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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Dates: February 12th Time: Encounters will start 6pm Cost: $5 Every year around Valentine’s day, something always seems to happen. Someone is always trying to win the love of Malifaux’s lovely ladies. This year is no different. Seems like young Mr. Archytas has taken a liking for Miss Step. Winning over this lady is not going to be easy, but with a little help from some Enforcers and Leveticus, it could be a Valentine to remember. This event is an Enforcer Brawl, but with a twist. Players do not earn VP, but must try to take out four guardian NPC, collect their keys, and be the first to make it to Miss Step’s clockwork heart. Each player may bring their favorite Enforcer model with one legal Upgrade. Cards start flipping at 6pm.
  2. Personally, I am going with wood or concrete (depends on the Mats by Mars mat I get) with warehouse bits on the bases. I have always loved the story of the masters meeting together in the warehouse in book one. One of the reasons I like Lynch so much.
  3. Finally got around to posting what I am painting this month. This will also count for an achievement for our league, so two birds with one stone.
  4. Wow, wyrd is really starting to make a showing at adepticon.
  5. There is always the multi part models as well.
  6. What is everyone thinking about the 3ss guild guard? Four of them for 12ss is not really too bad, but I have not tried McCabe yet.
  7. No, the models in the starter are more an intro to wyrd minis. From separate feet to glueing on a face to poses that don't fit the bases, you get the full welcome to malifaux. I have a member of my community that would not play the game if I didn't assembly his models.
  8. I need to get some pics of my stuff up. Should have some time now the holidays are over.
  9. Happy year everyone! I am really looking forward to getting in some painting and chatting it up with fellow painters.
  10. 27 people, looks like fun. Can't wait to get some painting done and interacting with the community.
  11. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Dates: January 8st through 29th Time: Encounters will start 6pm Cost: None It is time to achieve greatness with the start of a new year! Bring out your favorite models and try out the new Gaining Grounds 2018 rules and do your best to get as many achievements as you can. Players will each get a league achievement sheet and a new list each Monday to try and score the most points. Players will earn Script based on earning the most points in each category. Should be a great time and good way to start off the year.
  12. Got to keep those details and undercuts.
  13. Here was round four for those following along The Hogfather Suggested by @Bakuriel Deployment Standard Set up Place one 30mm Hogfather marker in the center of the table. This marker is Ht2, Blocking, Impassible. Place 2 50mm Row of Teeth markers along the center line, 6” from the center of the table. These markers are Impassible. Unconventional Terrain “It doesn’t work here, there is no death here” Anytime any model is killed or sacrificed, it is not killed or sacrificed. Instead, heal all damage and remove all conditions on the model and then remove it. During the Upkeep phase, place the model in play anywhere in its crew’s deployment zone. Models removed this way leave no corpse or scrap makers in play. Special So long as there any Row of Teeth markers in play, the 6” area around the center of the table counts as Ht10, Blocking, Impassible. Any model may declare Attack Actions against the Row of Teeth markers, counting the TN of the duel as 14. If a attack is successful, replace the marker with a 40mm Row of Teeth marker. If a 40mm Row of Teeth maker is successfully attacked, it is replaced with a 30mm Row of Teeth marker. If a Row of Teeth marker is successfully attacked, is it removed. Victory At the end of the every turn after the first, a crew gains 1VP if at least one model is within 3” of the Hogfather marker.
  14. I once ran a league using the encounters from the crossroad book. The ones about the paintings was good, got pretty crazy.
  15. I have been waiting for this to show up, but I think it is too late to get that day off. I have been looking forward to a trip to Lincoln. You guys have fun.
  16. I run story encounters all the time and my community likes them. Adds a little something more to a normal encounter of Malifaux.
  17. I am going to try this again next year. With me going Ten Thunder only, it will help me get things painted. I am going with Master level.
  18. No, the question was faction allying with faction. It would be fluff wise more than anything. Like the fact neverborn would never ally with ressers, maybe if the world was ending. Just a topic to talk about to talk about more than anything. I understand some masters would not, but more the ideas of the factions as a whole allying with other factions.
  19. This is pure fancy, nothing serious, just a topic of discussion. If there was rules for allies within the factions, whom would ally with who? Again, before the usual suspects pop in with snide comments, I am not looking for ally rules in the game. Just wondering what factions do you think would work with each other if they had to.
