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Everything posted by Ausplosions

  1. I've certainly won more games with Nico than I have ever lost. To be honest, and anyone who has played me would attest to this I'm sure, Nico is actually the most adaptive master in the Resser faction. He is the only one who can effectively pull out the right minion for the right circumstance. Seamus is certainly the 'weakest' in my opinion. Collect Nico all you want. Maybe I'lll be able to give you tips for once... *wink* But I certainly don't think he is the weakest, not by a long shot. ---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ---------- This I agree with. He can do a lot, but you need to know when to do what with him. Seamus' tactics to me seem to be much more limited..
  2. Or course it's after, otherwise it makes no sense.
  3. correct, Nico could have Von Schill and summon a Rogue Necromancy.
  4. No-one said that. The losing player in a Duel can choose to, in this order, Cheat Fate and then, (if they wish) use a Soulstone. The winning player can then choose to do the same. But if the first (losing) player decides not to cheat, he cannot then use a soulstone after the other (winning) player has cheated fate/used a soulstone. The only exception to all this is when a player is casting a spell. In that instance the caster must set the total (by Cheating fate/using soulstones) before the opponent can resist (who can then cheat fate/use soulstones)..
  5. But she is not a witchling, she handles witchling stalkers. So ut makes sense she doesnt have the witchling characyeristic. Silurids ARE silurids, so of course they have the silurid characteristic, otherwise how would unstable evolution have worked prior to book 3?
  6. Because they are close together before they move away?
  7. Yes, it can die from protect. It is not being damaged by it's own spell, it is being damaged by the enemy.
  8. Levi card says THIS model may only hire blah blah blah. So the "effect" is on Levi. His pariah ability effects him. Not others. No need to get snippy because you read a certain tone in my text.
  9. The problem is that Nicodems ability states that he may gain the Undead characteristic when affected by talents and spells that effect undead. Levi's hiring restrictions effect Levi, not Nicodem, and not undead. He's hiring them, not affecting them. He is affecting his own hiring restrictions.
  10. Rafkin & 3-4 dogs. Poison dogs. Activate dogs. Dogs die. You have Corpse Counters. Or read this: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Nicodem
  11. And slow does not stack, So Hoffman can use it on an already slow construct.
  12. Indeed. Q, I think you've been overruled. ;-)
  13. I play Leveticus. He can take any Soulless, construct or Undead model. By your reasoning I could take in one crew a Rogue Necromancy, Wicked Dolls, the Soulstone miner, Ryle, etc, etc. You Don't get to ignore the SF rules unless your hiring rules specifically state that you do. Your interpretation of Arcanist Ties is wrong.
  14. Thanks for the tips guys. Will have more pics you soon.
  15. They are talking about Thoughts Twisted, not Black Blood.
  16. Cheers for all the kind words! I've another Necropunk WIP that has pulled the graveyard fence apart and is coming through, wielding the posts like weapons.
  17. Remember you can only choose to draw Spells, not other duels.
  18. Cheers!! I'm quite proud if some of my bases. Yeah, still getting used to watering down paints. Is the trick to have it quite thin, and the higlight that colour a few times, working up to the brightness I'm after? I struggle to find the line.between to watery and too thick. I mix my paints than add a few drops of water to the pallette till it's a decent consistency. Although the more layers i do means longer painting time which means my pallette is drying. So I try and get it done quickly... any tips? As for Rafkin, the smear is P3 Sanguine base mixed with Khador red, watered down and brushed lightly with an older brush till I got that look. And also, any tips on getting better photos/lighting? ---------- Post added at 12:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ----------
  19. So I've never really painted before, but Wyrd minis are begging to be painted. So heres the beginnings of my first crew: comments/criticisms most certainly wanted. My Rafkin proxy. Group Photo
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