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Everything posted by Lupercal

  1. This podcast is awesome and you should listen to it. That is all.
  2. Yeah I suppose so. Still the easter thing is a good point. I will hope!
  3. I think the translucent and dayglow plastic crew boxes count as new limited models that were sold at Black Friday? Not 100% sure.
  4. To add to the "running gun battle" idea, in addition to having a disincentive to combat due to environment/setting or being ambushed/trapped as you mentioned, you could have the thing they are after be important enough and totally focused on escaping/timed in some way so that the Fated are treating the ambushes/traps as "obstacles" to be hurdled as quickly as possible with as little effort as possible in an effort to keep up the chase, rather than another fight to get bogged down in and resolve with a huge combat. It depends on your group and your FM style, but giving them real penalties for not being able to do something fast enough (or real rewards for being able to), and keeping them informed of exactly how far away the target is and how long they probably have before their mission is a bust can do wonders in my experience. I will admit a lot of this comes from other RPGs, as I have not had a chance to play TTB yet myself, but the idea of reducing what would be long drawn out fights to something the players want to avoid by any means necessary or at least try to get around rather than through is a great one in any RPG.
  5. If you do want to try them with Collodi though, he makes great use of Brutal, Hodgepodge, and Arcane. Shadow, Carrion, Lucky and Mysterious are alright(better for the stuff they bring than for the buff he can hand out to all his puppets from what I know) His limited upgrade Fated allows him to once per turn share the Condition he receives from an effigy with all friendly puppets and minions within 6. So with Arcane all your puppets have pseudo burning attacks, with Brutal they all heal for 1 when they damage (repairing the 1 damage they dealt to themselves to get an extra AP from Reckless) and draw 1 card when they kill something, with Hodgepodge every time one of your puppets kills something they can discard a card to gain a soulstone. All the effigies have their uses but the others are not as crazy powerful when you spread their leader condition buff accross a ton of puppets. I havent had enough time to play Collodi with everything else going on but when I do I want to make a list with a single coryphee and a few effigies, it will be tough deciding which ones though. While you could probably play with all of the effigies it would most likely be better to drop some of them in favor of a lone Coryphee, Stitched Together, or Vasilisa.
  6. You have a girlfriend named Molly who plays ressers and you are getting her a Molly set? THATS AWESOME!
  7. My point was that your argument that one email doesn't take too long to type is ridiculous and has nothing to do with anything because there is more than one email. Sorry if that wasnt clear enough. And while I am assuming really it is a bit of a joke if you dont think they got at least 2000 emails(thousands). I am sure they got more. I sent them 2 emails myself in the first 3 or so hours of the gencon store opening. I am pretty sure the whole thing here is that they ARE sending out purchases in a reasonable time frame and they seem to be not replying to emails to make that happen. My first two orders dealt with days ago had very early and fast shipping confirmation emails, my last order from the last few days didnt get a shipping confirmation email until about an hour before the package arrived at my house(and I am in California it takes like 4-5 days for the packages to reach me). In addition there have been more and more reports over the last few days of people not getting any shipping confirmation emails at all and just getting the packages. If Wyrd was going to cut corners at all it would be with answering emails, which is what they are doing according to the bit nathan mentioned about all hands being on deck for packaging and someone only answering emails every few days. I admit this is a load of guesswork and assumptions, but even if none of it is true you are still making a ridiculous argument about the time it takes to type one email (irrelevant) and in addition you have already gotten a comment from Nathan acknowledging the time it is taking them to get back to emails and telling you someone isnt working on them every day. What more do you want? (other than your email answered immediately) I apologize if this came off ruder than I intended, it is difficult not to be annoyed with all the complaining on the forums recently and your argument about how it would take less than 5 minutes to send you an email really is silly.
  8. The thought had crossed my mind it could be a joke but I wasnt sure. I think this whole thread is very silly. The original point makrar made about the suits needing to be printed on the card comes from the actual definition of what a suit is on page 12 and if that isnt twisting the intention of the rules then I dont know what is. Point taken though, and I did think it was funny(It would have been whether he was serious or not).
