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Everything posted by HegemonyKrcket

  1. Henchmen Hardboiled January 21st, 2017 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Dragon's Lair - Austin SCHEDULE 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM - Check-in 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM - Round One 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM - Round Two 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM - Round Three 4:45 PM to 5:30 PM - Round Four* 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM - Awards Ceremony *Round Four will only occur if there enough players to limit the chance of a repeated match-up. ENTRY FEE: $10 US CHECK IN: To check in at the tournament pay your entry fee at the front register and then provide the Robert (the TO) with the receipt. You’ll also need a written copy of your crew with upgrades and costs broken down. We’d also like to take a picture of your crew to help decide on the Beautifully Bruised Award. PAINTING REQUIREMENTS (Gaining Grounds pg. 3) Part of a miniature game is the hobby aspect, and we aim to promote that in official Wyrd tournaments. Painted models are required for play, with the expectation that players are attempting to field a Crew that they can be proud of. Players will have a wide range of individual skill, and there is, therefore, a considerable amount of leeway to this rule. There is no guideline or painting rubric, rather the player is simply expected to put in some effort. Bare models or those with just primer are not allowed. Models made from non-gray plastic may be unpainted, as paint would defeat the translucent or day-glow effect. Note: This rule is not meant to exclude inexperienced painters from playing, it is simply an expectation that players are making an effort. AWARDS Mystery Boxes, LE Models, LE Cards, and Store Credit (based on turnout). 1st Place 2nd Place Coffin Nail - Lowest rank to complete all rounds Warrior’s Honor - Most enjoyable opponent voted on by the participants Beautifully Bruised - Best Painted Crew Note: Efforts will be taken to ensure as many people are possible win award. Prizes may also vary based on player turn-out. HENCHMEN HARDBOILED RULES RESTRICTIONS All Crews must be led by a Henchman, not a Master. The game size is 20 Soulstones. All Crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less. Upgrades may be purchased, as allowed by the standard rules of Malifaux. The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Henchman leading it; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded. Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model). The same Crew must be used in each round of the event. SET UP Deployment: Close Strategy: Emergency Extraction. This Strategy uses the Extraction rules (Gaining Grounds 2017 pg. 10) with the exception that VP may be scored on the first Turn. Scheme Pool: Eliminate the Leadership (Gaining Grounds 2017 pg. 12) and Mark for Death (Gaining Grounds 2017 pg. 15). These are the only schemes available and must be taken. TOURNAMENT RULES Use Gaining Grounds 2017 to determine pairings and score the event to determine the winner. Only the round times are different from Gaining Grounds tournament standards: All round times are 45 minutes. Emergency Extraction Set up Place an Informant Marker at the Center of the table. At the end of every Turn, after scoring VP, the player with the most non-Peon models within 6" of the Informant Marker may place the Marker up to 3" from its current location, not into terrain or base contact with a model. Victory Points At the end of each Turn, a Crew earns 1 VP if it has two or more non-Peon models within 6" of the Informant Marker. Eliminate the Leader The first time the enemy Leader is reduced below half of their starting Wounds, score 1 VP. The first time the enemy Leader is reduced to 0 Wounds, score 1 VP. If there is no enemy Leader in play at the end of the game, score 1 VP Mark for Death All non-Peon models in this Crew may take a (1) Interact Action to give a target non-Peon enemy model they are engaged with the following Condition for the rest of the game: “Marked: This Condition may not be removed or ended.” When an enemy model with the Marked Condition is reduced to 0 Wounds or leaves play, gain 1 VP and remove this Condition from that model.
  2. I've tried out the Spawn Mother once and the Gupps engine works pretty well with the Wisps. Being able to actually pop one a turn was really nice. She did some okay killing but we had to end the game early, so she had just gotten into the fray. I'm going to give her some more table over the next few weeks and see what I think.
  3. That's very useful information. I assume that Guild Guard are on the list of needs improvement as well?
  4. It seems like the 6 is a little too short to support a gunline. And his stats seem... meh for him to be Tanky. How does he help dogs?
  5. I've cut together a card for a "Lead from the Front" Dashel, but I figured I'd post it in it's own thread when I want people to tear it apart. I'm also thinking of putting it up in the Henchmen board first. For now, I figured I'd just jump on this thread and get some more info on the Sergeant. Oiran are weird. For 4ss they can put down markers, go super Defensive, and make a million melee attacks that most likely won't hit. Cranky is really good, but there are some things that balance him out. Being a totem (for example) and having low wds. I've easily just taken him off the board with 1 AP. And he's generally buffing models with pretty low stats. But none of that matters. But my take away is that the is sufficient, if not preferred over a +1 Wp. Is that correct? I can see the benefit of both, so just wanted to see. It's just a matter of it effecting models other than Guardsman. This is, of course, assuming that the suite of Guardsman aren't tweaked a bit. Also, +1 Df isn't a sufficient increase on the stat-line.
