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Jesy Blue

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Everything posted by Jesy Blue

  1. If folks want to let me get away with it, I'll let them... I already get flack for using that action to move on the turn it was summoned to get more movement even though I can't use the Interact on that turn, I'm not pushing for more.
  2. No, Ephemeral Warrior clearly states the place happens after the action that it gained a token from resolves.
  3. Long time Oni player, first time caller. I'm in the "place once" camp. Since a number of Flicker Tokens is not listed in Ephemeral Warrior, it does not matter how many tokens were received in the action, only that you received a token. Down vote me all you want, your hate makes me stronger.
  4. With Mah, I think your problem was you played keep away. With all the Focus you should have gone hard into them and utilized your Ruthless upgrades to hit hard first.
  5. Both resolve during f. of the timing chart on page 35. As per Simultaneous Effects on page 34, 1. states Active player's effect happens first. Flurry will always occur before Butterfly Jump.
  6. I go for simple and easy. Mercenary Freikorps Marshall Nephilim Bandit Guard M&SU Last Blossom Big Hat I try to stay away from condition heavy crews when you're introducing the game.
  7. From what I remember, it got no play test. It was not there when open beta ended but was there when official launched.
  8. This is intentional. How many models have an Obey or Obey-like action? About 20. Why would you bother giving a model, a Master at that, an Obey and put so many additional limitations on it (half the range, a trigger, non-built in suit, discard cards to prevent) if it was just a regular old Obey?
  9. I will occasionally bring the Emmisary or The Midnight Stalker... not very often though. Man do I miss being able to hire The Lost.... children galore. I miss The Lost as a concept! I used to hire so many children I painted The Hanging Tree with clowns for the kids party I was throwing.
  10. You can make a very aggressive alpha strikey crew that works well as long as you're not going against another aggressive alpha strikey crew. Doing it that way, Rats become incidental and you go hard with the plague tokens mechanic. But yeah, no new Plague things since Winged.... and I miss my Plague Pits still. As the new Outcast Starter box will be all Syndicate, no new Plague things coming up soon either.
  11. Even though the likes of Dashel Barker rose from Enforcer to Henchman to Master, not everyone can aspire to such lofty heights. What about the little guy? What about the beaten and the downtrodden, just looking for a little bit of a step up in the world? Which Minion or Plentiful Totem would you like to see get a name? Not like a alternate Miss Anne Thrope, but an upgrade to a single model single named Enforcer or better. Like an Aspiring Student get their red belt and become an assistant instructor, or a Desperate Mercenary get a good run of jobs and build a reputation.... and they get a name. Who would you elevate and name?
  12. I voted! So question: have you left off the five ≥6ss cost minion models that can be hired by certain keywords (Fermented River Monk, Soulstone Miner, Tanuki, Waldgeist, Will o' The Wisp) by design? If it's just a study of faction strength, I follow... but if it's a study of keyword strength, this is a missed opportunity.
  13. I started Outcast, Viktoria specifically, then branded out to most of the faction. At the time, the only other masters I liked were Ironsides, The Brewmaster, & McMourning.... but I wanted to have more than one master in a faction, because if you declare a faction with only one option available to you, every one knows what you're playing before you declare Masters, so have at least 2 to pick from. So it's similar to your first master choice, who do you find cool? Don't think about faction or story or other models that it can hire.... which non-Outcast master just jumps out to you and screams you? Alternatively, if you're playing Zipp or Jack Daw already, sliding into Bayou or Ressers, respectively, may be easier for you as you already have a foot in the other faction. And like Morgan said, maybe way until November when Explorer's Society drops, there may be a master coming out that's already calling your name.
  14. Of course... Rat Kings are still a 7ss Minion. Hinamatsu is still a 9ss Henchman. But Outcats can't hire Hinamatsu, so we make due.
  15. You are aware you can hire Malifaux Rats, and on turn 1, first activation, first action, use Hamelin to Unclean Influence, which gives each Rat a Focus, and each Rat gets a free action, which 3 of them use to concentrate and 1 of them use to become a Rat King. Also, with correct positioning, you can use this 1 action to get two 7 Focused Rat Kings at once, who still have yet to activate this turn, and got a free 3" push. Technically you can get more focus; 7 is the minimum, 23 in the maximum, 11 each is the maximum for both Rat Kings balanced.
  16. I only play one of these and don't even use the 7 Focus Rat King.... I'm officially not a cheeseball!
  17. Yes, but if you use 2 action to remove 2 scheme markers you'll get 2 soul stones.
  18. I'm usually punching Gamin with Fermented River Monks, getting either 2 more poison or another Chi/Focus on the monk as well, so it ends up working out still. I usually find a nice route, even severe terrain still get me some free movement through it... and last activations of turn 1 when you get somewhere in the area of 15" of movement towards 2 different Symbols, is incredibly back foot inducing.
  19. I use him in a very elite all flying Asami list. He's great vs minion crews, so you have to know what you're getting into: Hamelin, Somer, certain summoning Ressers.
  20. I'm usually putting 10-11 on Gamin, 8-9 On Brewmaster, 6-7 on Monks, & leaving 3 on Fingers. Obviously we are playing VERY different games!
  21. Fingers (so he can be controlled), Gamin (so they push super far for free), Fermented River Monks (for Too Drunk To Care), & on the Brewmaster (for everything). How are you getting 3-6 focus on the Brewmaster in 1 turn? You still can't place scheme markers closer than 4" from each other, and hiring 3 Akaname for this trick is just the kind of thing you would ironically want to put more poison on instead.
  22. Of course, why bring back old model types for only ~12 of the ~50 masters when you can sell ~50 new Master models! So long, Viktoria: Avatar of Slaughter.... hello, Viktoria: The Slaughterer!
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