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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Must resist urge to say don't play against models that think themselves above their station. I assume you mean shooty. As in they shoot really well Making sure enough terrain on the board is the first step. Then using that cover. Raspy is also super "snooty" thinking of everything is beneath her. Err I mean shooty and can out shoot and or kill shooty models.
  2. Well as stated in the faq models ascending or descending subtract that from their move. And since you can't land on the marker due to impassable you need roughly a 7+walk to fly over it. Good luck with that.
  3. I see this as simple tbh. Are flame pillars or ice pillars terrain. No. No where in their description does it say place flame or ice terrain markers. Therefore you can't walk though them since they are blocking and impassable. And before the argument that they have terrain traits means they are terrain let me say this; models have the blocking trait does that mean all models are terrain? Yeah thought not.
  4. Good point. But. I would argue that the opposing player did damage. Not the stitch together. I would also argue that a stitched being killed by this action would count towards reckoning. But I would be wrong ofc Q: If a model is killed by an Ability or Action, which Crew counts as having made the kill? A: When a model is killed as the result of an Action, the Crew controlling the Action counts as having made the kill. If a model is killed by an Ability, the model with the Ability counts as having made the kill So yes the stitched would draw a card from winning or losing.
  5. Yea yes. I was thinking of lilitu and she has the ca 7 lure. With both suits. Not ca 8 in need of a crow.
  6. Quite easy most players least of all expect to be pulled out of position since I held onto a crow. And with a ca of 7 flipping a decent card and not getting the suit might burn a high card from your opponent or they see you don't havevthecsuit and you can cheat that crow whether high or low and lure the model. Then you have the +1wp buff. And then you have a decent walk and could be defensive +2 for that one action. And if you are using smoke and shadows she can use smoke bombs. And with the new upgrade she can be fast. And people ignore her a lot since they think she is worthless.
  7. The "5th" river is the river of all the styles. Hence why it is the valley of 5 rivers. Course I could be wrong but hey it makes the most sense. Cause once you are a master of the many styles you hold political power to do things. And should be quite wise in the ways of stuff and things.
  8. Hitting multiple models is not important here. Did you do damage yes draw a card. Now if had this wording like the brutal effigy has then multiple models would draw multiple cards. Fear Not the Sword: After damaging an enemy model with an Attack Action, this model heals 1 damage. After killing an enemy model, this model draws 1 card." So that answers the majority of your questions. On the stitched together it used an attack action. But I would say the enemy is the one doing the damage. Mainly since it is the one flipping the damage flip. Each attack from blood frenzy is a separate attack action (albeit generated by an attack action) Therefore would draw a card every time it did damage.
  9. Welcome to malifaux. Hope both of you had quite a bit of fun. Player skill and knowing what you opponent's things do help mitigate a lot of the perceived luck of the game. But get more games under your belt and you will be well on your way of understanding the more intricacies of this game. Side note grab the books and read the fluff. It is what makes this a character driven skirmish game.
  10. As said above can not charge. (Just like TT archers) but certain actions will move a model it's charge. Hamlin's pipes. Trixxiebelles "lure" so it has the stat.
  11. By original Hamelin do you Hamelin the rat catcher. The original OG lol. Or tyrant Hamelin who is not original lol.
  12. 1.5 Colette was 3 models Which are all Colette. No one for any reason should be upset or tell you you can't use alternate Colette as Colette. She is already on 30mm bases and you have 4 models to pick from. I think the bunny from the hat is my favorite. On Hamlin meh. His avatar was originally on a 50 standing a cross section of a sewer with rats and you want to make him into a 30mm base? I see a great injustice done. Now this might seem hypocritical since said sure on Colette but her 1.5 avatar was just 3 alternative scripts of her lol. So they don't need to be resized and replaced. But tbh I doubt anyone would complain if you put AHamelin on a 30 and called it good enough.
  13. The dynamite is in a safe location. No water dampen its spirits. Or sawblades to cut it up. The intended target is now in an unsafe location. Due to uh ya know well dynamite. I guess you are trying to extrapolate what is safe. Is malifaux as a whole safe? Therefore you could never ever use teleport. Or is safe a completely general word. But if I teleported into a wall I would consider that unsafe. If I teleported above a pungi pit that I would consider unsafe. But what if I did not know the pit was there. Would spell find that out for me or would the dm let it go off. So an empty spot of air that fits the object being teleported seems quite safe. Also what if teleported my guard party member next to the enemy is that considered unsafe? I think you read safe location for everything Even though the spell only dictates safe for the target. Which for an object would be anything that doesn't destroy it. Lava, forge,etc. So having a "feeble fm" no. Having a fm who understands logic and the how the system works. Yes.
