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Jesy Blue

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Everything posted by Jesy Blue

  1. A foreshadowing for sure. Aren't the Avatar names "titles"? So I could say Viktoria is my Leader, and take either Avatar of Slaughter or traditional Plentiful (2) Viktoria. an interesting revelation.
  2. The only problem I see doing that with Brewmaster is on turn 1, Trusty Flask & the Shower of Booze trigger are more important to the crew as a whole than 1 or 2 focus on the Brewmaster would be. Maybe invest in Tanuki instead.
  3. So I had an idea of taking Grootslang, Waldgeist, & Bushwackers in my crew and just layer the table in terrain markers. Not something to take vs other Bayou or Outcast, but fun none the less.
  4. Frontier is a shooty crew that can get up in your face if you take a shootier crew. Wastral has fast & many movement trick crew who can melee hard a couple models. Apex wants half of the crew stuck in melee and half of the crew not in melee. So common weakness would be full on fast melee engagement, like Mercenary, Marshal, most of Neverborn & Ressers. They have little in the way of Ruthless so susceptible to Terrifying, like Tormented, Obliteration, and again Neverborn & Ressers.
  5. I always wondered why one of the most popular folklore didn't get a model! In that same vein, an Oni/Red Chapel Kuchisake Onna (Slit Mouth Woman) would be the other most famous tale to get out of Japan. I assume you mean by Faction Leveticus & Faction Marcus, you meant hire all Constructs and hire all Beasts, respectively. That was a deeeeeeep hiring pool.
  6. So a model, reguardless of faction, can be hired into a crew as long as they share the same keyword as the Leader. So, why aren't there pockets of other keywords throughout more factions? A Guild Guard that takes the occasional Mercenary job. An Oxfordian Mage dabbling a little in Ressurection magic. A Bayou Smuggler who spends all their money in Ten Thunder's prostitution establishments. Where would you add in a type of minion model with two keywords that aren't represented together yet? I'd want some Half-Bloods who sneaks away to the Honey Pot because they're still addicted to Brilliance.
  7. They'll need lore, cause I doubt we'll know who they are by name and picture. We bearly know anything about English Ivan and he's got a whole story about him already. The other books have 3-4 stories each, and all the masters make an "appearance". This is going to be a whole other ball of wax as we have to get the narrative feel of about 6 new people at once (maybe 5.5 with what we know about English Ivan, maybe 7-8 because we might get more Basse and/or McCabe info.... it's gonna be a mess). I'm wicked excited either way, though.
  8. You had a whole lot of rebuttal for someone who got the joke.
  9. Everyone has an inherent weakness: Outcasts are notoriously light on condition removal Bayou is known for having few armor penetration options Neverborn have little in the way of guns Arcanists are hated by Craig Shipman Ressers have lower stats overall Ten Thunders Guild have very few movenent tricks It balances out across the whole game, so that when everyone is special then no one is special.
  10. Thank you for the point out m_c; my shame knows no bounds. I think you'd get more play out of Ama no Zako by hiring her as a Henchman Leader, bringing Oni into Outcast.
  11. I was going to do a post about all the non-Master/non-Totem duel faction models in 2nd edition that are no longer duel faction in 3rd... bht they all seem to be only models connected to or were connected with the Ten Thunders, so the direction shifted. So, how would you be using these models differently in M3E if they still had their duel faction affiliations? Formerly Ten Thunders: Akaname Pathfinder Clockwork Trap Torshiro Yin Currently Only Ten Thunders: Ama no Zako (Outcasts) Banraku (Neverborn) Chiaki (Ressers) Illuminated (Neverborn) Izamu (Ressers) Mr Graves (Neverborn) Mr Tannen (Neverborn) Rail Workers (Arcanists) Ruffian (Guild) Sidir Alchibal (Guild) Toshiro (Ressers)
  12. The player doing the Obey makes all the choices and card flips. A Walk action cannot exit an engagement range, a Push or non-Walk movement can exit an engagement range, however you cannot declarea Charge (which is a Push) while engaged. So, if at any time during the Walk move you become engaged by an enemy model, you cannot continue the rest of the Walk move out of the engagement range of that model. In Standard or Wedge deployment, you want one model on each of the table edge on the centerline. In Corner or Flank deployment, you want one model on each of the table corners on the center line. Good luck on the translation! We all love Mark-Paul Gosselaar, so thanks for that!
  13. I'm only missing Gracie from the Infamous keyword.
  14. Frontier only... I guess that caught that one early.
  15. Oh crap.... you can ignore your own Distracted, too! Super Huge!!,
  16. Oh yeah.... that was at the end of 2nd edition, there was so much flux from there to the leak of 3rd edition I'm not surprised. But this is year 2 of an edition, and the first of guaranteed many more models to come, and you think there's a possibility of them not compiling them into a book? It's practically the JC Penny Christmas Catalog of their products!
  17. ..... something that counters Serene Countenance!!! Finally!
  18. What if they are the old school Master/Leader only upgrades?
  19. Fact: there are 8 Starter boxes coming, one for each faction, with 4 new models each box. Speculation: Explorer's Society faction book coming out will be similar to the existing 7 faction books. Inquiry: where will listings of the 28 (possibly 24 as Outcast box is all Syndicate models so might be in the ES book ) other models be? Hypothesis: like in M2E, there will be a Wave book with all the new models in it. Conjecture: as in the previous Wave books, there will be new upgrades available for each faction.
  20. https://www.wyrd-games.net/news/2020/6/3/waldos-weekly-little-drop-of-poison Here's the source article from June...
  21. Sadly, yes. An Obey is the model "choosing" to do these actions, so you cannot resist using Laugh Off.
  22. Hans has to really restrain himself NOT to kill people; throws off his aiming if he's not going for headshots.
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