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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. I want to comment on things too, seriously a ton of fantastic entries this time around! Can't wait to see how everything shakes out, there were a few tight races there.
  2. I've been playing against a fair number of 10 Thunders recently and I am sick and @#&^% tired of Misdirection. I'm looking forward to the look on their face when it no longer works for them. I've also found that if you run Marcus in punchy mode he can overextend himself very easily, with the 10" charge range I feel like the Emissary can keep up.
  3. I keep wanting to bring the Emissary along with Marcus--not allowing Df triggers looks great in theory. Downside to the Emissary in that situation is that he himself is not a Beast and thus doesn't benefit from a lot of the synergies I normally use within my Marcus crews. Yeah, I can turn him into a beast with a Raptor, but I feel like the upgrade should have given him the Beast characteristic to begin with.
  4. You can see how the votes are trending after you have placed your vote.
  5. A while back when I ran a retail shop for GW there was a bad batch of the Thin Plastic Glue that did exactly what your a describing, where it seems like it almost crystallized instead of melting the plastics together. Basically the manufacturer of it screwed up the formulation. I suggest just getting a new bottle of glue. I personally switched over the the Tamiya Thin Plastic Cement a few months ago and I love it as much as a man can love a plastic cement. If you're not familiar with it, it's the one in the glass bottle with the green cap and tiny little brush inside. It's about half the price of the GW Thin Plastic Glue and you get so much more. The brush applicator is marvelous and works great with the tiny little bits Wyrd models are known for.
  6. I also think an article in Chronicles regarding photography tips for miniatures could be very helpful to a lot of people. It's honestly quite simple how a couple easy steps can drastically improve one's photography--proper lighting and using a backdrop drastically improves how a mini looks in a photo and are cheap to obtain. There are also some great free softwares out there that can help put together a nice collage (GIMP is what I use). It's pretty crazy at the quality of mini photos you can get out of a smartphone with a little know-how.
  7. Looks like you can click the little arrows at the top right corner of the picture to 'view in lightbox'. This will give you a larger view Oooo! Fancy. Thanks, this makes things much easier!
  8. By the way, not sure if there is a way to fix this with the new forum setup, but the only way I can find to get a larger look at the photos is to right-click them and "Open Image in new Tab".
  9. Stop worrying people! I have them all safe and sound just hidden away for now Just wait until the voting time begins! Deep down I know this is true, but that little voice in the back of my head fears the hunger of internet gnomes and gets much louder on slow days at work The other voices say I should get some more coffee and see if there is still Halloween candy in the break room
  10. I want to see the pretty pictures! Also, the paranoid voice in my head is telling me that since I can't see mine right now that it got eaten by internet gnomes... I can't stand the anticip...
  11. Also, looks like Marcus is unable to take the Pack Leader upgrade.
  12. Just post them here, I keep an eye out so I can fix things quickly. Excellent! I shall be looking through a few things to see what's missing. First thing I've found: Snow Storm is unable to take the Warding Runes upgrade.
  13. Mr. Moose, what is the best way to list any errors/omissions found in this crew creator?
  14. I too have a question regarding the promotion. One of the local stores I like to purchase my Malifaux from isn't set up to do itemized receipts. Is it acceptable to submit a receipt next to the products which I purchased?
  15. I am really looking forward to seeing all of the entries! Painting contests always give me lots of inspiration for future projects.
  16. The wizened old fortune teller had seen that Hank would find a wealth of crystals in the mountains; at least she hadn't swindled him out of that scrip, thought Hank bitterly as the ice closed in around him...
  17. To quote the little rulebook (page 59) "It is important to note that the original target does not take damage twice from the Attack. The Blast is place, and then all models suffer damage as noted above. Remember, th Red Joker's damae is stepped down to moderate (not severe) damage." Although it's not brought up specifically in this question, it is also worth noting that on the same page it mentions that in cases where the order in which damage occurs, the Attacker my determine in which order the blast effects are resolved.
  18. Things like this are why no one likes you, Omni Finished mine up last night, just need to take some photos. I am really looking forward to seeing all of the entries
  19. I figured out why Wyrd hasn't come out with Malifaux Raptors in plastic yet--the Guild caught them all and put them to work with the Austringers. I decided to free one and set it loose on the Guild for vengeance! Freedom!!!!!! I have a few other views of this Raptor's heroic struggle for freedom over at my blog, check it out!
  20. I dislike that mentality on the basis of, I buy models to paint them, and it often takes time. And while I enjoy painting, I might not always have as much available time as I'd like to put into painting models to finish a crew. The idea of painting things quickly to satisfy a tournament "qualification" irks me, because I want to paint the best I can, not simply meet some random 3-color and done requirement. Granted I could base-coat out the models or something, but it's often not the case that you want to be jumping around on a bunch of models only half-doing each (If you intend to take them further). Granted I'm the slowest painter in the world, so perhaps I have no say in any matter of painting speed. But It's just a preposterous idea to me, that anyone should have to rush/do a less than full quality job to meet a requirement. Especially when there are full rules for color/clear plastics being "As is" painted for the same tournaments Granted I also understand that bringing completely unpainted crews is not exactly alluring as a show of the hobby's triumphs. Really the thing that would be the biggest issue is recent releases vs tournaments starting, because the time wouldn't be there to finish potentially, and "finishing" simply to meet a requirement is a gross idea to me. I take my time on painting as well and I personally consider "best painted" to be a higher accolade than first place in a tournament. My point was that painting requirements should be enforced for tournaments as they really aren't that difficult to meet the minimum standard on.
  21. I voted no because the Gaining Grounds rules say that painting is a requirement for use and unpainted models shouldn't be allowed in a tournament unless the tourney is being tailored to brand new players. An entire crew can be painted to a tournament legal standard relatively quickly (not going to win best painted or anything, but still enough to satisfy Gaining Grounds). Most tournaments give at the minimum a few weeks notice, so you have plenty of time to get yourself prepped for a tournament.
  22. With the release of Shifting Loyalties I have been wanted to get the Arcane Emissary on the table to support my Cult of December, so here is my Avatar of Famine to run around the table until the glorious day when the Mechanical Minotaur is released into our eager hands: I have more pictures of other angles of this model over on my blog, check it out!
  23. Your abilities to use computers may be rubbish, but your woodworking abilities are phenomenal! This piece is amazing.
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