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Everything posted by kross1

  1. Izamu is much like the rail golem to me, well worth the stones when he works, but mostly gets focussed down and killed before he does anything.
  2. I like her better as a punk zombie throwin', black blood a pukin', best damn dead reporter in the business, old school Molly, rather than spirit Molly. It's probably because the metal spirit models, are just horrendous.
  3. In a recent 4 player game,after draining all her resources killing Seamus the Copycat Killer "with a flourished" her twice. Killed her with a 5 of crows. Then proceeded to go on a murder spree. Best thing ever!
  4. First off, love this ap! Everyone in my group uses it now, and we all agree it's a huge convenience even offline. I have mentioned this before, but I'm sure with all the other work you have put into this you can't remember everything. When Johan is hired into Arcanist crews he can take M&SU upgrades, because he is M&SU keyworded. That's it. Thanx again, for all the great work!
  5. I put the graveyard spirit behind it, and keep them both in cover, this combined with impossible to wound, generally keep them both pretty healthy. Add in a couple of belles to lure in victims equals good times.
  6. Don't forget the wall of meat that is the flesh construct, and ever popular nurse, from the above mentioned arsenal deck.
  7. Bete Noir is a good all around beater, but she isn't a spirit and doesn't particularly synergise w/ Kirai one way or the other. I like using her with, Deliver a Message and Frame for Murder if they are in the scheme pool.
  8. Congratulations on the new job! Still haven't been able to watch keeps kicking me back to your site which is offline.
  9. It would be nice to actually view the game, it keeps telling me you are offline so I can't view it. Yours and the cheated fates one. Tried if multiple time over multiple days.
  10. Here is one : Johan as a M&SU member, when hired by Arcanists can access M&SU upgrades.
  11. Use sinister rep, I've the ca action several times to kill the Dreamer.
  12. Use sinister rep, I've the ca action several times to kill the Dreamer.
  13. Bete noir is really good for this also.
  14. Hmm, stepping back and looking at both the crews, the Kaeris crew seems outclassed in both speed and ranged options. Each time I have faced a Rasputina crew, I look to focus on her ice mirrors, and limiting her options at who she can fire at. This should have the added bonus of drawing her in so you can mob her with you own models. Cover will be very important, especially hard cover, which will give a negative flip to damage. I would also look at taking Sue, he has great synergy with Kaeris, and can really hamper casters.
  15. Sound like you don't have enough terrain on the table. It is a common mistake found among people that are just beginning this game. There is a excellent thread pinned in the Malifaux Discussion section of the forums.
  16. Take sinister rep for feast on fears to take out Huggy (with it being a Ca action it ignores incoporeal), take a hanged and neuter his illuminated by denyiing them regeneration and halfing their wounds, counter charge with Sybelle and soulstone for a crow to get with a flourish. Look to resurrect rotten belles & drsd doxies. Lynch is a mostly a living crew and will drop corpse counters. When you decide to expand, look to add a beater and a utility model like Bete Noir and a convict Gunslinger, and some dedicated objective runners will free up Seamus to do what he does best, kill things.
  17. Cheated fates is a also really good, though very sporadic.
  18. It's alive!!!! 20368!! Hahaha!!!#
  19. 2nd wave ressurectionist henchmen can't take corpse bloat.
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