal quirks.
  22. Damn. I was really hoping all those creepy asylum models would be tormented.
  23. To avoid being sanctioned the post above is my last post in this thread. I think I've displayed my point as well as I can. Peace out. EDIT: The traffic this thread has received is quite impressive, I must say - 11 viewers right this second. Interesting. Also, Mythicfox ninja modhatted my post - I swear this happens every time!
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