  6. I'm just starting to get into Lucius (I know he's not that great) as I'm primarily Neverborn, so I'm new to the Guardsmen discussion. With that being said I had a few questions to ask the more seasoned guild players. Mainly around ideas for "fixing" some of the models. Re: Guild Sergeants it sounds like the main complaint is their stat line. There (0) has a lot of uses, but not as many as they used to. And the other models they're buffing are just not that great. Is that correct? Other questions I have are... "Would you rather have the Wp buff be a +flip or a straight +1?" And "Is the +1 Wk Aura big enough?" I've got some ideas/questions about Guild Guard and Dashel as well. But given the thread title I figured I'd focus on just the Sergeant
  7. So basically you can get the same number of Scheme markers on the table with 2 Gupps as you can with 2 Silurids. It takes a little more work and card management but it saves you 4 stones, which can be much better used elsewhere. Their Leap is on any Mask (instead of 5+) and it's only 5" (instead of 7"), so you're less likely to flip it and your going to have to get used to very precise placement, but you can still get the Interact, Leap, Interact if you plan for it. The need for a mask is slightly limiting, but Zoraida doesn't care about Masks. She has one upgrade that needs a mask, and I've never used that Action. Never. Other models might care about masks (mainly the nurse) but the value doesn't matter, just the mask. And once I've got my card engine up and running I'll almost always have a mask for at least one guaranteed Leap, which is normally enough for me to get the markers down I need. Gupps are a little less survivable than Silurids, but after you get used to using them it's only slightly less. And again, they're 3 stones less. They're Ht 1, so they're easier to hide. Their 40mm base means you've got to place them more precisely to completely block LoS. Their Df/Wp is the same as a Silurid (which is crap) and they're only 4 Wds, but most of your scheme runners are 4-5 Wds so no biggy there. In my experience with them they are either never hit, or outright murdered. Just like Silurids. And if they're going to be slaughtered, I'd rather it be a 4 stone loss than a 7 stone lose. Gupps also have Juvenile Wail, which gives them a leg up on Silurids. After I've put my markers on the board and squared away my VP on them I can Wail and then Obey an enemy to kill them. Now all my nearby Swampfiends have a +2 Ml Damage putting ALL of their minimums at 4. Now they're Ml 5s and 6s aren't so bad because I literally don't care what my damage flip is. A Walgeist with a 4" engagement and a minimum 4 damage will ruin anyone's day. If you're lucky enough to combo that with Spawn Mother charging for free then yippy. You just used 1 (or 2) AP to generate a free Charge and some right good murdering. Silurids were overpriced and underpowered in book 1, and they've only gotten less optimal with each further book.
  8. I've been getting in some more games with the Will-o-wisps and it really, really, really improves Zoraida's effectiveness. Being able to use all her AP on Bewitch/Obey really ratchets up her effectiveness. I have, however, found those 3 SS to eat into my ability to bring Voodoo Doll support models. It means I'm either doing Iggy or Nurse, but never both. Which hasn't been too bad yet, as Z's against the Hemmed model is super useful, and I've been figuring out how to drop damage and conditions on the doll in other way. I'm excited to order the Wisp models this week. :-) Wednesday should be my first try with Wisps and Spawn Mother. I'll update y'all afterwards.
  9. Faux-vember to Remember: Happy Shanks-giving Dragon's Lair - Austin, TX November 12th, 2016 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM Thanksgiving with the family can be stressful. So give yourself a little preemptive therapy be beating the crap out of some friends, acquaintances, and total strangers. Okay, well don't actually beat them up. Just figuratively beat each other's minis up with your sharp wit, keen tactics, and awesome cheat hand. Faux-vember to Remember is the first annual November tournament here in Austin, TX. Named in the vain of a copy written pay-per-view event, we're going to bring the pain and play some games. So celebrate what you have to be thankful for by seizing victory by it's turkey neck. $10 Entry Fee 50 Soulstone, Fixed Faction; Gaining Grounds 2016 Rules and Regulations -- No painting requirement Schedule 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (noon) - Check In 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM - Round One 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM - Lunch 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Round Two 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM - Round Three Strategies Round One - Collect the Bounty, Standard Deployment Round Two - Interference, Flank Deployment Round Three - Stake a Claim, Corner Deployment Schemes will be announced at the beginning of the tournament Prize Support Mystery Boxes, Store Credit, and more First, Second, Third Place Most Sporting - Player voted most positive playing experience. Stiff Upper Lip - Lowest ranking player that completes all three rounds. https://www.facebook.com/events/1275418535823893/
  10. Just put a pretty hat on it. Preferably with flowers.
  11. No, doubt. I think of it as "Ladies Night Out," but a sewing circle makes more sense. I love Widow Weaver and she's a must have in any of my Wp heavy lists. I don't understand how to use Vasilissa though, so I rarely take her.
