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Everything posted by Jordon

  1. It would appear that I now have access. Thanks!
  2. I completely agree. I play a lot of Levi2 and I've tried to get it to work several times but now I've relegated it to the shelf. It's quite bad with Levi2 but its simply dreadful for Levi1. At 4ss your much better off hiring the Effigy who can also heal and add stones but much more efficiently. I like the idea of using its health as a resource. Seems to tie into the theme of Amalgam. Suffering 2 irreducible damage to act as a soulstone is really cool. I would +1 this idea by allowing to suffer 2 irreducible to also count as a fate token or brilliance. Giving it universal appeal to each master. Maybe giving it a way to heal when living models die to tie into this mechanic.
  3. I think the title is really interesting. I'm sort of reminded of less tanky but more Killy version of Maxine2. More of a "own this section of the board" type of master. Whereas Damian1 seems to be a bit more flexible and leans into the configuration side of things more. I'm happy to see that both versions incentivize different hiring options. To me that is how titles should operate.
  4. Kandara and 1-2 wind gamin are my usual base line. The wind gamin are excellent for just about any scheme and it's rare I ever regret hiring them (hiring is much better than summoning to keep them effective as scheme/strat runners). Kandara is just amazing due to her having both keywords. Obviously if you face Raspy or Kaeris, then ice and fire gamin are pretty great counter summons as they can both remove their respective markers. My only main bit of advice would be to be very careful with Banasuva. His mantra is amazing and should be a priority threat for the opponent. Don't over commit him, keep him safe and he can really setup the rest of the crew. Some people hire Oxfordian Mages as a cheap magical training caddy. Personally I don't like them and I don't find the extra card is worth the "tax" of hiring a mage. I'd probably hire an Vidiya Guard over the Ox Mage but neither of them really impress me.
  5. I don't think the rat catchers are a bad pick. Since Ham2 can ramp blight up so fast, Black Death can absolutely delete models basically right away. Also, even though rats are not really Ham2's thing, his ability to add suits to a designated target can auto trigger Infestation, giving you up to two rats per rat catchers activation. Those rats can then be used for cards, which definitely helps Ham2's resource issue.
  6. It's interesting. If were getting a new Master, should we also expect a title to go with it? If not then these new masters will be at a distinct disadvantage.
  7. I think my issue with Marcus1 is that he has to work a lot harder for his crew's core mechanic. He needs to spend his own AP to fuel his crew with mutations. As those mutations get used up, he needs to continually keep them topped up. Compare that to Marcus2 who simply does whatever he wants and the crew is actively encouraged to use adaptive evolution. It just seems to work better with Marcus2 What I'd love to see for Marcus1 is skewing in more of a scheme direction. He already has insane mobility but his Chimerancy just doesn't feel fulfilling when compared to his title version. The other problem is that he has cheaper non-chimera beasts, but those doesn't really work well with mutations. Here is a thought I had. It's pretty simple. What if he had a trigger on Chimerancy like this: Concluded Studies: Target another model with an attached mutation within range. Target discards a mutation and may immediately perform an interact action. The idea here is that you'd get around one of the crew's biggest limitation with having mutations stuck on models who cannot remove them. This would also skew him away from Marcus2 into more of a schemer. So you would actually want to put a mutation on a Moleman or a Razorspine to get them into position. Then you could reclaim that mutation for an interact, which makes him spending his AP on Chimerancy not feel so bad. It also ties into his role of cheaper non-chimera beasts. In my mind this would diversify both versions. Marcus2 really wants adaptive evolution, while Marcus1 could be a bit more loose and maybe hire those OOK beasts and not feel penalized.
  8. Jedza(1 or 2) and Maxine2. Maxine causes a bunch of healing pings via Breachburnt which pings the various Chronical abilities from the Seekers. The Damned chronicle stacks particularly nasty with Maxines Split Across the World if you can get the positioning right.
