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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. I don't understand the theme here.
  2. Best pic of the bunch. The yellow tentacles blend a bit too much with the gold.
  3. I'm surprised at the number of mimic entries...pleasantly surprised.
  4. Oh, I see the front image now! Good theme.
  5. SpectreEliteGaming

    Behind me....right?

    I'd like to see more angles of this mini - this picture doesn't show much.
  6. Not sure I get the theme - a mimic chest?
  7. The dragon really stands out but is a bit plain. Great theme.
  8. I'm still not exactly sure what's going on here.
  9. I actually just flipped the terrain piece completely around and reassembled the diorama for the crooked men to give it a little change. I fixed the image quality issue by uploading a bunch of pics to photobucket - link in first comment. You will be able to read the words and see the details there. You can even see the big-un's missing toof! Enjoy!
  10. ***JUDGES*** (and viewers?) - Please check out my Round 1 section of my Iron Painter album on my Photobucket page for close-ups and better quality images! Link: http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/SpectreEliteGaming/library/Iron%20Painter%202015/Round%201%20-%20Fools%20Gold?sort=3&page=1 ------------------------ Image comes up quite small when you just click on it. For a better view click the green "Options" button -> View All Sizes -> Large. Are we supposed to comment on our own pics for the "comment on all pics" reward requirement? If so, then done.
  11. "A promise of riches would be their demise, then throughout their undeath unto their surprise." With this round I really wanted to really push myself to get as much unfinished miniatures/terrain done as possible (which also required me to scratch build the base for them all, in the end). I tried to go for a dynamic display - before/after kind of deal with plenty of atmosphere to sell the theme but as to not take away from a focus on the miniatures themselves. Let me know what you think - any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks for looking. (Also, please check out my WIP Thread for more pics - located in the Iron Painter subforums as well!)

    © SEG 2015

  12. The only thing I would suggest is that, if you are going to add bonus content or stuff that isn't mini-audibooks, maybe the breachside broadcast should be more of a "breachside broadcasting network" - kind of like how the gaming done right guys do it. That way tales from malifaux can be its own sub-show and is always in character rather than being "interupted" by other content. Unless, of course, this is what you intented to do in the first place. I'm interested to see if any other resser masters will have strong irish accents. I always thought McMourning would have a Mark Hamill's Joker type way of talking, personally.
  13. Been smackin' my b*tch up with The Prodigy all day, today. I did it for the nostalgia.
  14. Everyone who has posted in this thread thus far is actually incorrect. The first step in deciding what faction to choose in Malifaux is deciding on your preferred type of prostitute. From there things get a lot easier.
  15. Very cool presentation and photography. Gotta say though, my biggest gripe with photos like this is that I honestly can't see a damn thing and have no idea what it really looks like, like how you would see it in person. Can you post some finished pics with a plain black/white background on the forum or a WIP thread so we can see your beautiful work more clearly, as well?
  16. Does Sonnia need to kill the target to make the stalker? You don't "kill" Levy - he is "buried instead" and deconditioned.
  17. Robots protecting gold... (hmmmm I wonder if anyone is going to submit those badass dwarf steam constructs from scibor...) reminds me of skyrim, hehe. I think your base is "too gold" and takes away attention from your miniature. Interesting take on the theme.
  18. I like the goblin model - very dynamic charge pose, hehe.
  19. Excellent execution of theme - lots of personality.
  20. Solid entry - not sure I'm feeling the theme, though.
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