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Everything posted by noob

  1. We've got 8 hours of drive time tomorrow to play. 4 hours down and 4 back from Louisville
  2. Only 2 models left to paint....or I may just skip em and throw random mercs in there so that I don't have to paint anymore. haha so many raffle prizes! Yeah.... I think I may just bring a fun list. I haven't played in a couple months so it'll be interesting to see how bad my opponents stomp me! #fallout4 #battlefront
  3. So... I am confused. The post has been edited a number of times but I had, for some reason, thought it said all prizes were going to be randomly given out. Nothing is currently listed for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, etc... I had a strange notion that there were no place prizes and that all the prizes were given out randomly and so I was planning to bring just a fun list to play with. Then I actually communicated that thought aloud to some friends at lunch and that didn't sound right. Can you confirm if there are placeholder prizes as well as raffles for the rest OR is it ALL raffle-drawn prize support. Thanks! noob
  4. *shifty eyes* I'm a new player also. So I have no painted models *uses the force* Believe me...
  5. I am willing to attend from the Louisville area.
  6. Updated the event page with some pictures! Thank you for all that were able to attend and maybe next time a few of the local players could show up and participate! https://www.facebook.com/events/976805082359233/
  7. Posted pics on the Facebook event page! 5 submitted crews! Some from people who weren't apart of the Tournament. Very glad to see so many painted models https://www.facebook.com/events/976805082359233/
  8. The new Contact Us page looks amazing!
  9. http://postimg.org/image/ucalg9nff/ The thank you message when you subscribe to the newsletter on the Upcoming screen is really darkly colored. (In contrast to the stark white lettering everywhere else)
  10. I don't know if this is just me or not but I actually favor the quick rotation speed of the pictures on the main page. You don't have to wait ages to see what else is new and up.
  11. FandomFest Comic Expo Webpage I was just informed that I could run demos of Malifaux the weekend of the Comic Expo. The demos will be the mornings of August 8th and 9th. Exact times and location in the expo center will be added to this as soon as I get those squared away with the gaming organizer! Thank you and hope to see you there!
  12. Details of the Tournament are as follows. Location: Louisville Game Shop Date: August 29th, 2015 Event Start Time: 12:00 PM RD 1 Timer Starts @ 12:20 PM Crew Size: 50ss, Single Declared Faction Round Length: 110 Min Cost: 8$ Prize Support: Crew Box of choice, Store Credit, Random Participation Prizes. 3 Round Event (4 Rounds if we have 16+ players) There will be round specific Strategies and Deployment: Round 1 - Headhunter, Corner Deployment Round 2 - Turf War, Standard Deployment Round 3 - Collect the Bounty, Flank Deployment *Round 4 - Reckoning, Standard Deployment *If we have 16+ players There will be a 40 min break for food between rounds 1 and 2. SCHEMES WILL BE FLIPPED THE WEEK OF THE 24th of AUGUST & POSTED HERE. Wyrd declared proxies are allowed. Other proxy decisions are left up to the EO. Bring the appropriate models for what you want to play. Please reference the Gaining Grounds rules located here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/52-gaining-grounds/ Facebook Event Page
  13. Date: August 23, 2015 Location: Louisville Game Shop, Louisville, KY, USA Cost: Free! Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Come try out Wyrd's new board game, to be released at GenCon! Darkness Comes Rattling can be played with anywhere from 2 to 6 players in a fully cooperative environment. The players take on the role of warriors of the Tribes of Man, intent to save their world from the spreading corruption caused by the snake Darkness. The warriors must gather together items and prepare to take on Darkness to save the sun. Each warrior has unique abilities they bring to the game, allowing for a varied experience each time you play, and easily adjustable difficulty levels keep veterans coming back for more. Darkness Comes Rattling can even be played single player with a minor variant, allowing the game to be enjoyed solo. I will be starting a game at 1:00PM and will be available for games until 4:00PM Facebook Event Page
  14. We have 3-5 players from the Louisville area that have decided to drive out to participate in this event! That's awesome! I look forward to meeting a lot of the local players and hope everyone can make it!
  15. Date: August 25, 2015 Location: The Battleforge, Lexington, KY, USA Cost: Admission to the Tournament PAINTED CREW RULES: 35ss Crew must be assembled, painted, and based. At the end of the first round, I ask that all players who would like their crew to be judged, to set it out for me. You do not need to use this crew during the tournament. The crew will be judged by 2-3 people NOT competing for prize support. I will tally all votes at the end of the lunch break and announce the Best Painted Crew at the conclusion of Round 2. Facebook Event Page
  16. Just dropping a note that this event is still on for next Saturday! Hope to see everyone there! It will be my first event at that store and if you are wanting to attend from the Louisville area but don't want to make the hour+ drive out that way, hit me up and we can discuss carpooling!
  17. I always wonder if he will run out of Orcs....how vast are his armies...
  18. noob

    Elim! IPR5

    Penguins are wearing bow ties because bow ties are cool.
  19. Very nice shading and highlighting on Nekima!
  20. noob

    Major Tom <ELIM>

    Reminds me of a scene from Doctor who where he is sitting with is best friend/mother in law and his wife, watching his wife kill himself.
  21. noob

    B-612 <ELIM>

    This reminds me of the novel, The Little Prince. The cover art had a child sitting on a moon.
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