  9. I had some ideas on how to change some of these models. Trying to keep them thematic but also to give it a unique role. Ice Gamin: Change Encase in Ice to apply focus+1 instead of shielded +1 (probably change the name). So my thinking here is to give the Ice Gamin a way to add some efficiency without stepping on the toes of the Kaltgeist. Focus is generally more useful than shielded and just this simple change alone, I think would see it as a viable hire for both Raspy and Sandeep. December Acolyte: Replace Drag trigger with Lead Target Gain the ability to place corpse markers in base contact with itself upon killing its target Gain ability to get on attack flips targeting models with half wounds or less (replaces from the shadows) Add bloody fate trigger to harpoon (draw a card, discard if you didn't kill) Acolytes need the most work. I like to see them as opportunists, picking off the wounded and dragging their corpses back to feast on. Lead Target is way more valuable than drag as it allows you push models back into ice pillars, keeping them relevant. Lastly adding in a tome trigger for some more hand efficiency as well as giving the acolyte all four suits to maximize Tools for the Job. Silent One: Change Healing Energy so it only heals 1 damage or 1/2/3 if targeting December. Simple fix to cut down on the OOK healing power. Doesn't kill them completely OOK but does heavily limit them, hopefully allowing for other in keyword healing to become more viable. Hoarcat: Change Tundra Hunter to "within 2" of an Ice Pillar or Corpse Marker" This just opens the cats up slightly into having their signature ability work with Marcus more easily. Ice Dancer: Change Ice Path into "Target Ice Pillar or Scheme Marker" Replace Freeze the Corpse with Covered in Ice - Place an Ice pillar in base contact with target terrain marker and remove the terrain marker (add stat/TN) Same idea in giving them more utility with Colette. Also widening Freeze Corpse into some marker removal. Something both crews have no access to (in keyword). This would let her work as well in either keyword and also giving a nice tech option for marker removal.
  10. I've actually had great success with the necropunks. Without even looking at leap, just have a 5ss model with 6wds, armor+1 and H2W is actually pretty tanky for their cost. You certainly are not killing them in a single go like many other low cost minions. Studied Opponent is also extremely good for cycling out the garbage from your hand. Heck even their attack is not all that bad given the triggers they have access too. All in all I think the punks are solid personally.
  11. Overall I think chimera is a fairly stable keyword. I don't really see any glaring issues that cripple the keyword but there are still problems that I fee are causing some imbalance. The Good: Order Initiate: Very solid models that really play well with the mutation mechanic. You can play them in a number of different ways and they are fairly self sufficient. Both versions of Marcus will probably take at least one but I don't think you'd be wrong for including multiples. Paul Crocket: He has a gun! That along makes him pretty unique but the fact that he's so cheap and has quite a bit of synergy makes him a strong inclusion. I do think he's more geared towards Marcus1 due to the card draw and ability to reposition. Just slap a mutation and leave him alone to do his thing. Myranda: Whats not to love. Great healing, amazing support abilities, and the ability to turn into whatever beast you want. I usually don't shape change as I find her too valuable but there is also something to be said about having a third Cerberus or second Blessed (once they die of course). She's about as auto include as it gets for Chimera. Cojo: I know people are a bit mixed on this guy. Mostly because of the 10ss price tag and no built in defences. However I think Cojo can be an absolute menace if played correctly. He really makes good use of just about every mutation. Stat4 Toss is really reliable. I do wish he has SOMETHING for defence though. I will say that I don't think you are hiring him often but I'll talk more on that later on. Jackalope: I love this little guy. HIs ability to just be a nuisance cannot be undersold. Just give him some horns or claws and watch him wreak havoc in the opponents backline. The opponent will need to deal with him but the investment in removing him can be high. Vogel/Beast: Vogel is particularly interesting as his toolkit is very unique compared to the rest of the keyword. Again having a ranged attack (and a pretty decent one at that) with some great triggers. Probably even more interesting is his "Stick 'em" trigger