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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. to my knowledge one says when causing/inflicting dmg heal equal number of wounds. and the other one says when when taking wounds deal a wound. so in this case dmg is always caused before wounds so he would heal first. then take a wound when it is converted in to wounds due to BB. what this also means is that he always heals the full wounds to dmg ratio due to a prevention flip happens in the wound phase not the dmg phase.
  2. i think this means also that if you have contain power killing only one of the 2 would not benefit at all. but in slaughter you would gain 6ss for killing either or. so no a big change but definitive noticeable.
  3. You go you your local gaming store throw money at them while picking out the most Bad-ass looking avatar you can find. (or kinky with miss tentacle porn). then the cashier/staff member will promptly congratulate you on your purchase of awesomeness. in the words of Optimus Prime "Troll Out" (please don't kill me)
  4. sweet. now i can make her even more awesome.....!!!!!!
  5. can candy use soulstones. i think she can since she is an avatar but dont know.
  6. skype does not work in kuwait for some reason. but i do have an oovoo. might have to get my stuff sent over jsut to play.
  7. you can also put him in a dress (mannikin replacement) when henchman are not leading crews.
  8. Oddly enough since you are not hiring freikorps as mercenarys. Unless of course you use vonshill then you are stuck with the fk. But who uses the shill.
  9. Anything that Targets her triggers a wp duel. Blasts, pulses and auras do not. If it does not have a description in the text then yes. But you should look at the rules clarification pdf on the site it will hrlp a lot. Would send the link but phone and all
  10. Then how does evasive work with patchwork armour? Or does it do nothing.
  11. F the door just make a new one by breaking the wall down lol.
  12. It has been ruled before that if a model with gunfighter and no other mekee wrapon is with in 2" of a supply wagon you can not hit the wagon. Not bash range.
  13. His free strike/charge happens before any model activates. So if he was engaged the previous turn then the next turn he would cleave something before any model activates. Then you flip for initiative and go about your merry way. So long story short it should have played a part but you guys forgot and it happens no biggie.
  14. May only be performed after performing a strike. Now when is a performed. It does not say after hitting or damaging. So now we have new term to contend with. Perform. Also does not say completes a strike action.
  15. Isn't the wording like immediately after attacking or some jazz. Hence why i wanted the full rule.
  16. What's the full rule read my misaki card eludes me at the moment. But i am sure that it you can use it before resolving the attack.
  17. beginning of turn 3 Killjoy gets free swings on things he is engaged with.
  18. Just to throw a wrench. Avatar pandora has anthema which removes the immunities to terrorfying but otherwise everyone got it covered.
  19. Dg is a Stat on a card. Dg causes Damage to a model. which is then is converted into Wounds which is then Applied to the model. Pretty sure i Got that. If it Does Straight Wounds it Skips to apply wounds Step in the resolution process. Wounds are not Damage.
  20. All Damage is converted into wounds before it is applied to a model. If it was a damage prevention flip things that dealt straight wounds could not be prevented.
  21. Sure you can just not the thing your engaged with. Page 36 of the Rm. Mind you can be in their melee range but not yours and you can charge. Little things. But very important.
  22. It's a wound prevention flip not damage. When Damage is converted into Wounds is where you make a prevention.
  23. Uhhh what? Normally you can not due to it being ht 1. As drawn to metal requires a ht 2 model. Not anything to do with base sizes.
  24. I am really surprised the rogue necro hit lilth so much her df trigger elusive is really really good. Also did anything take a terror test from the necromancy (cept the mature of course.)
  25. He seems alright with Jacob. 10t or never born.
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