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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Soulstone Pony knew that everyone told her bad things happen, but this was a little crazy. If a pony about to be probed by three gray aliens is not a space oddity, I really have no idea what is. -laughs- This is my final entry to the Iron Painter! I made it all five rounds. It was super fun. Thanks to Wyrd for hosting this event. Thanks to the judges for the time they put in. Thanks to Supervike for being such an awesome host. Here is to next year!
  2. What happens when 3 Henchmen decide to host an event? They find that only Nuke Con can contain that epic level of gaming! Join us October 2nd to 4th for a weekend of gaming and fun! There will be open gaming and demos, a Gaining Grounds tournament, and Story Encounter. This is just the Malifaux part! There is much more to be had. Clear your calendar now and get ready for 3 days of gaming fun! The events will be held at Nuke Con. Check out all the info on the convention itself here: http://www.nuke-con.com/ It will cost $25 to enter Nuke Con, but that price gets you the whole weekend! Each event will cost $10, but if you sign up for both, you get a discount rate of $15 for both! Info on the events are as follows: Friday October 2nd. Malifaux demos and open play. Drop in and get some practice or try out a game if you never played. This will run from 5pm until 10pm. Saturday October 3rd. Gaining Grounds tournament. This will run from 12pm until 7pm. Sunday October 4th. Story Encounter tournament. This will run from 10am unitl 5pm. Both events use the following rules: 50ss, Fixed Factions, Models must be fully painted and based, Proxies will be allowed only for models that are not yet released by the time of the event. The Gaining Grounds will follow all the rules per the official rules. Strategies and schemes for both events will announced later. Any question, post up here in this thread. This just in! Dragon's Lair Comic has been so great as to sponsor a box full of prizes to the event! There are so many prizes, it will be hard to not win something! While you are in town, be sure to visit Dragon's Lair Comics for all your malifaux needs! They got the newer plastics and some hard to find classic metals also! Check them out. http://www.dragons-lair.com/
  3. Don't forget about demos at the new Game Shoppe on July 18th! Even you have played before, drop in to check out all the other events going on. Check out their facebook page for more details on the other events! https://www.facebook.com/TheGameShoppe?fref=ts
  4. I do hope everyone has been getting their games in! Today is the last day to report. What effigy will make it this time?
  5. Would it really, I mean really, make any difference if anyone died? I mean, even if they do, it will only be for the one book. By the time the next book is out, low and behold, that character is back. Killing a major character is as cliche as time itself.
  6. Wow, I came in here to ask if anyone scored any points this month and BOW! That is pretty impressive.
  7. From the Through the Breach Podcast, A Dead of Night update! What a great starting week for the Dead of Night Summer Campaign! We had quite a few entries, and the factions battled hard to power their effigys. After adding up the results and averaging them out we have determined that the Arcane Effigy was the only one to be able to dodge the Clockwork Vengeance's attack. Great job Arcanists! Continue playing your games and turning them in. This week Arcanist players get a bonus to their campaign games: Arcanist Faction Bonus: Once per turn, one non peon model from the Arcanist faction may use the following Tactical Action, “(2) Bring the Rain: Target enemy model within 12” of any table edge that is on your half of the table must pass a Df 12 test or suffer 2/ 5 / 6 damage. This attack counts as a Sh Attack Action.” Below is the first of the weekly story encounters. Beware that gun on that contraption! ----- Dead of Night Week 2 Encounter A Sure Shot Solution A blade is great for adding that personal touch when you finish someone, or something, off. There are times when you need to get the job done and get moving though. Times when a bullet is faster and gets the message across in half the time. One of those time is now. Arcanist Faction Bonus: Once per turn, one non peon model from the Arcanist faction may use the following Tactical Action, “(2) Bring the Rain: Target enemy model within 12” of any table edge that is on your half of the table must pass a Df 12 test or suffer 2/ 5 / 6 damage. This attack counts as a Sh Attack Action.” Set Up: Place one 30mm Steam Gatling Gun marker in the center of the table. Special: Any non peon model in base contact with the Steam Gatling Gun marker may (1) Interact to make the following Attack Action, “Steam Burst (Sh 5 / Rst: Df / Rg: gun 12) Target suffers 2 / 5 / 6 damage. This action’s attack flip gain + Flip.” Victory Points At the end of every Turn after the first a Crew earns 1 VP if it Killed or Sacrificed two or more enemy models during that turn with a Sh or Ca Attack Action. At the end of every Turn after the first, if a player has no models in play (buried models are not considered "in play") then her opponent earns 1 VP. A player may not earn more than 1 VP from this Strategy per Turn. ------ Thank you all for participating in the Dead of Night Summer Campaign! Tune in tomorrow for the stunning continuation of the story. Remember, your effigies need your help so continue to turn in your reports! It's not to late to start either!
  8. Getting down to the wire, wonder what effigy made it for the first week?
  9. Come celebrate the opening of a new gaming shop in Omaha, Ne! The Game Shoppe is opening a new store and there will be Malifaux demos to be had there! There will also be lots of other awesome gaming going on as they celebrate the opening weekend! You don't need anything to join in, just come on down and try out some Malifaux Where? Game Shoppe 4014 n 144th St Omaha, Ne 68166 When? Saturday July 18th Time? Demos start to fire up around 10am until 4pm Cost? Nothing! Also keep an eye out for other Malifaux events at the new Game Shoppe coming soon!
  10. Ok, the voting is over so I can tell you who Miss Ery is painted as.... it's Gloomy Bear. Google it, but be warned, it is not pretty.
  11. Did you hear the guys and gal at Through the Breach podcast are running a summer campaign? Well if you would like to join in, come on down to the Dragon's Lair and game with one of the cohost of the podcast! Help out your effigy and lead it to victory! Where? Dragon's Lair Comics 2227 N 91st plz Omaha, Ne 68104 (402)399-9141 When? Start this Saturday June 27th Time? Starts around 11am until 4pm Cost? Nothing Here is a link to the episode, as well as the rules, on Through the Breach podcast: http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?cat=3
  12. Well I hope you find a new job quickly!
  13. Awesome! You need to make the other two Terror Tots into the other starter pokemon, that would be awesome.
  14. Is that a ninja Pinkie Pie? I love it!
  15. Love this piece! Great job. Baby Kade throws it off for me, but love the Hello Kitty Miss Ery cosplay.
  16. Very nice and awesome theme. Great job.
  17. Very bright and colorful! I do like it.
  18. Wow. This is one entry I truly like. Great job.
  19. So awesome! If I knew this is what you were aiming for, I would have told you to check out Monsterpoclse. There would have been buildings and tanks in perfect scale.
  20. That is awesome! Great job.
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