which can pseudo Obey Marcus2. The Beast Within is less interesting as it's mostly a melee beater in a keyword that is full to the brim with them. That said, he does the job well and comes with some much needed anti armor (in keyword). I don't think this model is mandatory but it has enough utility to at least give it a unique role. Blessed: Yeah I know it's not Chimera, but it's seen often enough that it ought to be. While it doesn't have any real synergy with either version of Marcus, it's just a good model on its own, that really gets boosted when you factor in Mutations. Marcus1 gets it at no additional cost and probably will hire it. Marcus2 can get it via Myranda but likely won't hire it due to the lack of adaptive evolution. Empyrean Eagle: This was the model desperately needed. Especially when the only other cheap option was a Moleman (who was terrible for a very long time). Fast cheap scheming potential is exactly what Marcus was missing for so long and now he has it. Also has the added benefit of a pretty decent gun. With Adaptive Evolution and Predatory Instinct, you can actually make this model a fairly reliable threat. I'm probably never leaving home without at least one of these. The Bad: Hoarcat: Again, I know this isn't a Chimera. However given that we only have two non-chimera beast options, I do think this model SHOULD be factored in. Currently Marcus1 Beastmaster will save you 1ss for hiring a Blessed. Thats it. Neverborn does get a lot more milage from this ability and its a shame that Arcansists only have 2 options and one of those is simply terrible. Maybe there was an argument before the eagles existed that they were the only cheap scheme runners. Now however, they simple serve no purpose in Marcus. They need ice pillars in order to do anything of value and Marcus has no access to them within keyword. I'm certainly not expecting these to ever get tailored to Marcus and their priority should be December. However I do think there is a way to make it work with one without excluding the other. Until we get more beasts, this will just be a sad reminder of how bad Beastmaster is in Arcansists. Razorspine: I originally seen this model as a scheme runner as it is quite fast. However the Eagles now occupy that role. So then I thought of this model as flank harassment tool but again the comparison is drawn to the Cerberus who is even faster and MUCH more lethal. This model seems to want to tie up things and waste their AP but in my experience they just don't really do a good enough job at it. Using your 7ss model (not exactly cheap) to tie up a cheaper model seems like a waste but they lack the durability to really go toe to toe with the 7-9ss models as they lack any real defence outside of Df6 and an occasional heal. Finally the nail in the coffin is the lack of Adaptive Evolution which as I stated before is a big deal for both Marcus versions. I just don't see much value here. The Ugly: Molemen: I can't say that these are bad. They're leagues better than what they were. I just feel like they missed the mark by not giving them Adaptive Evolution. Both versions of Marcus have a reliance on discarding Mutations and these models really need mutations in order to do their job. So your having to lock away some of your best upgrades with no way to get them back (unless they die). If the Eagles didn't exist then maybe I could see a purpose for them. However the Eagles simply outclass molemen while also utilizing the mutation mechanics of both masters. Molemen do also provide some support via tunnel markers and I do think that it really cool. However that support comes in the form of a speed boost, in the keyword who needs it the least. Chimera is insanely fast with most models already having movement related bonus actions. If they had versatile, I'd be singing their praises as I think they're much more interesting as an OOK option. However in keyword, the Eagles just outclass them. Cerberus: Obviously these models are insanely good and I think that's their problem. In fact I think the reason why many other models are ending up in the "Ugly" category is because of the Cerberus. Simply put, it's almost always the right answer. Their insane speed just makes them good at everything. They're more defensible than the Mauler since they can stay out of range of key threats, they hit harder than any other beast, they're amazing scheme runners, Myranda can change into them AND they're minions. They just do it all. I would be very comfortable with hiring these at 9ss. They are somewhat squishy, which I think keeps them somewhat in check. However there are too many other beast models that simply don't compare favourably to