  9. It doesnt say it counts as all suits in the rulebook, it says you declare a suit immediately when you flip it and it counts as that suit for the duration of the action. I think this is fairly easy to understand. In addition this has been adressed by Justin before and while that isnt an official ruling there are no official rulings on the forum anymore and it certainly adds some weight to what the intent might be.
  10. You must be one of those close minded scientists!
  11. Got my delayed Zoraida order today. I got the Wyrd shipping confirmation email about an hour before she arrived at my house so obviously they arent being the fastest with those lol.
  12. I don't think anyone outside Wyrd knows that for sure. I doubt it will be a very long time before the printed stuff hits retail though.
  13. The madness and the twins for sure, Mr T is a style choice but I think his +2 on masks is worth it for summoning anything not just Teddy, and he has some other great abilities like Chatty. Widow Weavers are still great as well, consider this as an alternate to the doppelganger maybe as I think Widow Weaver is a bit more of a staple in Dreamer crews due to the ability to surround an enemy with Daydreams for negative 1-3 Wp from Disturbing Whispers and cover them with web markers at the same time before using the Widow Weaver or Tantrum to take advantage of the low Wp. Doppelganger is just good whatever master you play her with if you do it right. Her ability to not have shots randomized to her and to cause them to randomize to people near her when engaged because of Useless Duplications can make her very difficult to remove if you play her right. +Twist to initiative flips, the ability to copy Teddys' (or something elses') attack, the list goes on. But yeah if you get madness and twins you will be pretty much set everything else after that is personal preference or scheme/strat dependant with dreamer.
  14. I have been searching as mine was recently destroyed and the cheapest one I could find was $9 with $8 shipping on top of that even though I was in the same state. Otherwise I can only find crew boxes and that 31 dollar one on Amazon. I myself am just going to break down and buy another box set ni the next couple of days. Those are getting hard enough to find as it is and they cost a good 5-7 dollars more on average than they did just a few months ago. Metal Colette seems to be one of the first malifaux metals that is going the way of the Dodo.
  15. It does when there are thousands of them or if you are busy doing something else. I wouldnt have thought they would get back to you by now. You do know these past 2 weeks just happen to be the busiest time of the year this company has right?
  16. Tots require you to hire them in but in an objectigve running game this is perfectly fine. I would personally prefer summoning the madness but it is up to you, you can always hire tots(or a silurid) and then summon madness on top. Stitched together are definitely amazing models and are as core as it gets for the dreamer. They are what you will summon when you don't have high cards to cheat but want something that does damage and is hard to kill instead of just being fast(like the madness). Widow Weaver is still amazing I just don't reccomend upgrading her (unless she gets dreaming wings instead of coppelius if you dont take him and dont give it to a hired teddy). Doppelganger is also a great model in general and can work really well with her upgrade Useless Duplications which makes her much harder to kill if you play her right. Honestly I usually hire a Teddy in addition to the ones I try to summon but that is just me. There is a lot you can do with summoning Dreamers' initial hired crew the main thing to keep in mind is what you need for the scheme/strategy/opponent at hand. For instance against a lot of low Wp like gremlins the widow weaver can do a ton of work or if you are playing something like Turf War where your opponent needs to focus on a specific area and you can drown that area in web markers. I have heard some people say they like to hire in Lilitu and then summon Lelu but I dont know if this makes sense considering if you bring them both in damaged they will heal more. Really with the dreamer especially the summoning version you should play some games and then you will have some idea what you want to hire in his main crew. A lot of the time it can feel like a waste because he can fairly easily summon most of the stuff you would want to hire, so it becomes more about a few models you can't summon like the widow weaver, doppelganger, a silurid, tots, and then the rest of the list is full of things you could summon anyway but you wanted them to have an upgrade or you wanted to start with them on the board already so you can just summon even more of them. It is hard to give listbuilding advice in this game because as a lot of people will tell you it isnt really a game where you can build lists. But if you get everything you can summon and what has been mentioned you will already have a large model pool to draw from and the other non-nightmares you can probably figure out as you go.
