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Everything posted by Tapdancer

  1. As per the title. Can the Malifaux Child use a dead leaders ability. Came up in a tournament last weekend. I have always played it that once leader is dead this ability is not usable. My opponent pointed outthat the ability only refers to crew leader with no stipulating for the leader to be in play.
  2. could you squeeze another 2 in ? I have a board and terrain in the car
  3. Has anybody talked to the venue? There may be about 14 people coming to a 10 person event.
  4. Generally a great event which was well organised and in a top venue. The venue staff were really helpful and seemed to put real effort into keeping us happy. Tables were a bit tight with 5 squeezed into the central row. From a team perspective this layout made sense but made the games cramped once the individual games began. Timings and TO queries were brilliant the wall screens and shout outs were a huge help. As already noted the matchup system whilst good in that it didn't cause a problem was largely irrelevant to the outcome of the round. Teams simply picked the preferred table/strat/scheme as a group the subsequent pairing process didn't seem to have a purpose (we could have just exchanged lists). The lock down on competition information from Saturday evening was irritating. One of the huge improvements to the 2017 tournament scene has been how Bag-o-tools has allowed the competition to be more inclusive and interactive. Aside from knowing the info directly related to you, it's great to see how others are doing through the day, something which was often impossible previously. Seeing a blow by blow report with round scores adds considerable to the fun of the event. Whilst giving up control of the competition info is perhaps something TO's may not like the net benefit is considerable.
  5. Do you need terrain? Have the board I brought last year if it will help
  6. No, will be a northerner I'll be playing guild
  7. They are amazing with McCabe due to +1 damage card cycling mechanism with sabre. For other roles/masters generally better options with watchers/hounds and new reporter.
  8. Thanks but apparently I have other plans now.... which I would have known if I paid attention ?
  9. Can you add me as a reserve in case someone has to drop out
  10. Will sort out when back home Friday
  11. Dave my payment should have come through, will be playing guild.
  12. here you go: The person most likely to be caught stealing an attendees dinner? Kai the TO Kai the Elder Kai the Younger Kai whilst wearing pants Kai in a kilt Kai dressed as a Ninja Kia whilst everybody else is distracted by a belly dancer Think that covers most of the bases
  13. £15.00 for a day of entertainment is cheap, regardless of any potential added value in terms of a raffle win. I go for game play / ranking points/ and to enjoy the fun community, swag isn't part of the equation. Big two day events at the £40.00, it's nice to get poker chips or similar as a momento, but a huge bag of swag or raffle isn't necessary. In all honesty I loathe the long raffle that drags out the day. By 5pm after a day of tough competition I want to pack up, say my goodbyes and go home. If we have got to the point that ticket price and numbers have raised revenue so that TOs get a return on their time great.
  14. Unfortunately Ant has had a diary clash so can no longer make it. If the reserve is interested ticket is available.
  15. apologies I don't think I actually bought a ticket so not sure if there is a space free. probably best to catch the organiser @LeodisGames on twitter, he is very active.
  16. Chris, brilliant event, the legion of York gamers were very welcoming. Especially liked the long lunch/nap time, that 20 minutes snooze was ideal.
  17. Ticket Bought, cannot wait to see how lovely the gaming centre is now
  18. Dave, first Pool based tournament so I am a bit green, couple of questions. Do summoned models need to in the hiring pool? Abilities like the terracotta warrior and Neverborn upgrade that allow swapping of upgrades. Are you free to choose outside the pool or do the original and swapped upgrade have to both be in the pool? apologies if these have established answers just didn't want to assume and turn up with an illegal crew.
  19. Payment sent Please put me down for the lunch each day Also evening meal, me plus the tribe.
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