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Everything posted by jotun

  1. The Teddy bear song Look at teddy he's so tired, he's been playing very hard. Little teddy needs his sleep but bears aren't good at counting sheep. So I'll tell you what to do, close your eyes and he will, too. Don't you peak cause he'll see you, so close your eyes and he will, too. Close your eyes, close your eyes, close your eyes and he will ...you.
  2. I really like how you base your minis. I think the bases add a lot the impression the models make
  3. Thank you! The base for Killjoy is a hollowed out Malifaux base, skeletons from the GW lord of the rings starter set scenery pieces I had lying around, GW Stirland mud, model grass and Vallejo Still water. Glad you like it
  4. Your lightning on the models is superb - even breathtaking in that widow weaver scenery. I like your Hungering Darkness - even though I'm not a huge fan of the model. I think you managed to have him not look ridiculous, which is an achievement in itself I'm also quite fond of what you did to the third of the illuminated, the one with the Not-Huggy emerging from his back. Having him levitate gives the whole pose of the mini a new purpose. Great job there.
  5. Thank you two very much @SC: Yeah, I tried to make it look like the brilliance part is just transforming/protruding from his flesh as a reaction to him loosing control. Mr Hyde meets Meth-head
  6. Was finally able to squeeze in a little time for painting, so I figured I'd do one of the illuminated to warm up. Here you go: I also started with Teddy, he's almost done but still needs a nice base so I'm currently working on that
  7. Interesting mention(s) of the Silurid. Splashing one in to deceive your opponent on your choice of schemes could be well worth it. (and you can still just pick the "siluridish" scheme anyways after you've seen their crew, if you think the fake wont work.) On the silurids: Do your opponents often try to handle them or are you more often in the situation where you're opponents just kind of ignores them (thus granting you the VP) and instead focuses more on denying you the strat and achieving their own schemes? I agree, the hooded rider looks like a great piece for the threat game, too. I'll definitively pick him up once he's available in plastic.
  8. Theoryfauxing... Preface: Suppose I would want to hire a model for, say, a "cold war" kind of mindgame. One you put on the table to confront your opponent with a threat vector he absolutely has to consider. Your finger on the red button, basically. Since your opponent has to deal with it you probably don't expect said model to achieve a whole lot apart from being a heavy distraction (which is alright, of course). Kind of the bully type walking up threating to smash someone but in the end not having to because everybody hid away. Now, options and feasibilty certainly vary with available theme and strats, opponent faction and models and probably to a large extent player experience. Having not played any pro level games yet, this might all be bollocks, of course During the games I played, I felt Barbaros can fill that role. Killjoy kind of has that effect, too, though I'm not sure whether using him that way alone would be worth 13ss... Questions: - Do think it is feasible to try to play the threat game, also against experienced players? - Which Neverborn models do you think fill such a role well, under what circumstances and are they worth the stones if used this way? Thanks for your thoughts
  9. @Boro: You play at Tactica in Oerilkon? - I'd love to get in touch with some people to get some games in but I hardly have a chance to ever be there, as I part time work and study monday to saturday.. Do you guys meet privately as well?
  10. Spontaneously felt that surge of Rathnard-iness rushing through me: "Must... use... Vallejo Pink I bought a while ago and never used" So instead of finishing Kang I went all Cotton Candy. Enjoy! .
  11. Thank you all very much, really appreciated I've been sidetracked a lot lately by real life stuff and late spring-cleaning, but started work on Kang and hope to post an update soon. He is my first Ten Thunders model that gets to see more than the undercoat spray cans and I'm still figuring out what my overall paint scheme will be. The challenge is to get a scheme that works well when mixing with my other faction schemes for the dual faction masters/models. Once that is sorted and Kang is done I can move on to J. Lynch and the illuminated. Jacob will need some conversion as I really don't like that skeleton thingy next to him. I will leave the skeleton away, but then he looks a bit bland for a master. I was thinking to use his outstretched hand to make him casually toss away cards, but I that still needs some experimentation. Also still thinking about my M2E Teddy... I was looking forward to the model very much and rushed to my LGS to get him - Now he's assembled and giving me a hard time. Somehow the model is just uninspiring for me. I feel there is not much cool to actually do to it, to make it someway special or a little unique. I really liked the Panda-Teddy by Shadowfane, though - so apparently it is possible to come up with something If you guys have inspiration or input let me know
  12. I would second what MightyGodzilla says. I personally use Vallejos "still water". You'll need some patience as you can only ever pour in a millimeter or so at a time, otherwise it might crack when drying. If you're no so patient, there are two-component water effects that dry a lot faster. For using glue: some glues turn yellowish after some time, but you might not bother in case of murky water. Another option would be gloss varnish mixed with a wash for shallow sections or as a finish once the glue has dried. If I was you I'd just give it a shot on a test-base and see how you like the result.