these cats. At 8ss I just think this model dominates the decision making process and is a good reason why you don't often see other more niche options as a good chunk of your list is dedicated into hiring two upgraded cats. Slate Ridge Mauler: Right now at 8ss, it's competing directly with the Cerberus, who I think just does it better. I think the SRM was meant to be the tank of the keyword with the ability to heal plus H2W. Unfortunately it doesn't really go far enough with only 8wds and no damage prevention (outside of mutations), they still can't really take a punch. They just seem to be very vanilla with a decent (but not as good as the Cerberus) melee and a decent (but not as good as the Cerberus) movement free action. I think if they had 10wds or dropped to 7ss I'd be much happier with what they can do. The Scorpius: It would be an amazing model if we had any meaningful access to poison. It just can't really generate enough poison on it's own to really utilize much of its own abilities. Myranda is the only other model who gives poison innately and honestly her AP typically spent healing, moving, or being a completely model entirely. The Razorspine also has it but it's not built in and often the Razorspine is off doing other things anyway. Honestly this model is probably better with Sandeep who can actually hand out poison in some quantity. The Unsure: Marcus1 Vs Marcus2: Here's where I'm still on the fence. I don't see Marcus1 as a bad master but I am curious when I will ever want to take him over Marcus2 now. Adaptive Evolution is a really great ability but it doesn't really pay off in Marcus1. Sure you get a card, but your then having to spend master AP reapplying the upgrade. Whereas Marcus2 can make full use of Adaptive Evolution, largely mitigating the need for card draw, without spending his own AP. I do think Marcus1 has some play with Accomplice, leading to some potentially big activations but overall I see Marcus2 as covering a lot more bases and overall feeling like the smarter choice in most matchups. Maybe it's just a matter of new and shiny and I'll need more time to really feel out the advantages of each. I'm not sure I'd say Marcus2 is too good and needs toning down or whether Marcus1 is slightly under and could use a boost up. Maybe they're both fine and I just need to figure out the strength and weaknesses of each.
  12. I've spent a bit of time exploring December since the massive overhaul of Raspy1 plus the inclusion of Raspy2 and Kaltgeists. I feel like both versions of Raspy are in a good place but the rest of the keyword is still a bit of a mess. I'll start with my opinions of what I consider good or at least competent. Snowstorm: I like them as a good all round model. I've certainly heard others complain that they don't do enough but I've generally had good experiences with them. Ice Tornado has a lot of utility but you're really wanting those triggers. Also with puncture and charge through, you can really make use of that damage track. Decembers command is quite limited (basically golem taxi) but is otherwise quite useful. I do wish Decembers Command could target more models, especially with Raspy2. The only other big thing is that I really wish SnowStorm had Ice Mirror. Snow still is a silent one after all and having the extra range on the Tornado would be much appreciated on a model with very little in terms of defence. Wendigo: A bit squishy but at the end of the day is still a Mv6 significant totem. I wish it had better defence but overall I usually get my value from this totem. Blessed of December: Not many complaints here either. The speed is just insane with this model. Hard hitting with some really great triggers. It can basically do whatever you need. My only real complaint is that there isn't much synergy as it doesn't really care about slow/staggered/ice pillars and generally works better with Marcus than Raspy. It doesn't really matter though as I'm still taking this model in every list. Ice Golem: I wasn't originally sold on him as he basically needed Snowstorm in order to function. However now with new Raspy1 and Raspy2, the golem has a new lease on life. Kaltgeist can really send this model over the top and he's gone from largely ignorable to the biggest threat in Raspy's arsenal. Also bonus points for being really good with Sandeep2. Kaltgeist: These models do so damn much for Raspy. Both versions are probably bringing multiples. The crew just works so much more efficiently with mobile ice pillars. Poor Ice gamin have been completely invalidated. Alright time for the bad. These are the models that simply don't work and I'm never reaching for them regardless of the