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Everything posted by rover1013

  1. May 2015 Game Nights: Thursday, May 7th Thursday, May 14th Thor's Day! Store is Open until Midnight! Thursday, May 21st Thursday, May 28th
  2. Games and Stuff in Glen Burnie is running Through the Breach for their June RPG Lab event. Basically the game runs for every Tuesday of the month (and you have to be able to commit to making them, barring emergency). The goal is to present a decent introduction to the game ie. enough sessions to actually dig into it. I snapped a picture of the flyer they handed out (which hopefully is readable). Some details: Games and Stuff 7385-G Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Glen Burnie, MD 21061 (410) 863-7418 http://gamesandstuffonline.com/ Email rpglab@gamesandstuffonline.com for inquiries and interest in playing.
  3. I'm primarily an Arcanist player (don't let the avatar fool you) and own and have experience with the entire faction. As for trixie nonsense and shenanigans, your instincts are mostly spot on though I would add Mei Feng to the list and one or two specific combos that have left many opponents pretty incredulous the first time they see them. Mei Feng in terms of mobility, action chaining and support catches A LOT of people out. She jumps around the field basically being in any place she wants on a given turn if you do it right, with enough card resources she will chain many attacks together, she has a HUGE threat range due to that mobility and her jackhammer kick and BEST of all her vent steam just plain shuts down some opposing crews. I've never seen more incredulity from an opponent in a game of Malifaux than when they say "what do you mean all of my Sh and Ca attack actions have a triple negative twist?" Every arcanist crew can take Cassandra w/ Practiced Production and combined with a Malifaux Raptor can basically place scheme markers wherever they're needed on the board (and in theme, the very mobile and cheaper Mechanical Doves can serve in a very similar role). Arcanists are also blessed with, in my opinion (and other's for sure), the best selection of Generic Upgrades in the game. And Mechanical Rider Additionally, while Malifaux is primarily a game about resource management, the most valuable thing to accomplishing most Strategies and Schemes (again, in my opinion) is positioning. All of the forced movement and pushing you see across the faction is *extremely* valuable in that regard. I'm not sure how much chance you've had to play the game yet (or see it played), but this game isn't primarily about killing opposing models. There are a handful of victory conditions related to removing enemies from the field, but for the most part that aspect of the game is more about resource denial than anything else. The faction is quite versatile and has A LOT of tools at its disposal. Comparing the shenanigans to other factions though, the really interesting combinations and tactics in the faction are not the obvious kind. They're the sort of interactions you see after playing them for a while, many of which seem fairly innocuous on first read. What the faction has (as a whole) more than anything else I think are answers. If you're more interested in something a bit more on the nose, which is completely understandable cuz let's face it... pulling that stuff out can just be plain fun; I would consider looking closer at Outcasts, Neverborn or Gremlins. Those factions have more of the obviously rules breaking craziness than the Arcanists do I think. Hope that's helpful
  4. In the same boat on my last order (placed on the 2nd). My orders from the day the sale opened came through with email confirmations and shipping tracking info but have also disappeared from my orders list. Probably another hiccup with the software, but it is concerning that they're no longer on my list of orders (which was never a problem previously).
  5. Can't make it that day, sadly. Should be a great time if it's anything like the last one
  6. April 2015 Game Nights: Thursday, April 2nd Thursday, April 9th Thor's Day! Store is Open until Midnight! Thursday, April 16th Thursday, April 23rd Thursday, April 30th
  7. Aww, no mention of the *heroic* Malifaux Child In retrospect, I kinda wish I had taken power ritual. When I saw your crazy list, I got the distinct feeling that being on your side of the table was a VERY bad idea and it scared me off it. A shot at 1 point there over the shoot the moon Take Prisoner was probably the better call. Either way a great, weird and seriously entertaining game! Definitely one of my con highlights. Thanks again!
  8. There will be no Malifaux Game Night tonight (Thursday, March 5th) due to inclement weather. The store is closed. See you all next week for Thor's Day!!!
  9. And when might we expect the December releases then?
  10. Thanks! I do hope that they are also fun! Should also note that it's the store that has a wealth of fantastic terrain available and for the most part I just make arrangements out of it (though the mats are mine).