  14. Alright coach the team is now super fired up to go out there and make you proud. But what's this about cheating teaching kids how to cheat does great injustice in their professional lives. Shame on you. Let me guess they are all juicing too. You are now banned from the N-malifaux-L. Great speech though.
  15. No guessing needed. The model is killed via decapitate or reduced to 0 wounds. Now you have a choice take the bacon bomb action or place a corpse and remove the model. If you take the bacon bomb action, then you fully resolve that action. Which since the model is still in play due to "it goes pop" it is now sacrificed. In which case no corpse counter.
  16. Df5 12 wounds goes a lot farther when she heals from a zero and heals one when activating. And remember killjoy puts out the same hurt. So they can't burn though both before something is dead. And everyone forgets that alps make things slow with their attacks. Or just by being around lol. But as a whole nekima wants to beat on things she can kill in one go. She dislikes retaliatory action. But loves killing minions and enforcers.
  17. No order Brutal effigy- his 0 is amazing and accomplice is nice and he is significant. A pair of guild guard- treating these gents (and new lady friend) as a single model auto triggering arrest is nice df 6 is nice and defensive stance to go with it nice. Can hold the fort down meander around the board and might kill something. Austringers- people like them for deliver orders I like them Cause in one activation I can make you discard 4 cards. Combined with something like arrest you have enemy models standing around doing nothing. A pair of rifleman- a damage profile of 3/4/7 or 4/5/7 at 14" is nothing to sneeze at for a 5 point model. And my last choice is a fun one. Papa loco- a crazy dynamite wielding psychopath. Who gives things to damage. So after doing so pine boxing him gives you a semi permanent . Which then when the marshel dies or you let him out he is where you want him. Away from your own crew. And hopefully next to theirs. And with a depleted hand. (See above) going to be hard pressed to pass his duels.
  18. Nekima fears given form Killjoy Alp Alp. Kill my own alp works just fine. Gets killjoy out. Kill joy then eats people. Sometimes if playing Arcanists might swap fears given form with retribution's eye on kill joy. Either way super killy not much thinking involved and hit like a truck.
  19. ....what ruling? It's clear that statue happens after the model has been dealt damage. The trigger is not well triggered before the damage flip. Its declared before the damage flip But it's effects are not applied till later.
  20. No order. Tengu- scheme runners are always a thing. Fuhatsu- armor two and hard to wound and a minigun. The lone swordsman- he can be in any list with any master and can dutifully kill Any thing. Oiran- hate all you want they are clutch models that have won me more than a few games. And the upgrade now makes them better. Samurai-(of jingoku) 14" 4 card flip that can trigger infinitely till something dies or you miss the trigger. Giving him fast with shenlong is a plus.
  21. You can only ever burn one stone for a So if she burns 2 she would use the second for a suit. Unless I missed some wording somewhere. But since mei feng is wp6 she would need to burn one stone anyways.
  22. Box on page 53, last paragraph. "All other effects in the game which are not Conditions always stack unless they state otherwise.
  23. Fair enough. Not saying I am right (or wrong) just pointing out why I think it is. So yeah /dance party.
  24. I guess it comes down to what is base contact. On one hand it tells us two bases are touching. Then it says when placing a marker you can't be standing on it. Which would also be base contact. So why did the rules people explicitly tell us that placing a marker in base contact can't be under it. But then just wave their hands dismissively saying oh feel free to stand on it to remove though. Squaters rights and the (1) interact action both say remove/flip a marker in base contact. Heck the action itself "...(1) interact action to place a scheme marker in base contact with itself and not...." So then when it says can't place it underneath that highly infers if not says base contact is two bases touching but not overlapping. Now what is base to base with models why can't they stand on each other? Well besides the part they are impassable. So he have base to base defined as them touching bases. Why would there be definitions of what base to base is? Those are my points.
  25. Why? All the cards are flipped at once. Also why stop heal stop? What interaction or effect does this play on the game?
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