situation. Acolytes: These guys are just plain bad all round. Even as summons, they still don't feel particularly impactful. Tools for the Job is their only redeeming ability but the rest is either situational or just outright bad. Poor melee, no defence, no synergy AND they actually get penalized by Ice Pillars. Thankfully not with Raspy1 anymore, but I still don't hire them so the point is moot. They just bring nothing to the table outside of their high price tag. From the Shadows just gets them killed, Sacrifice to December is awful when your opponents are gaining cover from your ice pillars and they're just terrible in melee. Analyze Weakness has very corner case uses but it's too niche to really give much value. I honestly think they're Raspy's worst hire and a contender for worst minion in the whole faction IMO Ice Gamin: These were never really great hires and have since become worst. Simply put Kaltgiest just overshadow these models completely. At least before they had a niche with Frostbite and their demise. However Kaltgiest do both of these things so incredibly better that even with factoring in the 1ss reduction, its no contest. Kaltgiest have better ranged, better melee, WAY better synergy. Encase in Ice is literally the only thing they have that's special but that's not enough to justify their hiring. It also doesn't't help that they are also the worst of the gamin options for Sandeep as well. So these guys just have no place anywhere. Moving onto the Ugly. These are models that have major flaws or something that causes an internal balance. Silent Ones: Amazing models! In fact maybe a bit too amazing... I do think they're generally fine with Raspy but the healing should be limited to December models. I see these models way too frequently in just about every competitive arcanist list. Strong synergy, amazing threat/support range, these ladies do it all. Why would I ever want to pay more for an Acolyte when these models exist. Hoarcat: Okay so I think they are actually pretty decent with Raspy2 as a summon. This might also be compounded by the fact that the other summon options (Silent Ones excluded) are so bad. That's really it though. Raspy1 has no reason for hiring them and Marcus gets virtually nothing - likely being the worst beast option now that molemen got buffed. Giving them armour 1 and summoning them upfield (unactivated) gives them the shot in the arm they need but it's also why I consider them ugly as there really seems to be an internal balance with them. If you buff them then they're simply going to be too good with Raspy2. However in their current form they won't ever get hired. I know Marcus is not who this model should be balanced around but I do think there should be SOME reason for its inclusion with Marcus. Raspy1 simply can't find a spot for it as your going to be filling up those spots with Kaltgeist, who at the same cost just do so much more. Ice Dancer: She has a very similar issue to the Hoarcat. I think she's gotten better since Raspy2 and Kaltgeist. The problem here however is that she's clearly meant as a schemer but as a summon she looses much of that role. So instead your using her as a beater mostly, which in that case just go for a Hoarcat. Again though, I think her biggest problem is that she has the performer keyword but basically can't function in a performer list. Unlike the Hoarcat and Marcus, this model is actually meant to work with Colette but simply cannot due to the lack of ice pillars. If she could move and target ANY friendly marker, then I could see her having some life with Colette (especially if she could interact with decoy markers) So again, in her current form I do think you'll occasionally see her on the table but because she doesn't work with Colette and is an awkward summon, she's in the Ugly category. So in my experience so far, my lists have basically become stale in terms of hiring. I'm always taking Kaltgeist, Silent Ones and Blessed. Snowstorm and Ice Golem are strong considerations and that's basically my 50ss in a nutshell. I just don't see a situation where I'm hiring the remaining minions. Even if I do, I can often find a better versatile substitute. How have other peoples experiences been with the new December keyword? Much the same as mine?
  13. According to the fluff, he's slowly loosing more and more of his soul every time he resurrects himself. I feel like that is going to be more of an important plot point going forward. Basically becoming more akin to his own waifs. I think it'd be cool if he just straight up became a rider. Loosing touch with humanity completely becoming an architect of fate. Letting go of Alyce, Waifs and personal ambitions.