  12. I've got to be honest, there is a HUGE amount of options and common combinations that weren't discussed in this podcast. It's also lacking in discussing the downside of the Swampfiends and possible ways to balance them out. The upside of Zoraida is that she has a lot of crew options that she can work with. The downside is that you can have choice paralysis pretty damn quickly. Iggy and Nurse are two models that bring a lot of power to a Zoraida so it's kinda unfortunate that you didn't go over either of those in detail. Spawn Mother is another possibility that I would have liked to hear some coverage on. Wild Boars and First Mate are both models I'd to have heard more about. Additionally, I have to totally disagree about On Wings of Darkness and Silurids. Flight and +1 card (along with a 4 cache) means I'm going to have way more control over what suits I have, which matters a lot with pretty much every single model you'll probably take with her. Waldgeist want tomes and crows, Juju wants crows, Emissary, Nurses want all sorts of things, Iggy wants tomes, and on and on. Silurids are just too damn expensive. I can get the same amount of work out of a 2 Gupps for almost half the price. Especially now that Spawn Mother isn't terrible, upping a Gupps charge to 7 means they can leap just as well if you're able to manage your masks. I know you've only got 90 minutes for these, but it really seems like you just scratched the surface. :-(
  13. She wasn't mentioned, and I haven't had a chance to field her since Will-o-wisps came out. But they were clearly a stealth buff for the Spawn Mother as well. You can use her (0) to pop an egg down each turn and a Wisp to summon a Gupp off of it. That means if you start with a Gupps you can have 2 dropping markers on turn 2 which means you can start scoring convict labor (or others) immediately. After that, you can throw them at your enemy and kill them off for a +2 damage on Spawn Mother, Juju, Waldgeists, etc.
  14. She can't really do a "Puppet Theme" much anymore since she can't take the Effigies, Coryphee, or Mannequins. They moved all that over to Collodi, which is fine because he's really damn good with them.
  15. Divergent Paths Achievement League Dragon's Lair - Austin, TX Wednesday Nights from 7 PM to 11 PM 9/21/16 to 11/20/16 Is the Divergent Paths world event not enough for you? Do you need more crazy things to do this fall? Then you're in luck, because we're holding an achievement league during the world event. Collect points for playing games, painting models, building terrain, getting tabled, maxing out your VP, mirror matching a Master v Master, and oh so much more. Make sure to get in touch with Robert (that's me) to get you Achievement Packet to track your progress. And when you're at the store make sure to sign off at the back register if you play a Divergent Paths Scenario. You can contact me here or via email to set up a time or just drop in on Wednesday night and ask for Rob (that's me). And feel free to check out our group on Facebook Austin Malifaux
  16. @orkdork what are you using for Wisp proxies?
  17. I'll mail you a cookie if you link to this list. :-)
  18. I'll mail you a cookie if you link to this list. :-)
  19. 1.) Yes. "As if entering it" is meant to refer to entering the Marker/Hazardous Terrain. 1a) Yes. 2.) Yes. Each piece is a separate piece of Hazardous Terrain. So taking damage from one and/or passing one does not affect the other. Sidenote: If you pass the Wk dual you're not immune to the damage. So if you are moved/pushed/placed again you'll have to do the Wk dual again, or just take the damage if you hit the Marker.
  20. I'm very eager to put some Wisps on the table and see how well they perform (outside of the Summoning assistance). I just have to figure out what I'm using as a proxy... and finally build my Spawn Mother and Gupps.
  21. That's what I was hoping. Gives them a little more "survivability" then I initially thought. They look hella good. I might have to dust off some zombie-wolf minis to give them a test run.
  22. After the first 2 Gupps, the rest are there to die so SM can get a +2 Dmg.
  23. I just wanted to make sure that my reading of a Rougarou combo is correct. It's involves a combination of his Pounce Ability, his (0) Action that pushes enemy models towards it, and the crow trigger on said Action. I don't have the cards in font so me so I can't remember the names. But the crow trigger says that after completing the pushes you can place the Rougarou in base contact with a model that passed their Wp dual (was not pushed). This leads me to think that you can get an Attack against each model that ends their push in close range and then "teleport" away from the models he attacked, possibly then mauling said model. Is that correct? Am I missing something?
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