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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. I am loving everything about this.
  2. Nicely done overall. Maybe something more to add to idea of the water effect? I get the idea, just is missing something.
  3. I see this and think, modern day Skyrim. Very nice.
  4. Like the over all diorama, but I am missing the theme.
  5. Wow, another great one! Love the theme here.
  6. Very nice. For miniatures, guess that really is the end of the world.
  7. What is all this now? Sounds interesting.
  8. At very first, I was going to do Perdita and family.
  9. Yeah, I was going to paint something that said was was going on, but I wanted it to feel like a display of the miniatures as miniatures not a diorama of the miniatures in a setting, if that makes sense. And yes, the whole thing is a purely for humor, I am not GW hating. Also, winning means very little to me, I just wanted to have some fun.
  10. Games Workshop buys Wyrd Miniatures, LLC!! Fate deck to be replaced with Faction dice packs Faction Codex coming soon! Steam Elements to removed and replace with sci fi! Rules will include allowing Warhammer 40k in crews and Malifaux crews to be used as Squads in 40K! Fans comment "It's the end of the world as we know it" Fan Bois comment " I feel fine, NOW shut up and take my money!!"
  11. Don't forget that May 2nd is also Free Comic day and it will be a day full of special buys! All Malifaux products will be 20%!
  12. Tips and Clues to making your crew, part 2 Interact actions are boring, so there will be none of them. This means even the Insignificant models can do the actions, but Peons will still not be that useful. Henchmen, Enforcers, and Minions in 2 will be the key to scoring.
  13. I would agree with Resserbob in that you declare one player as your opponent before the game starts. Many rules and schemes would be pretty hard if you had to count all 3 opponents in the game. But also, it can sometimes make things easier if the others team up on your target opponent. Overall, I would say that is the most fair way to do it.
  14. Wow, there is alot going on for just a 30mm base. Nice job.
  15. Seems the same as the other picture.
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