  14. Raspy1 just received an overhaul so opinions are still formulating. New Raspy1 still has some of the issues of old Raspy. It's difficult pointing to a particular matchup as there as just so many variables to consider. In general she doesn't like to be engaged, she really dislikes being stunned, and mass marker removal can really slow her momentum. Models with flight/incorporeal can ignore ice pillar placement. Condition removal can also be bad news as slow/staggered is pretty prevalent. Personally I find it difficult with strong alpha lists. I tend to struggle with Nekima as they can leap over markers and really pressure Raspy/Silent Ones. Daw can also alpha strongly but the ruthless does at least help out slightly against him. An interesting match (not necessarily bad) is Euripidies as they both utilize the same resource. So it's kind of good/bad for both masters. Raspy2 seems to have stronger matchups IMO. She doesn't need pillars in the same way as Raspy1 and can get by with only a 1-2 markers that she can generate and spend during her own activation. Overall I think Raspy2 is much harder to counter
  15. You could just hire a soul stone miner. Less resources AND they can actually do stuff
  16. Personally I find the golems work much better with Sandeep than they do with their own respective masters in most cases. There are so many pushes and "obey" type actions that means that you can really get a lot of AP worth from the big beaters. Some other little tricks is to use Spark of the Elements combined with Moment of Reflection to give any golem built in suits but to mitigate the damage through shielded. Basically Sandeep2 can supercharge these golems, ensuring they maximize AP efficiency. Feeding them markers, shielded, movement and AP before they've even activated is pretty potent. My biggest issue with both versions of Sandeep, but particularly so with Sandeep2 is finding the stones to hire both Academic and Elemental models. We have no access to cheap Academics unfortunately so it makes it tough finding a balance between the support crew (Academics) and the models that do the actual work (Elementals). You'll probably never want to take Vidiya Guard or Kudra as they're simply too expensive.
  17. It's not necessarily that she needs to do damage, but in my limited experience she should be doing something differently enough from Colette1. Both masters seem to excel at scoring and scheming which makes them feel more like they're competing against each other. As opposed to other titles who really shift the master in a different direction. @Vangerdahast So you use the decoys more defensively and the doves as the "getting it done" options? Do you find that most of your actions are indeed just for scheming? Or do you get much milage from her attack actions? I'm finding it tough as the doves are chargeable models and die to even the most basic attack. Hiding only seems to go so far. Decoys are nice in that they cannot be charged but they also a lot harder to position and chaff can easily remove them. Basically she can't seem to keep up with her marker generation compared to how easily they're removed. Cassandra can help in the regard though.
  18. I'm having some difficulty with Colette2 and was wondering if others could share some insight. I've tried her a few times now and I really can't see when I would be taking her over the original outside of very specific counters such as LadyJ2 or Tara. In terms of defence, Colette2 seems way more vulnerable than her original title. Disguised with Df6 just isn't doing the work of Serene Countenance. Likewise, Fadeaway is just so far and away better than Now You See Me. Using up her decoys defensively just depletes her effectiveness offensively, which seems counter productive. I think my main concern is that it's very tough getting decoy markers up field. Doves being the exception, but doves also die to pretty much any attack. So I'm finding myself needing to get up into the front lines, but as I mentioned, she simply can't handle the front lines. I feel like I'm spending half of my actions walking (getting decoys into position), which feels pretty awful. When I finally do get to attack, I find the payoff quite mediocre. Stat5 attack with min1 damage and a place effect just doesn't impress. Her ranged attack again feels rather mundane unless you're able to use the trigger. I think it would impress me more if Colette 1 just didn't already do everything that Colette2 does but better. Presto Chango is just so much more impactful. Yes it does require some placement and setup but honestly I find moving showgirls WAY easier than moving Decoys. It's cool to be able to be in a bunch of places at once, but often I just need to be in one place and Colette1 is just better at moving around than Colette2. Also decoys can stomped by any model with no duels. So all the setup can be seen miles away and thwarted with relative ease. Basically I feel like Colette2 is just a water downed version. Both of them do very similar things, Colette1 is far more disruptive. Neither really care about their keyword, but especially so with Colette2. Please tell me I'm missing something here...
  19. What makes this particular case a bit more awkward than say Youko is that Performers are not actually under powered. Most of the keyword is actually quite viable. Carlos, Cassandra, Duet and Colette herself are all exceptional models. So asking for a rewrite of the entire keyword is probably not smart, nor likely to happen. The showgirls are in all likelihood a good candidate to see some kind of change as they are considered under powered, while also un synergistic. I'm just not sure if you can change a single cheap minion and somehow make the entire keyword synergize. Colette will still, most likely, not really care who she's hiring.