  13. Pretty much what Amdor says. Now, for the spiders you'd rather want to go for something gem-like than for a human eye, but the principles are the same: You want to make a reflective orb. For a picture, one of the guys at the privateer press forums posted a reference chart for painting gems, which you can find here: http://privateerpressforums.com/showthread.php?160187-question-on-painting-jewels&s=04faa4bcf4bedbd626224e03eedd828b&p=2030134&viewfull=1#post2030134 As you'll see, you can go as simple or crazy as you want. And if you look at the picture, it's always the step when he adds the reflection dot, that makes the gem look good.
  14. So, I finished Killjoy. I'm quite happy with the little conversion. The hook chain is not going to break during the first transport. And I left away the silly face chains thing. Honestly, why would he put those on? He is an undead wandering around since ages and I tried to emphasize the void and the constant hunger that consumes him and make himself look devoid of life (=> bloodless, so very pale skin and the guts more wormlike than fleshy). Plus, his head (without the chains) reminded me of some deep sea fish, so I thought it might be good to go with some pale fishlike or amphibious skin tone.
  15. thanks for your tutorials, Mako. I re-read the one on the puppet wars minis (WC 6) yesterday. I love going back to it to refresh my knowledge and to remind myself not to rush through the annoying parts like cleaning and green stuffing the model. I often notice myself gravitating towards colours and techniques I already feel comfortable with, your stuff motivates me to keep on trying </fandom> just out of curiosity, I'm sure you've answered the question before somewhere.. how long have you been painting?
  16. Great job on the latest two additions. I like the color scheme on the monk alot: The earthy base scheme with the complementary colour touch on his goggles works great!
  17. I agree, the Tara crew appeals to me the most - But given more pictures I might decide differently. Overall, all crews have elements I like. As others mentioned, the Ramos crew is quite eye catching, but Joss' color scheme does not work for me. - That and the basing on the tara crew tipped the scales.
  18. Good start My 2 cents would be to add a little reflection dot on the eyes. This small detail usually makes a huge difference. What did you intend to do with the bases?
  19. thank you Viauri. He's almost done now Will take some more days to finish the water in the base as I can only do about one millimeter a day. Will post a pic then. In the meantime I have to figure what to paint next - There's to many options lying around
  20. thanks alot guys Sooo, time to post a little update. Here's my current work in progress: One happy Killjoy. currently waiting for everything to dry so I can start removing excess rust pigments from his cleaver.
  21. Oh... They ship everywhere? Looked at their webstore once, but couldn't find any terms and conditions/shipping costs and the like. I live in switzerland, you see, so I figured there's only retail for me.
  22. sigh... cant go to gencon... guess I will have to wait until somewhen next year until I get my hands on crossroads, the dreamer, plastic silurids and the true pimp of Malifaux Lucius. I will be shriveled by then from all the drooling.
  23. thanks guys Here's the work of last week.. Hard to get a good shot of pale flesh without it being white... I'll get some better shots once I have a diffuse light setup finished. Tried to dim it with baking paper, not much success Sweet Pandora and everybody's favourite toddler
  24. Really nice indeed. I especially like the feet of the flesh construct and that they're in a different state of decay (maybe from a different donator, slightly more "aged" ) My only negative/constructive feedback, if you're okay with it, would be on the pants of the victim: I feel the shadow in the folds is a bit off colourwise and gives the pants a more stained/dirty look then probably intended. The shadows are somehow harsher than on the rest of the model.
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