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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Ten thunders brewy. Yin the pen + fermented monks = attack on wp with neg flips for your opponent. Have reactivate also can drink together. Work really well. Gremlin side Idk.
  2. So have been using these guys recently and it seems they came out great. Or maybe really great. Turning a 1/2/4 profile into 4/5/7 is a really nifty feat. Captain Daschle just compounds their ability to put out some serious damage. Range 14 is nice also. 5 stone model with no defensive abilities look really fragile but with 2-3 of them they can pot shot most things before they get into combat. Now Captain Daschle giving out +flips to Hit and 0 action focuses make them really accurate and really killy. But what does he do beside that? Has a built in slow or critstrike on his baton of 1" which I guess if you burn a stone hit the ram he would do 5/5/6 but man he just supports select models. I. Guess he could on your feet a non guardsmen if he was taken outside of guardsmen list. He more or less has to lead guardsmen. Which I guess makes sense that he is a captain after all. Also How come his Collier does not have crit strike when the Seargent does that bugs me. Guild guard are really good in pairs. Df 6 is nice. But if you kill one the other shortly following. Ml and sh of 4 don't see them hitting often but they might surprise. Having a walk of 4 makes them slow but they are cheap minions and do decent enough. Also having an auto halt trigger is a decent inconvenience for the enemy. Guard Sergeant decent enough guy 6 wounds armor 1 has can get critstrike on his axe or Collier for 3/4/5 instead of the base 2/3/4 gives other Guardsmen writhing 3" +1walk which is nice and +Wp duels is nice also. And his schememarker movement helps aa lot. In certain situations. Guild hounds quick objective grabbers whose attacks are more accurate than guild guards. Needs a friendly hound to make them not insignificant. Guild path finders had blasts to their rifle and can be deployed from the shadows. Nice triggers and you might get a trap to annoy the enemy. Not to shabby df of 6 should help them survive a few attacks. Warden he wants to go later to try and paralyze things decently quick on his feet and has grinding halt to survive Austringers are good. No need to say why they just are. So because of this Dashel hates them as does lucious so they are loners mostly. These models are cheap but slightly above resilient and can do some hurt. What are your thoughts on Guardsmen
  3. yes. She only cant activate if she activated previously in the turn was boxed and then popped out she cant activate if she is still buried by the end of everything else. Also if you have the big rule book look at tara Her Scitck is burying people and then having them unburied elsewhere
  4. if you are playing in the team tourney (which is 35 per partner) i would build your crew around the Strats and schemes that are posted First round is Turf war second is Reckoning 3 is squatters right. the site has a download to see the schemes. So dita and what ever you think is good for that and if anythings compliments your teams crew. but also remember that they are not friendly nor are they enemy
  5. So Ratty i was just Playing and i Found that The oxfordian Mages are on 30mm when there cards Show them on 40mm just letting you know
  6. Ok was just making sure I wasn't cheating anybody.
  7. Restless dreams I think it is called gives LCB melee expert when dreamer is buried. Dreamer can either summon decently and support relatively well his crew and chompy is a bonus. Or focus on chompy hitting things hard. Both work really well. Collodi there is a tactica you could read in the newborn thread. He does things. He makes his things do things and summons dolls.
  8. Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap Pandora -- 3 Pool +Cry for Me [2] +The Box Opens [2] Poltergeist [5] Iggy [5] Insidious Madness [5] Insidious Madness [5] Insidious Madness [5] Mr. Tannen [6] Sorrow [5] Sorrow [5] Sorrow [5] Oh Woe is me for doth seeks my death. Really fragile crew but has enough things that it will make cheating difficult.
  9. I think I know the answer but I want to be sure. If a model is next to an insidious madness and Mr. Tannen they would have to discard 2 cards to cheat a Wp duel correct? Question 2 I know that the abilities of 2 canine remainsstack for a cumulative -1 df but would The madness spreads also stack? Ie if a model is next to two insidious madness would they have to discard 2 cards to cheat. And if so does that mean if an enemy model is next to 3 madness's and Tannen would they have to discard 4 cards to cheat a Wp duel? I want to say yes but I don't know.
  10. No they are not living. Which you should be thankful for. Nicodem decays a pack of rats raises them as mindless zombies. Sad face all around.
  11. Very valid use of ap. But yes if the model is dead it can not count as a model for cursed object or distract.
  12. Does this I can use them terrain and block los. You can't see though them so that is the obviousthing is to give them the blocking ttrait. I build a wall with my hand I am now inviolable. I think you are squintingat your oown rule book. Step away play a game of malifaux with just guild guardsmen and have some fun. Have mcmourning as your leader.
  13. Well s/he is the last airbender so it could be either. The captain does not count he is a thief. And should be killed on site.
  14. Hanging tree. Eric and Nathan. The noose. Try gluing that after it breaks. And it will break.
  15. Not sure if joking.... if not I would hate your job for a time. How does one misconstrue that?
  16. By the governor General's authority I want all of you dead heads to do what I say and be grateful for it.
  17. Also if you thoroughly stomp some one see if they will switch lists with you with the same setup. And luck aside you outplay them or get out played then it's not the list it's the player. This could be readily seen for a veteran 1.5 Colette player and a new one. If you have seen the 2 you know what I mean.
  18. I am a power gamer through and though. But I also know the limits of my opponents that I play regularly with. If they want to play a good hard game overkill throw a list together to see the synergy with it and if I lose cool if I don't cool. When I first got into malifaux I fell in love with Pandora due to her fluff. People hate(d) Pandora in 1.5 and I can see why. Some one mentioned that Collette was a difficult master to play so I picked her up. Did not lose much with either. Mainly how the schemes were worked ie sabotage on that bodyguard Collette I am now 4 points ahead. But to play her dancing at a high level took effort and planning. For a few months before gencon I learned how to play Collodi since he was the fastest objective runner this side of the breach. Combined with Pandora that I learned to be a dick with I won gencon. BUT BUT BUT any person who played me would attest that it was good game and they enjoyed it. At the end of the day is what matters having fun. Two or more in some cases getting together and playing a game they love.
  19. If you are not randomizing then why would you shoot your own guy? But yeah you can do it.
  20. So are you saying i CANNOT declare a walk action and move zero? i must move something? Again Ring around the Rosey this thread is going no where. i think average boss said it the best. To take a disengaging strike you must take a walk action. for a terror test to happen you must take a walk action. if the disengaging strike stops you from performing the walk action thats fine and dandy, you still took a walk action for me to even try and stop you. So i still cant find out where moving 0 has anything to do with this. taking an action and not being able to complete it happens all the time. (ie manipulative, terror, squealing from the first attack on the charge or from the first attack from something like onslaught, Etc) Real simple in my mind: A: model takes a Walk action B:Stuff C: model ended a walk action. D: more stuff. eg terror
  21. up to your WK. i can move zero with my action i am allowed.
  22. Let me point a small tency tiny thing out for you: Terrifying (All) 13: Enemy models must pass a TN 13 Horror Duel if they end a Walk Action within this model’s engagement range or target this model with an Action So tell me again how you are wrong
  23. Ring Around the Rosey pocket full of poesys Ashes Ashes we all fall down. So What is your Stance then on me obeying a model and Taking a Walk action but not Moving the model at all. would it have to take a terror test? Yay Back to the Paradox theory. its my favorite one so far. You will see where this has been argued up in the thread above. Either we Do it your way and the rules become a paradox or we do it the other way and the rules work. Apparently you guys love paradoxes more than me.
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