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Everything posted by MONSTERNOGGIN


    Gremlin Web

    I like the up-lighting on this guy. What did you coat the dock with?


    Nice detailing on the bar. It's the fiddly stuff that brings these pieces together for me.
  3. That transition between the light and dark is freaking sexy and the auras around his shadow on the floor are brilliant.

    C. Hoffman

    Love the soft tones and NMM. I dig how your NMM and other highlights are from the same light source.

    Santa Claws

    Very clean, and puffball came well.
  6. Very clean, nice execution. Red/white/blue can't get garish quickly, but this comes across as very natural.


    Don't cut the green wire! Or is it the red one?! Like that you did something different on the details.


    Dig the confederate striping on the pants and the sharpness of the wood grain.
  9. The dinginess of the fur really sells the realism. Dig!
  10. The crispness of your brights is lovely. My vibrant colors always want to go 'muddy' on me. Well done, sir!


    Nice basing, cool theme. Wish we had some closer pics, tho, the colors are providing a good contrast and 'pop'.

    Bayou Gremlin

    Seeing as I'm currently working through painting my green-skins, I envy you on your brush control. The highlights are the jacket are beautiful.
  13. As someone who struggles with soft palletes, I appreciate your tones on this model. Also, the mix of green flora and ice in the background gives me the image of Kang eyeing up Rasputina and readying to whop her with his trusty shovel.

    Snow Storm

    I like that the icicles look like they're in the midst of being summoned and not just sticking out of the ground, very dynamic!
  15. You pulled off the skin-as-blanket well. This has a subtle horror to it, you don't immediately focus on the fact she's skinless.


    Second the gore comment, and the transitioning the blue highlights to tie in with the flesh tones was well done.
  17. I like the looser style on the puppet, it fits the feel of the model.

    Mr Graves

    Well done with using the same color pallette for both the base and model, it really ties it together well. The variation of tones on the vest is particularly nice.


    I'll add to the rust adoration. Did you use oil washes? Or a metal undercoat? Also like the addition of the windswept newspaper, nice touch.
  20. Had a slop hauler hitch a ride with Gracie against the Guild recently. Letting her block LOS and soak up AP, take a bite out of the slop hauler to heal if things got a little close, and then the hauler heal them both up was definitely amusing.
  21. As a community, what can we do to help out Wyrd? I volunteer to bring terrain for next year, I can't promise 5 tables worth, but at least two should be no problem. Who can we contact to help make next year awesome?
  22. Having started with jakob, dreamer's summoning is a welcome break. The metal nightmares (except for lelu and you can always proxy) are still good sculpts so don't let that necessarily hold you back. He's fun to field and the versatility of his summoning pool makes him adaptable for just about any strat/scheme pool. I picked up lucius at gencon so can't weigh in there. At the end of the day, having more Malifaux models is rarely a bad thing.
  23. Having started with jakob, dreamer's summoning is a welcome break. The metal nightmares (except for lelu and you can always proxy) are still good sculpts so don't let that necessarily hold you back. He's fun to field and the versatility of his summoning pool makes him adaptable for just about any strat/scheme pool. I picked up lucius at gencon so can't weigh in there. At the end of the day, having more Malifaux models is rarely a bad thing.
  24. Yup. No reason at all to expect Tokyo to receive more packages each day than honolulu.
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