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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. In tournaments, PDFs are not legal. And since there are been no new cards added to the shop since book 2, they want you to get the models if you want the cards.
  2. Malifaux Mark style, is that better than Malifaux Gangnam style? We will soon find out.
  3. Looks like some small point encounters. Why is the group not playing larger sized games?
  4. I like it! Not sure why people are so afraid to play a game without a master. If the master gave all models within 6" a +1 Wp or let them reflip a flip on a duel or anything like that, then yes, don't take my master! But masters in malifaux do nothing more that slaughter crews on their own (like Lilith and the Viks) or buff CERTAIN models (like Nicodem or Colette). All you lose by taking no master is one slightly unbalanced model that was free in the first place. Enjoy your game, good sir (or miss) and let me know how it goes.
  5. You got to be kidding on that, no way that is true. Experience and inexperience in the game is a factor, that is true, but it is not all the factors. Most of the players in my group are casual players and know their stuff. They run the same factions all the time so they know their stuff. Some of the players are very competitive and never hold back on their games. What is the point, you ask? Even the casual gamers who might be trying something new for the tournament are just as fast if not faster than the competitive players. You throw some competitive players in a high stakes tournament and yeah, they are going to slow to a newbies pace. When a place in the master is at stake, you don't just activate a model and use those 2 ap. No, they over think it, look at everything on the table, gauge distances to other models, do a quick number crunch on the odds of completing their action, think about what effects will affect the other models on the table if the action fails or successes. I don't think there needs to be anything done to the time or rules for tournaments. You know what you are going into weeks, if not months beforehand. New or veteran, experienced or inexperienced, tournaments are what they are. The new guy trying out the Guild for the first time is not going any faster or slower than the veteran Neverborn player who has to make sure all 8vp are in lock down every activation.
  6. Fetid Strumpet should be in here any minute now. Until then, here is my 2 cents. I really don't think Molly needs extra models to help her in a 'Collodi and his dolls' way. Not only does this not really fit Molly's fluff, they really would not be of much help. Molly reallys need to drop a crow or two on her spells. In a crew, no, faction that needs every 7+ crow they can get, Molly's need for them doesn't leave much for any other models in her crew. No one but Neverborn are allowed to have an ability that affects all other models, but if Necrotic Spray could hurt living and dead, maybe non living, would be awesome. Crooligans would also be much better if "the mist" was a 0 cast spell. Over all, I love Molly and it would be great if she was changed up a little. She is just plain fun to play and teams up well with Seamus, she only for the fact she is a little over priced. When you compare her to all the other henchmen, that is the reason she has pitiful ablility. There is hope in that she is getting other 'horrors' soon, that is unless they were talking about Yin.
  7. No need to worry, fellow malifauxian. It is just the time of year. My gaming group has also boiled down to about 5 players from 12 normally. Even Bill on Gamer's Lounge talked about his group getting a little low on players, so if a famous guy like Bill is low on players, you know it is just the time of year. Holidays and school are common killers for numbers in a gaming group this time of year.
  8. Von Schill was designed to help all crews, even ones that may not need him. I'm looking at you Lilith and Zorida.
  9. One day, one day. I look forward to seeing the malifaux museum, will all the display table set up. One for every strategy!
  10. Welcome to Malifaux! You picked a great time to join in! Book 4 is almost completely released, story encounter packs should be on their way, and long awaited Passport to Malifaux should start some time next year (that is just all me saying that, nothing offical). Malifaux is like a fine wine, just getting better with time.
  11. Where is the "Like" button again? Thumbs up for the Read or Die reference.
  12. Well, book 5 would be out before the RPG, but I can totally see the two systems blending at times. Maybe book 5 would have some of the creature encounters from the RPG as a sneak preview. Or book 5 could be the campaign system for Malifaux games!
  13. Ok, ok. I will take a swing at this. Of coarse I would have to join the Resurrestionist. That is where all the cool kids are. I would have a zombie hoard at my command, but not just any zombie, augmented zombies. Zombies feel no pain, and will most likely try and grab or maul someone, so why not work with that? Wrap them in barbed wire, remove their hands and replace them with just a bundle of rusty knives, or fill them with poisonous chemicals and gases so even if they can't make it to combat, they are still doing something. Get some pretty faces and sneaky guys to help with getting more bodies and there you go.
  14. While true you do need to take seishin, Kirai is by no mean the master with less models in her crew. One of the comments we always make about our Kirai player (that not being me, just sounds wierd) is that if you are playing 25 soul stones, he is playing 40. Kirai's abilities to summon are top notch. I almost never see our player fail to cast a summon and by end of turn 2, is almost doubled his model count. So low soul stone don't really hurt Kirai much. This is even more true when that 8 soul stone model only cost you 2 soul stones.
  15. Kirai is the whole reason I picked the Resurrectionist faction. Only problem was she was really hard to find in my area so she was the last master I have picked up. I hope to get her finished before the year and get some games in with her before malifaux dries up in my area. I will have to chat with a friend who has because quite good with her and have him post up some stuff.
  16. General topics? That were all the cool kids hang out? Wish, I was cool...
  17. Yeah, Neverborn kinda got ripped off. All they got were 5 models, but the guild get 7. And they both cost the same. It is ok either way, I only play Resurrectionist.
  18. Am I the only here wondering who the fat gremlin in a santa hat off to one side is? Looks like teddy on the other side.
  19. Guess I will do it since no one else is. IN YOUR FACE NEVERBORN!
  20. So the campaign has been over for a week and everything got all wrapped up nice and near. So was the campaign as cool as you think it was? Well, here is a breif report. There were a total of ten people playing. Two Guild, four Outcast, one Neverborn, two Arcanist, and one Ten Thunder. There was also me playing the Resurrectionist (as usual). The campaign started out pretty random. First couple games, everyone would split up and head off to get their own clues. They soon found out that splitting up was a bad idea. Flipping a low enemy can get you swarmed very quickly. It was soon pointed out by the Ten Thunder's player that you should not flip clue markers unless you got the cards to cheat if you flip a clue. As the campaign went on, toward the end, it started to become an every man for himself rush. Everyone really seemed to enjoy the campaign and hopefully some of them on the forum will toss their comments on here also. There was only one player that did not like the format, but he had just got into Malifaux and had not got to that point some players do where they want something different. So there you go. Try it out, enjoy, and if you don't like something, change it. Malifaux is your game, enjoy it.
  21. Well I bet Bill didn't ask what his favorite food was. That is the stuff gamers really want to know about.
  22. I pick Neverborn. Nothing in Malifaux causes as much grief as that ability, wait..that is not an ability.
  23. Plus the henchmen box sets are even cheaper when you figure in the henchmen cache. Of coarse, a henchmen box is much different than a master box. I figure they did it with the Lynch box, why not the McCabe box (as far as model count).
  24. Not a bad list, depending on the strat. Looks pretty solid.
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