  17. Oh ok that is good to know. Thanks much for informing me. I wasn't about to offer someone 500 dollars for it but still.
  18. Hello all, I have been compiling a list of things that I need to complete my Wyrd collection, as well as a list of models I would be willing to trade away if you are not looking for cash payment. I am currently looking for: - Vasyl the Bowling Vampire - Jack the Ripper, Lizzie Borden, and Eric the Red plastic sprue from the Evil Baby Orphanage kickstarter. - Easter gremlin War Rooster and Egg Hauler. - Gremlinette Hog Whisperer - Translucent Green Pandora crew box - Puppet Wars Lucius metal mini - I also am looking for m2e Hanging Trees cards if anyone is interested in selling or trading those. - In addition I would be interested in purchasing or trading for a TTB Kickstarter Voodoo Doll from the $225 pledge level If you have any of the above and are willing to part with them please contact me with a price or trade offer and I will be in touch shortly. I will be updating this soon with a list of things to trade but it will mostly be 40k stuff with a little bit of Warhammer Fantasy so if you arent interested in either of those then all I have is money. Thanks for looking/helping me finish off my collection!
  19. You could use Jack to "Feel their Torment" a Guiltys "Share Guilt" to make McTavish Tormented and then have Jack not use Share Guilt the rest of the game basically making McTavish permanently Tormented. It isnt quite the same as having obey but lets you get lots of movement shennanigans out of him saving AP or use Twist and Turn for an extra AP if you want. Papa Loco is amazing with Jack so having him in is already a great plan. I havent used Jack enough or McTavish at all so I can't really comment further.
  20. If you want to be able to summon in Teddy it is much easier to do so with Mr. Tannen giving the dreamer "Leave it to Luck" and allowing him to summon a Teddy on a 13 or the Red Joker. It is just too hard to get the scrap counters together for the widow weaver, she should be busy laying webs and being a pain in the ass and for 6 points Mr. Tannen tends to do a lot more than the Handbag upgrade will do for 2ss, with the chance of summoning a Teddy there and Leave it to Luck actually skews the Dreamers whole summoning pool and makes it much easier to get the twins out or summon Copellius. For summons I say Stitched Together and the Twins are the things you want to get first, but Insidious Madness are really good for objective running as they are so fast. Make sure to read how the Twins healing and condition sharing works because you can summon both twins on the first turn and have them both be at nearly full wounds by the time they are done activating (I think Lilitu ends up at full and Lelu ends up at -1?) Also personally I would never hire Coppellius without giving him the On Dreaming Wings upgrade because you could just summon him in if you didnt want to give him the upgrade and I dont think it is worth paying his huge hiring cost for him considering how fragile he can be without eyes and how it takes him a while to get going. With the wings he goes from being fast to being ridiculously fast and as many people will tell you one of the best (if expensive) objective runners there is.
  21. I think it would be a bit unreasonable of them to expect you to go back and obscure all the cards in your old articles, especially considering that at first you asked and were given permission to post them.
  22. Yeah he colored the drawings in, the original cards for the undead death marshalls are in black and white. And he did the ram symbols on purpose because they are still guild models but did them in Taras color to make them fit in better.
  23. Well yeah that was the podcast I mentioned in my original post when I said that your exact proposed formula was already being done by another new podcast. I dont think it is crazy for you to do something the same or similar but that is why I pitched in that I liked your original idea better or at least the point of focusing on non-master models in terms of analysis. As long as you can do something different enough to make it your own im sure it will be fine and you already have a different host so I bet it will work out. Also based on how Before We Begin has been recieved I dont think there is a lack of interest in podcasts like that. I would just suggest trying to find your own twist on it.
  24. After discussion in a post on the Neverborn subforum it has come to light that Zoraida's mercenary options are incorrect in a lot of areas because of the Enthrall ability. There are 2 models available that should not be and a handfull of models missing from her mercenary hiring list. After making these changes I suggest making sure that all of the choices she has available as Neverborn are also available as Gremlins so we don't have any issues like the Silent One before. Thanks for managing such a great resource!
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