  11. March 2015 Game Nights: Thursday, March 5th Thursday, March 12th Thor's Day! Store is Open until Midnight! Thursday, March 19th (I'll be in Chicago @ Adepticon so I will not be there) Thursday, March 26th Thor's Day! Store is Open until Midnight!
  12. Just a reminder that this event is tomorrow! Hope to see you there
  13. * 1 Game. No time limit. New player friendly! * 50 soulstones. * Entry fee $10.00. * Using Malifaux 2E Gaining Grounds 2015 format with the following exception(s): ** Strategy will be determined by the story encounter (provided at the event) ** Faction specific Story Encounter Schemes are always available (per Story Encounter rules in the M2e Core Rulebook) ** Fully painted crews are optional, but those playing with a fully painted crew will be rewarded. ** Proxies will be approved prior to event start. ** Existing Malifaux miniatures are not valid proxies for a different model (except where noted by Gaining Grounds or with significant conversion). * Scheme Pool will be randomized * Prizes will be given for participation as well as a raffle format. * All players will start with 1 raffle ticket * Additional raffle tickets can be earned through Story Scenario rules! 1:00PM - 6:00PM (end time is an estimate, could easily be shorter depending on late starts, etc.). Games and Stuff 7385-G Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Glen Burnie, MD 21061 (410) 863-7418 http://gamesandstuffonline.com
  14. February 2015 Game Nights: Thursday, February 5th Thursday, February 12th Thor's Day! Store is Open until Midnight! Thursday, February 19th Thursday, February 26th
  15. It's Thor's Day at Games and Stuff this coming thursday (01/22/15). Come on out and play til midnight!
  16. I've seen good results with a very similar model set/core, though I rarely seem to get my stones worth out of my gunsmiths. I'm convinced I just play them wrong and me and them just aren't going to get along . I've also really enjoyed the occasional trapper and sometimes lazarus thrown into my kaeris lists depending on strat/schemes/opposing faction. I am fairly fond of my proxies, but I'm also totally anxious for the Ironsides box for the same models (from a practical perspective). I knew I was going to buy it as soon as Ironside's art was spoiled though. Totally BA whether or not I really end up playing her much.
  17. Apologies for the thread necro, but I feel in the interest of full disclosure I should update. I did finally receive my order a couple weeks ago (7 months late). With the custom Squat markers I ordered, and instead of the grab bag stuff I just plopped in there, they sent me what seems to be 2 relatively complete sets of Malifaux Tokens including a measuring tool with each. One set in acrylic yellow and the other in wood (makes me wonder if they saw the forum post with my avatar actually). While my experience was still bad enough I wouldn't order from them again, I should say that the tokens I received are the nicest quality laser cut tokens I've ever purchased. So if you're willing to put up with some crap, the end result does seem to be some very high quality tokens. Maybe they're starting to get their $@&! together.
  18. The top 6 (Storm of Shadows) wallpapers have been all broken since the migration over to here as well. It makes me sad. http://wyrd-games.net/community/page/malifaux_2e_wp.html
  19. It's Thor's Day at Games and Stuff this coming thursday (12/11/14). Gaming until midnight and Malifaux will have tables reserved (like every thursday
  20. I will be setting up and running demo games from Noon until close on 11.23.2014. If you're new to the game or maybe just new to second edition, stop on by for a demo game or just to ask questions and chat about M2E! Games and Stuff 7385-G Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Glen Burnie, MD 21061 (410) 863-7418 http://gamesandstuffonline.com
  21. I didn't see it mentioned yet, but the biggest advantage I've found using them for scheme markers (outside of the tossing 3" which is great) is that they ignore the within 4" restriction as well. Makes it much easier to pile markers in convenient locations.
  22. It's worth nothing that there were changes made in the final printing that are not present in the final wave 2 pdfs. Those changes were listed in the July FAQ/Errata document, but subsequently removed post-Crossroads release. They are of course present on the wave 2 arsenal deck printings though (and errata for a couple of misprints in those decks is in the current FAQ/Errata document). I believe the stat blocks in the actual Crossroads book are all correct (don't have it on me right now to double check).
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