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Everything posted by Requirement

  1. Thanks for responding. I hadn't thought of using Gorilla Glue. The effect is really nice... might try it on an Oretega... In terms of the "thickness" of your smoke, I think just a little thinner near the barrel would do the trick.
  2. I chuckle to myself a little bit every time this question gets posted. I don't chuckle at the poster, I think it's great that new people get on and ask and I think it's a legit question. I laugh because every time three things happen: People say "I prefer {blank}," someone directs to PullMyFinger, someone says "Get whichever one you like most." Granted, they are all three very realistic things to respond with, I just get a chuckle every time. That being said, no one has gone the last option, so I will. Get whichever one you like the most. Be aware of the extra models you will need, be aware that some masters have a pretty high learning curve, and be aware how you want to play. I personally buy models I want to paint, then struggle to get my mind around how they work. Another option is to get in touch with the Henchman in your area, see if they will let you use one of their demo crews(they will... they have to... and likely want to) and see which one you like best out of their crews. That saves you the investment of going for something you aren't ultimately happy with or might open your eyes to a crew you hadn't thought of yet.
  3. If it makes you feel any better I have been talking about this thread since it was posted... just hadn't commented... *grins* I am very excited. This will be my first GenCon and I can't wait to actually meet some of the people from the forum.
  4. This came up in my game last night. Trying to Violation of Magic Ryle to deny points and retain a model. Violation of magic is a Wp resist and my opponent called shenanigans on my targeting Ryle. I see his point. But Ryle's ability is a severe drawback to an "in crew" cast. Like you said Cadilon, it seems unfair that I couldn't target my own model with something that has a Wp resist due to Breach Psychosis(Or even ItI...)
  5. Machine Puppet would be so brokenly overpowered if you ended up with :rams :rams Like awesomely overpowered.
  6. Without waking the girlfriend to look at cards, Machine Puppet on Hoffman's card should point you in the right direction. Couldn't help myself, got the cards, looked them over. I now have no idea. Machine Puppet gives them :rams and Critical Strike so the only thing I can think of is gaining Critical Strike through some other means...
  7. Like I said, I have been overall happy with Wyrd's stuff. That being said, most the constructs I have recieved make me want to pull my hair out... tiny pieces, poor casting, a million pieces. Granted, they are awesome models, so I can't complain too much...
  8. Pinning the Peacekeeper is a necessity. He literally won't stay together otherwise. At 12 pieces, I think he was a little more daunting in theory than in practice. Most the problems I had with the Peacekeeper was the cast. I haven't ever seen another Peacekeeper in person, so I can't speak to the quality everyone else received, but mine was pretty terrible. Mold lines everywhere, pieces that don't really fit together (I mentioned the triangles for attaching the hands, no single piece fit into another piece), poor detail quality. Once I got the pieces all lined up I had to spend another few days sanding/filing/steel-wooling/hobby knifing details back in just to get him up to snuff. I hope for your sake that yours is even a tiny bit better. To let everyone know, this is a one-off experience of poor quality for me with Wyrd. Everything else I have ever gotten from them was within an expected limit of quality, usually next to perfect... just the regular old clean up required. Edit(add-in): And in the end I decided to go with a different set up of the arms than the picture anyway to get two sets of claws attacking on the model... you know, with paired claws and all...
  9. The models look great! I can't wait to see more finished stuff from you guys.
  10. I for one(having not read any of your works) hope you the best. Call me a champion of the underdog, but I appreciate putting yourself out there.
  11. Hahahaha. The best way I found was to put the smoke stacks on the back and the weird gear leg holder on the bottom. From there it was a matter of working out which hand went to which arm (the triangles, though they didn't fit into one another, were fairly helpful in figuring out which hand might have gone places.) I would say find the gun/arm combo first, then work out the other three... using the box as reference. You saved the box right? I guess that could have been the first step; "Step one: Save the box." I don't know of any blogs or videos and I really should have documented putting mine together. I know he's quite the beast (construct?) but he is well worth putting together... for Hoffman's sake.
  12. Heroscape was the first miniatures game I played... kind of a great introduction. I would say the only problem I see in your rules would be that masters would end up with very few soulstones.
  13. I think he looks damn fine, good job.
  14. Being Book 1 Guild he is pretty specialized as an "anti-resser" model. Like you said though, this lends him well to a "many squishy minions" situation. Having a minimum 4 dmg lends quite well to this as his StD action likely will kill a minion making full use of Love The Job.
  15. And soon all errata will be contained in an all encompassing "Errata Page" per the New Wyrd Resolutions. Edit: Also, once the new cards are available, you can always order them from the online store for $.25.
  16. Student of Conflict with the Executioner would be pretty good. The Executioner somehow always manages to let me down somehow (couldn't kill a Malifaux Rat as a Slow To Die...) but I always want so much from him.
  17. Add the Drill Seargent. His (Link) ability and his boosts make him well worth hiring (and buying!)
  18. A Tuesday it would probably be. Maybe in a few weeks me and a buddy could head over.

  19. Hahaha. I managed to paint exactly zero models while unemployed for three months. What a bum waste of time.
  20. Beautiful start! Can't wait to see more.
  21. All your models look really good. I for one think it's ok that the Canine Remains aren't perfectly lined up color-scheme-wise. Someday you will probably buy a different resser master and ultimately use your Remains with them as well, so now they will not look extra out of place.
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