  20. Here was the second encounter: A Charlie Brown Christmas Deployment Standard Set Up Place one 30mm Sad Tree marker in the center of table. This marker is Impassible. Special On the first turn, the First player must place a 30mm Charlie Brown marker in base contact with the Sad Tree marker. This marker is Ht1, Blocking, Impassible. Any model within 3” of the Charlie Brown marker treat all 1’s flipped as Black Jokers. During the Upkeep phase, the First Player may move the Charlie Brown marker up to 6” toward the second player’s deployment zone. All models in the encounter gain the following Ability, “Df (T) Good grief: after failing, push this model 4” away from the closest model.” Once during the encounter, after Initiative is resolved, the First Player may declare the use of the following special, “Does anyone know the true meaning of Christmas?: No model may declare Attack actions or use Attack actions during this turn.” Victory At the end of every turn after the first, a crew gains 1 VP if at least one model uses the (1) Decorate while in base contact with the Sad Tree marker.
  21. Round three we got two different story encounters. One that was suggested and one made for a visit from a local. Here is the suggested one. How the Grinch stole Christmas Suggested by @TheUnseemlyOne Deployment Close Set Up Place one 30mm Grinch marker in the center of the table. This marker is Ht2, blocking, Impassible. Unconventional Terrain “He thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick” Anytime a player cheats fate, they may do so by cheating the card face down. Special The Grinch marker has the following ability: “His heart was two sizes too small: Models within 6” of the Grinch marker treat 1’s that are flipped as Black Jokers.” During the upkeep phase, place the Grinch marker 6” toward the closest model with the lowest soulstone cost. In the case of tie, the First player decides. Victory At the end of every turn after the first, a crew earns 1VP if no models in the crew dealt damage to an enemy model during its Activation. Once one crew, or both, gain 3Vp from this strategy they gain 1 more VP and neither player can score from this strategy the rest of the encounter. The Grinch marker loses the “His heart was two sizes too small” and gains the following Ability “His heart grew three sizes that day: Models within 6” of the Grinch marker treat 1’s that are flipped as Red Jokers.”
  22. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Dates: November 27th Time: The event starts at 6pm Cost: $5 After last’s Enforcer Brawl and the defeat of Turkzilla and his turkey minions, this year’s event went over quite well. The Enforcer Brawl happened and the people of Paradise Falls had a great thanksgiving. But not all was well in the small town, on the Monday following Thanksgiving, Turkzilla returned! Not only did he have his rafter of minions, but they somehow made turkey constructs as well. Fed up with the lack of control from the enforcers in town, the henchmen decide it was time to step up. Now things were going to get really real. TTM3 will be an special Enforcer Brawl where players will use their favorite henchmen model instead. Players will get 13ss to tool up the henchmen of their choice and enter the battlefield. Beware, the respawn will work a little different as well. Get ready to gobble!
  23. Here is round two: Home Alone Suggested by @Dhampir Deployment Corner Set Up Before deployment, place a 30mm Kevin Marker in the center of the table. This marker is Ht1, Blocking, Impassible. Each player then places two 40mm Homemade Trap Markers within 6” of the center of the table. These markers count as Hazardous terrain dealing 1 / 2 / 3 damage. Unconventional Terrain “The wet bandits”- At the end of every turn after the first, after scoring VP, if a crew did not earn at least 1 VP for the turn it loses 1 soulstone. Special Rules Any model that ends their activation within 3” of one or more Homemade Trap Marker suffers 0 / 1 / 2 damage. Increase the damage by +1 for every other Homemade Trap Marker within 3”. Each crew’s Master gains the following Ability for the encounter, “More violent than it is slapstick: before a model flips for damage from a Homemade Trap Marker, this model may discard a soulstone to increase the damage by +1.” At the end of every turn, after scoring VP, push all models that are within 6” of the center of the table directly away from the center until the model is 7” from the center of the table. Victory Points At the end of each Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it has at least one or more non-Peon models within engagement range of the Kevin Marker.
  24. For those that want to follow along, here is the first encounter of the league. Rudolph and the Misfit Toys Suggested by @Malistrad Deployment Blind Set up Before Deployment, each player places 2 30mm Misfit Toys markers within 2” of the centerline. These markers are Impassible. Markers may not be placed within 4” of another marker. Then place a 30mm Rudolph marker in the center of the table. This marker is Ht1, blocking, Impassible. Unconventional Terrain “Then one foggy Christmas eve…” All range and LoS is limited to 8”. No model may declare Interact actions during first turn. Special Rules Models within 6” of the Rudolph marker at the start of their activation ignore the unconventional terrain rules. During the Upkeep phase, the crew with the most models within 6” of the Rudolph marker, may place the Rudolph marker up to 6”from its current location, not into terrain or base contact with a model. Any model in base contact of a Misfit Toys marker may (1) Interact to place the marker on the model’s card. Any model with a Misfit Toys marker on their card may (1) Give Gift if within 1” of an enemy model to place the marker on the target model’s card. If a model with a Misfit Toys marker on their card leaves play, place the marker in base contact with the model before removing it. Victory Points At the end of every Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it (1) Interacted at least one Misfit Toys marker in play that turn or if at least one model used the (1) Give Gift action to place a Misfit Toys marker on an enemy model’s card.
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