  20. I find it so odd that Performers are the only keyword that doesn't synergies with itself. Literally every other keyword in our faction has a reason to stay in theme. December creates and utilizes slow and ice pillars Wilfire creates and utilizes burning/pyres Elemental and Academic is entirely about synergy via mantra's Augmented and Foundry create and utilize scrap M&SU have unionized, grit, and a bunch of models who use that keyword (Amina Fitz Toni) Chimera/Beast is a requirement for mutations and several models again utilize the keyword. Performer has a theme. Don't mind me and Distracted. However no one really does anything with it. Seems like for the most part everyone just does their own thing and no one really cares about each other. I could run Colette with Showgirls or Molemen and it really wouldn't make much of a difference. Everyone doles out distracted but there is barely any actual interaction with it. Scheme markers are also a very lightly used mechanic within the crew but it doesn't factor in enough to really lean into in any way. This is another reason as to why showgirls are such a tough sell for the crew, because they are completely optional and nothing encourages me into hiring within theme. I may as well take the strongest options available within the faction.
  21. I think in theory his aura to prevent positives from enemy models was a way to get around the issue of getting around manipulative by simply focus nuking the the showgirls. In practice it doesn't really work. Its too much cost investment, activation order nightmare, and has half your crew clumped up in one place. If showgirls did more with poison or distracted I think he'd have more of a purpose with Colette. Largely what he brings, Colette doesn't really need.
  22. Completely agree. I don't think these changes can happen in a vacuum and those models/crews whom rely on focus as a part of their core mechanics would certainly need to be included in a change like that. Which is why a broad change is very difficult to do without some kind of edition change. I still think focus is a problem plaguing the game but the solution doesn't seem simple unfortunately. Even subtle alterations could have a drastic impact on certain models/crews. I do still think that such a change may need to happen for the overall health of the game. Some things like Tara and 33 will need to get fixed as it ticks all the boxes of non-interactive, OP and extremely difficult to counter. However, I hope echo markers itself stays relatively in tact as it's a very unique idea and when used appropriately, is fun and fresh to play with/against. It's also the core ability on Tara2 and so would need to be very carefully looked at as over adjusting could be a killing stroke for the title. Colette1 had a similar experience where Presto-Chango got altered as it was simply doing too much. However the "nerf" was actually brilliant as it toned it back, but also made it easier and with better triggers. So they took away with one hand but gave with another. I hope Tara2 would get a similar treatment. There just needs to be limitations placed on either the action of 33 itself to ensure the broken combo is addressed. The best "nerfs" are the ones that limit the obvious issue but open up other new opportunities.
  23. Sort of feel like that's stepping on the saboteur's toes a bit. Which is sort of another issue. The saboteur feels like a better performer in most cases and I don't hear many people singing their praises either. They want to do the whole ranged scheme denial which is why I wish the performers would go in a slightly different direction. More distracted interactions.
  24. For me, I feel like there are still core elements of the game that require more attention than balancing individual models. Certainly you want to address some of the more heinous interactions (33 + Tara2 for example) but for the most part I think the core game still has more immediate issues that need resolving. Personally, I still see focus spam as a huge problem. Turn one absorbing as much focus as possible before nuking everything turn 2 is a big prevailing issue. Should focus really be able to last all game? Kinda seems to defeat the entire purpose of being "focused" when you do it but then 4 turns later, finally cash in on it. Hazardous also seems to be getting out of hand. When you can have crews stacking so much hazardous and the ease at which things can be manipulated within these stacking auras feels really bad and non interactive. Making cheap models matter.... The list goes on I feel like there needs to be some work in addressing these core concepts that inherently will shift how some of these crews operate - for better or worst. Trying to build mechanics that layer on top of shaky rules just seems to invite more problems.
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